Chapter 14

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When Happy didn't show up for work, Clay sent Jax and Chibs to go find him. The elder biker leader figured where Happy would be and so did Chibs. The blond biker wondered why Happy didn't show up on time. It wasn't like the killer. He couldn't wait to hear what had gone on. When they arrived at her house, his bike was parked cock-eyed in the driveway. 'The hell happened last night?' Jax thought as he followed Chibs to the front door. After knocking and no one answering, Jax told his brother to go on in. They weren't quite prepared for the sight that was waiting for them.

"Well now." Chibs exclaimed as he looked at the pair on the couch.

"Isn't she only seventeen?" Jax quietly asked.

"He's infatuated with 'er, Jackie Boy. 'e knows better than t' do anything stupid until she 'its eighteen." Chibs stated.

"We gotta wake them up." Jax stated earning a head nod from his brother.

Chibs moved so he could shake Happy's leg. The Killah immediately reached for his gun and pointed it at who had woken him.

"Woah, Killah!" Jax threw his hands up.

"What?" Happy inquired.

"You're late for work." Jax told him.

"Oh." Happy stated as he looked down at the sleeping woman laying on him, "She had an emergency last night. Some creep broke in and nearly assaulted her."

"Is she ok?" Chibs immediately inquired.

"Didn't want to be alone after I dealt with him." Happy explained, "Which is why we're out here."

"So she called you in the middle of the night instead of the cops?" Jax raised his eyebrow making Happy shrug.

"Yeah. So?" Happy inquired.

"Just pointing it out." The blond smirked while Chibs chuckled.

"I'll get to work eventually." Happy told the pair making Chibs smile at him this time.

"Don't make it too much longer. You know how Gemma will get. And how Clay already is about her." Jax stated before turning to leave the house.

Chibs winked at the killer before following his VP back outside to their bikes. Happy looked down to look at the young woman laying on him. She looked so peaceful laying there. He couldn't help but caress her cheek as he stared at her. Slowly her eyes began to flutter open and she looked up. He gave her a smile as she stared at him.

" stayed? All night?" She quietly asked.

"Of course. You asked me to, remember?" Happy asked.

"I...I thought you'd leave once I fell asleep." She looked away from him.

He caressed her cheek again, "You asked me to stay because you were scared so I stayed. I'm here when you need me, little girl."

"Thank you. I...I didn't think you'd actually stay with me." She tried looking away but he moved her face so they were looking into one another's eyes.

"You needed me so I was here, Noelle. Don't be surprised. I'll always be here whenever you need me. I'm always just a phone call away." Happy told her as he continued to caress her face.

"It's very appreciated." She stared at his face, "Oh! Don't you need to get to work or something?"

"Yes. But they can handle the shop without me for a little while longer." He told her, "How are you really this morning?"

"Better knowing that you actually stayed with me all night." Her face tinted as she spoke making him smile at her again.

"You should get up and get your day started. I'll have Juice and the prospect come over to fix wherever he broke in at this afternoon." He ran his thumb over her bottom lip.

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