Chapter 47

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Happy was pounding on the door yelling for her to let him in. She just turned on the TV and ignored him. When Clay called for church, Chibs walked down to the dorms and let Happy know. Happy growled at the door before walking away. Chibs slapped him on the back and told him to give the lass some time and she'd come around. Clay had Juice explain all the intelligence he'd uncovered about The Devil's Rejects. As they sat around the reaper table, they talked about how to get their revenge and make them pay for their attack on the clubhouse. Several ideas were tossed around before they decided on a course of action.

With it being a unanimous decision, Clay slammed the gavel down and told everyone to get to work at the auto shop. Happy needed a distraction from Noelle. He hated fighting with her but needed to keep her and his child safe no matter the cost. Even if it meant fighting with her like this. Chibs put his cigarette out and headed out into the shop to get to work with everyone else. Happy's marital problems at the back of his mind as he started working on a newer Nissan that had been giving him fits the day before. Noelle refused to come out of the dorm room all day.

Gemma had tried coaxing her out, Lyla had tried, Tara had tried. She dug her heels in and flat out refused. It made Gemma sigh at how stubborn the woman was being but she expected nothing less from Happy's 'ol lady. It wasn't until Gemma knocked on her door and told her dinner was ready did Noelle finally exit her room, keeping the key with her so he couldn't sneak in and take it. She stood in line and silently waited her turn to make herself a plate. Instead of eating with the others, she headed straight back to the dorm room, being sure to lock the door behind her.

Happy looked around hoping to see his 'ol lady but Gemma told him she'd taken her dinner back to her room and that she hadn't been out of the room except to make a plate. He ran his hand over his face hating that she was this upset with him. He didn't understand how she didn't get he was just trying to keep her safe. Why she didn't understand the danger she was truly in with this threat. He plopped down at a table and sighed before digging into his dinner. He had the prospect bring a glass and a bottle of his favorite whiskey. "Addin' alcohol t' the mix isn't goin' t' 'elp in talkin' t' 'er." Chibs advised when he sat down with the Killah.

"She's acting like a stubborn brat." Happy growled.

"The lass is...remember she's never 'ad any real structure in 'er life other than what she created for 'erself. She wants t' be independent and make 'er own way." Chibs stated.

"We're in lockdown for a reason. Why can't she understand that?" Happy hissed at his brother as Tig sat down with them.

"She's...I think she just wants to prove she's as tough as any of these other 'ol ladies. Remember, she's way younger than most women here." Tig put his two cents into the conversation.

"That's a good point, Tigger." Chibs nodded.

Happy sighed making his brothers look at him.

"She's making it difficult for me to keep them safe." Happy stated.

Chibs just smiled at him before turning back to his dinner.

"Clay wants everyone tonight." Jax walked up and told the trio.

"Ya got it, Jackie Boy." Chibs replied.

"We head out after we eat." Jax stated before walking over to Opie and Ratboy.

Noelle was watching TV after she finished eating. She had no clue what was going on in the main room. Despite being angry with her husband, she did worry about him and what the club was going to do to get the lockdown lifted. It was getting late so she decided to head to bed. She'd already changed into her long tank top looking nightgown so she just snuggled under the covers and closed her eyes. Pounding on her door made her bolt upright in bed. One of the other 'o ladies said her presence was being requested and it was urgent. Noelle groaned but slid out of bed and followed her into the clubhouse. She looked around and saw nearly everyone was sporting some kind of injury.

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