Chapter 26

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"Come on, little girl. You need to sit up a while. I'll make some lunch while you sit up in the living room." Happy told her.

"You're going to make lunch?" She inquired as he helped her off the bed, "I can walk on my own, thanks."

"Yes, I'm going to make lunch. You need a little help so you don't fall. It's ok." Happy stated making her huff at him as he led her to a recliner.

He brought along a pillow so she could elevate her leg while she watched TV. Handing her the TV remote, he left for the kitchen to make a couple grilled cheese sandwiches for them. She found a movie she liked and set the remote on the table and sat back while Happy made them lunch. As she sat there, she began to wonder where he learned to cook. Breakfast had been surprisingly good. He was not a man she would have pegged to be a good cook. A little while later, he was bringing her a plate with two sandwiches on it. She thanked him as he headed back into the kitchen.

He had a plate with him when he returned and sat on the couch. They watched TV as they ate but then she began thinking about the statement he made to her that morning. It started to get to her so she looked over at him.

"Happy? You told me this morning "I love the way you kiss, too". What was that about?" She asked when she couldn't take it anymore.

He looked over at her with a smirk.

"You really don't remember last night?" He asked making her shake her head at him, "You were high as fuck on pain killers when I brought you home. Really opened your mouth up last night."

"Oh my Lord...what did I say?" She inquired.

"Told me how hot you think I am. How much you love the way I kiss you." He smirked.

She covered her face with her hands completely embarrassed that she'd let that slip. He could tell, even with her face covered, that she was blushing. It was adorable to him although he'd never admit that out loud. He didn't say anything else as he finished his lunch. He took their trash to the kitchen and cleaned up before he left. He told her he'd see her after he got off work. As he stood at the door, he turned to her.

"But I think the same as you." He quietly confessed, "On both accounts."

Her eyes widened as the door shut. She listened as the sound of his bike started up. Unlike her mother, she'd never done drugs. The powerful pain killers she'd been given really messed with her and clearly made her loopy as hell. Sighing, she couldn't believe just how loopy she had apparently gotten the previous night. He smirked as he drove back to T-M knowing he'd probably messed with her head with what he told her before left the house. Happy couldn't wait for the day he could officially mark her as his. To claim her so no one else could take her from him.

He was walking back to the car he'd been working on earlier when Gemma approached. She asked how Noelle was doing. He shrugged and told her he'd woken her up and helped her move from the bedroom to the living room recliner so she could sit up a while and still elevate her leg. Gemma slid her shades down her nose to look at him. "Noelle actually let you help her?" Gemma questioned making him smirk and tell her he didn't give Noelle a choice. The Queen just shook her head before heading back to her office. He got back to work like all the other bikers did.

Noelle sat and watched TV and dozed off and on. Her bladder started screaming at her so she removed the pillow from under her leg and set it on the table beside her. Carefully, she let the footrest down then hoisted herself up. She felt a little wobbly on her legs after sitting and tried to hobble herself down to the hallway bathroom. A dizzy spell hit her as she walked and she ran into the doorframe causing a gash across her forehead. 'Great. He's definitely going to want to know about this when he gets home. How am I going to explain this to people?' she sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror when she made it to the bathroom.

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