Chapter 60

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The next morning Happy was tending to a cranky Jagger while Noelle was making breakfast for everyone. Pancakes, pan sausage, and biscuits. She'd already set the table. There was the jug of OJ and a carafe of coffee sitting out for people as they woke up. Happy finally put Jagger in his highchair then moved into the kitchen and slid his arms around his wife's waist. As she was trying to pay attention to her pancakes, he was nibbling on her neck making her giggle. "Stop it! You're gonna make me burn breakfast!" she faux scolded him making him push himself into her.

Despite having a one-year old, their sex life sure hadn't slowed down any. She was sure it was because Happy was such an engaged father that she didn't have to do everything all the time. He pitched in and did stuff too which eased the strain on her. Of course, seeing him with his son made her insides do backflips and made her want him all the more. Josh greeted the pair as he entered the kitchen. Noelle bid him good morning and told him where the coffee cups were at. He picked up two and headed back to the dining table where the coffee was at. Happy grabbed himself a cup and followed their guest.

Trisha appeared soon after fully dressed after getting a quick shower. Janie was still passed out on the couch snoring. Trisha went to wake her daughter up earning a few grunts and mumbles until her mother told her breakfast was nearly done. Janie sat up rubbing her eyes making her father and Happy laugh. Josh explained that they were going to be hitting the road after breakfast making Janie pout. He thanked Noelle for showing them around and letting them stay the night but they wanted to get up the road and back to their vacation. Janie wanted to argue to stay a few more days but her parents refused. Noelle thanked them for the visit and told them they were welcome to stay anytime.

After breakfast, Happy was in the living room watching Jagger while Noelle was out by her friend's parents' car saying her goodbyes. Janie thought her son was the most adorable baby ever. Trisha was just happy she had made a good life for herself despite being married to a biker. Josh was happy she was with someone who was treating her right and showing her the respect she deserved. After hugging everyone, she watched them climb into their car and back out of their space. She remained outside until they were no longer seen in the driveway. With a deep breath, she headed back inside to her son and husband.

"They seemed nice." Happy stated.

"They took me in when they didn't have to. They taught me things they didn't have to. They helped me get what I needed when they didn't have to. For three years they were the only family I had. I'll always love them." She replied.

"Come here and let me cheer you up." Happy told her.

"Who said I needed cheering up?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Little girl, I can hear it in your voice." He told her.

She just smiled up at him before standing up and walking over to where he sat. He quickly pulled her onto his lap making her bite her lip. Instantly his lips found her neck nibbling and suckling at the soft flesh making her moan ever so slightly. He knew she loved it which is why he did it. He loved hearing her moaning because of him. As they sat there kissing and nibbling, his growing problem began to become more and more apparent. He was about to suggest heading to their bedroom when his pre-paid rang. He grunted as he dug it out of his pocket and gruffly asked "What?" It made her giggle as he spoke to whoever had called him.

"Fuck." He stated when he shut his phone.

"What?" She trailed her fingers down his chest.

"Gotta go. Club business came up. Stay at the house and keep all the doors locked." He told her.

"Is there a lockdown coming?" She inquired.

"I'd prepare for one just in case." He stated as he moved her off his lap.

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