Chapter 21

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Chibs had an idea. Neither he nor Happy really wanted her to go to Stockton even with an escort. She would probably refuse it at first but he thought they should go and find her a good camera and laptop and gift it to her for college. Even if Happy didn't want to go, he would. She needed the equipment, he didn't want her going back to Stockton, and he wanted to support her in any way he could. When everyone was getting ready to go to work at the auto shop for the day, he brought it up with Happy. The Killah didn't like spending excessively but he did want to support Noelle.

Chibs told him they could head out after work and get to the store before they closed and pick up what she needed. Happy grunted in agreement before walking off to get his work day started. Clay sat back on the phone with Alvarez discussing their mutual enemy of this new rival gang that was popping up in Oakland. They were a threat to both the Mayans and the Sons and the two biker leaders were discussing what to do about it. Gemma was in her office going over repo paperwork for that day.

With everyone going to work, Noelle left to head home. She looked over at Happy who was bent inside a car and smiled. The day passed slowly. She didn't have any housework or laundry to do. Just making her meals and cleaning the kitchen. The boys just worked on cars all day only stopping for lunch and smoke breaks. When five pm rolled around, Happy and Chibs quickly showered and hopped on their bikes. Gemma wondered where they were going. Clay huffed as he lit up a cigar. Jax watched them leave wondering if some club business had come up. Upon asking Clay, the white-haired biker just shrugged his shoulders and said nothing had come up that he knew about.

Chibs and Happy made the half hour drive into Stockton to the biggest electronics store there was and parked. They walked in and headed to their respective departments. Happy was to pick out her new laptop while Chibs was getting her camera. Each had a store employee help them out not knowing what a young college student might need. Chibs was rather satisfied with what he was shown and happily told the guy he'd take it along with a case so it wouldn't get messed up as she took it to and from class.

Happy wasn't having as much luck. The guy kept trying to sell him all the more expensive laptops and he didn't think she needed quite a powerful machine. Chibs finally made his way to where Happy was growling at the employee and sighed. The Scotsman explained what they were looking for and that they didn't need anything more powerful. The employee sighed and showed them some of their more moderate machines. Happy grunted as he looked them over hoping to find one that would be good enough for her. Chibs found one he liked and suggested they take it.

Happy bought it begrudgingly along with a case. It was more than what he was really wanting to spend but it was for Noelle so he made an exception. Having their purchases, they headed back out to their bikes and set their stuff in their saddle bags. The whole way to the clubhouse, since she was already at work, Happy hoped she wouldn't get to mad at them for buying her what she needed for school. He wanted to support her. To take care of her even if she thought she could take care of herself. Crow eaters were already showing up and it added to Happy's foul mood. Both men put their purchases in their rooms before heading back out into the clubhouse.

"Where did you two run off to after work?" Jax asked.

"T' get Noelle what she needed for school." Chibs replied making the blond look between the two men.

"Oh." Jax stated.

"She needs it and buying it herself will put a strain on her finances. Even though she'll fight us on taking gifts." Happy explained.

"How thoughtful." Jax said making Happy glance over at him to see the blond smirking at him.

"Shut it, Jax." Happy grunted.

The next day Chibs and Happy made their way to Noelle's house when they figured she'd be up. She opened the door with a huff until she saw who was standing there. Moving to let them in, she didn't realize they had bags until they sat down. 'What the hell is this?' she thought as she sat back down where she'd been before. Happy looked over at Chibs to start the conversation. The Scotsman just sighed as he finally turned to Noelle.

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