Chapter 36

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Happy took their bag back to the house while he waited for the guy to be released from the hospital. Despite the GSW to the shoulder, he was itching to get ahold of this guy and teach him a lesson about messing with his family. Chibs had Jax contact Tara and ask her to get some pain medicine for Happy because the Killah was going to need it after he was through with what he was going to do to the guy who'd shot him. Tara promised to have him something when she got off work.

It was after lunch before the guy was released from the hospital. Chibs and Juice took the van and headed straight for St Thomas to pick up Chuck while Happy made his way to the cabin. Jax wasn't too sure it was even safe for Happy to be riding with his wound but the Tacoma Killah was determined to make Chuck suffer for shooting him and scaring his 'ol lady. The blond biker wasn't going to stand in his way. The whole ride to the cabin, Happy thought about what all he was going to do to him with a sadistic grin.

When Noelle got out of school later that afternoon, the same prospect that had escorted her to school was escorting her back to Teller-Morrow. She'd hoped that they would get to go home now that things had supposedly been taken care of. She parked her car, leaving her bags inside, and walked towards the clubhouse to find her 'ol man. Chibs was sitting at a table smoking a cigarette when she entered the clubhouse with the prospect.

"Lass, Happy's in 'is dorm. 'e's taken a good pain pill and 'e's sleeping. 'e's fine but today 'as stressed 'is injury. 'e should be alright t' 'ead back t' your place tomorrow." Chibs explained.

"How did he stress his injury?" She tilted her head.

"Don't worry about that, love. 'e'll be fine, though. I promise." Chibs smiled at her.

She sighed as she moved to sit down with him.

"I worry so much about him." Noelle confessed.

"You're a good 'ol lady, Noelle. Hap's a strong bastard. 'e'll 'eal up just fine and be good as new. I promise." Chibs told her.

"I can't help but worry about him. I care so much for the stubborn ass. (Chibs smiled at how she phrased him) I don't know how he's gotten me to fall for him the way he is half the time." She stated.

"That's just Hap, Darlin'." Jax stated as he walked over.

She sighed again, "I get it. I mean, I wouldn't change him for anything. He's the only one in the world who cares enough about me to be such an ass about my safety or worry about me driving myself to school with a casted leg."

"It's 'is way o' showin' ya he cares for ya." Chibs explained.

"I know. I just... (she sighed) ...when he was scared me so much. I could have lost him." Noelle explained.

"You're not used to this life yet, that's all." Jax stated, "It can be scary and it's full of danger. But we protect our own. You're Happy's 'ol lady so you're protected too. Never forget that."

She smiled over at the blond and promised she wouldn't. Standing up, she told the pair she was going to check on Happy. Chibs smiled at her as she left. She cautiously opened the door and stepped inside. Happy was laying on his back with his uninjured arm behind his head, the covers barely covering his hips, snoring lightly. The sight made her smile as she stood there staring at him. She walked over, planted a kiss to his forehead, then quietly left the room so he could rest in peace.

Chibs watched as she walked out to her car and grabbed a bags. She returned as Tig was walking into the clubhouse. The SAA stared at her ass as she walked in front of him. She found a seat at one of the empty tables and began getting notebooks out of her book bag. Tig sat down with Chibs and Jax then waved the prospect over for a beer as he watched Noelle studying. She kept to herself as she sat there going over her notes and tried things out on her camera. Tig made a comment about her making Chibs smack him. "She's Hap's 'ol lady, brother!" Chibs scolded the SAA.

Noelle stayed where she was studying until it was dinner time. Chibs had the prospect and Juice go fetch dinner for those who were still at the clubhouse. Gemma and Clay had gone home. Jax and Bobby had gone home. Chibs, Happy, and Noelle were the only ones actually staying at the clubhouse. Juice picked up dinner for himself as well since he lived alone. When the two bikers came back with everyone's food, Noelle went to go wake up Happy. He was just the way she'd left him and it made her smile. She walked up to the bed and stared down at her 'ol man.

"Happy? Happy, baby, you gotta wake up. Dinner's here." Noelle gently shook the tall, tattooed man.

"Mi reina..." Happy mumbled as he began to stir making her tilt her head at him quizzically.

He had never spoke in Spanish before that she ever knew. It confused her as to what he'd said. She knew 'Mi' was 'my'. The other word confounded her.

"Happy? Baby, dinner's been delivered. You need to eat. It'll help make you feel better." Noelle stated more firmly this time.

She watched as his eyes fluttered open and he turned his head to look at her. She gave a smile as he grunted something at her. Once more, she told him dinner was there and that he needed to eat. He swung his legs off the bed feeling a bit dizzy. He grabbed for her to help steady himself making her move closer to him. "I'm here, baby. Whatever you need." she stated as he sat there for a moment. When the dizziness passed, he stood to grab his jeans from the desk. She moved to hand his clothes to him earning another grunt. He sat back down once his jeans were on he reached down to put his boots on. She stood by with his white t-shirt.

He pulled her in between his legs and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head against her chest. She kissed the top of his head as he sat there. His hands moved down to grab her ass making her giggle. She cupped both sides of his face and turned his head so they were looking at one another. With a soft smile, she leaned down and gently pressed her lips to his. He gave her ass another squeeze as he began to deepen the kiss. She pulled away and shook her head. "Dinner's gonna get cold." she told him.

"Happy?" She asked.

"Hm?" He replied as he carefully slipped his shirt on.

"What does 'mi reina' mean?" She gingerly inquired.

"It means 'my queen'. Why?" he replied making her smile.

"You mumbled that as I was trying to wake you up. Was just curious what it meant." She tried to play it off.

He stood up and pulled her back into his arms before crashing his lips to hers. A few moments later, he pulled away and stared into her eyes.

"You are my queen." He quietly stated before letting her go and leaving their room.

She stood there stunned. He'd never said anything like that to her before. Taking a deep breath, she left the room and headed back into the clubhouse. Her food was sitting with Chibs and Happy so she sat down and dug into her dinner. Chibs asked the Killah how he was feeling making Happy shrug. "Kinda tired." Happy finally relented making her frown hearing it. He'd been sleeping quite a while and it worried her. Chibs told him they should head home after they ate and get some rest in their own bed. Happy just nodded as he ate his dinner.

A/N: Isn't Happy the sweetest when he wants to be?

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