Chapter 49

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Noelle began to do a little baby shopping of her own on the weekends. She found a cute nursery set when Gemma took her out shopping one weekend. It was exactly as she had envisioned for the nursery. Gemma urged her to purchase everything she needed so Noelle did. Happy had painted the walls the same green color as what was on the furniture so she knew it would go good with what her husband was doing in the nursery. It made Gemma happy to see Noelle so excited about the baby after seeing her so torn up and freaked out when she first found out.

After work every night, Happy worked on the baby's suite. When Noelle came home with the nursery furniture, he put it all together and set it where Noelle wanted it to go. He'd put up wall décor on each wall and got the mobile she'd found up on the crib. She always told him what an amazing job he'd done with the nursery making him puff his chest out and smile at her. He was thrilled she was happy with what he'd done for their baby. Looking around once the room was complete gave him a sense of satisfaction.

Happy's mother, Maria, kept bugging him to bring her back down for a visit, so before Noelle couldn't ride on his bike any longer, he finally took her back down to Bakersfield to see his mother and meet his aunt

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Happy's mother, Maria, kept bugging him to bring her back down for a visit, so before Noelle couldn't ride on his bike any longer, he finally took her back down to Bakersfield to see his mother and meet his aunt. Maria had a meal waiting on them when they arrived knowing Noelle should eat. Happy told his mother she didn't have to do that but she insisted. She hugged her daughter-in-law tightly and told her how happy she'd made her with making her a grandmother. She then turned to her sister and introduced Sophia to Noelle who was pulled into a tight hug.

"It takes a strong woman to deal with this stubborn boy." Sophia chuckled as she hugged Noelle.

"It took a special man to break down the walls I'd put up." Noelle retorted earning a smile from Maria.

The matriarch ushered everyone to the dining room so they could eat. She wanted to spoil her daughter-in-law making Happy laugh. His three favorite women in one place made his heart swell with pride. He sat quietly as his mother, aunt, and wife all sat around talking about the baby, the nursery, what they thought it was going to be, names that they hadn't really talked about, and the two older women giving Noelle advice on parenting and the birth. Maria was glad to hear Happy had done the nursery and not let Noelle help since it would have put a strain on her and the younger woman didn't need that. Happy told his mother he had been raised better than that earning a wide smile from Maria.

Noelle was laughing at stories of Happy as a baby and toddler making the Killah shake his head and blush slightly. Despite being embarrassed by his mother and aunt, he didn't mind because they were all getting along and seemed to enjoy spending time together. The whole day was spent either sharing stories or giving advice. Happy promised the first chance they got, they'd bring the baby by for a visit. When Noelle began to get tired, Happy decided they should head home. It was a long ride back to Charming, after all. Maria and Sophia both hugged Noelle tightly and told her to make Happy bring her back by as soon as she could making her laugh and promise.

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