Chapter 50

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She parked and slowly climbed out of the car. Gemma walked over to see what was going on. Noelle just smiled as Happy walked over and grabbed her hand. Gemma followed the pair into the clubhouse. He waited for his brothers to enter after he shouted for them. Standing behind her small, petite frame, he rested his hands on either side of her growing belly. Chibs smirked at the pair as he entered with Ratboy, wiping his hands on a grease rag.

"What's all the fuss about?" Chibs inquired.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Juice asked as Bobby and Jax finally filed in.

"We just came from our sonogram appointment." Noelle explained before looking up at her husband with a wide grin.

"We're having a boy!" Happy exclaimed making his brothers whoop and holler for the pair.

Everyone walked over to hug them both making her giggle. Gemma, of course, had to tell her she already knew making Noelle shake her head at the SAMCRO Queen. Liquor was poured for the men in celebration. Someone asked if they'd narrowed down a name yet so Noelle told them they'd narrowed the list down and now it was just deciding which one they liked the best. Chibs made a comment about the frightful things Happy was going to teach his son making Noelle giggle and everyone else laugh hard. "Look whose dad this kid is!" Jax exclaimed making everyone laugh once more.

Noelle couldn't get the smile off her face as people joked and laughed. Happy was practically beaming, for Happy anyways, and it made her ecstatic that he was so delighted. "Daddy's little ass kicker is going to learn how to ride a bike before he even gets close to having his license." she heard Happy exclaim making several of his brothers laugh and Noelle shake her head. 'This kid doesn't stand a chance!' she thought as Jax slapped Happy's back. Noelle sat at the bar listening to the chatter and smiling while rubbing her belly.

"So. How excited are you?" Gemma came and sat with her.

"Very. I didn't care what the sex was. I just wanted to know so we could start narrowing down names. Happy said he didn't care either but I think he secretly wanted a boy." Noelle chuckled.

"How has he been? With the pregnancy?" Gemma inquired.

"Happy? He's been amazing. Decorated the nursery all by himself. Wouldn't let me help at all. Put together all the nursery furniture and put it all where I wanted it to go. If I get too tired, he makes us dinner. Don't tell anyone but he even gives me back and foot massages when I need it." Noelle giggled making Gemma grin, "He lays between my legs nearly every night and tells the baby all about his day which is the cutest thing ever. (Noelle couldn't stop the goofy grin on her face as she looked over to her husband) He's really been way better than I thought he was going to be, to be honest."

"He loves you, Noelle. It might have freaked him out at first but now he's excited to be a dad. Even if he doesn't tell you." Gemma patted her knee.

"He tells me all the time what a great mom I'm going to be." She giggled again, "I try to remind him what an amazing dad he's going to make. Even if he does grumble about getting out in the middle of the night to fetch me whatever I'm craving at the time."

"He's a good 'ol man. I had hell getting John to get up and get me stuff in the middle of the night." Gemma laughed as she lit a cigarette.

"Yeah. I don't know how I attracted him." Noelle just smiled as she watched her husband with his brothers, Tig teasing him just enough to annoy him but not really piss him off.

"Sometimes opposites attract. Sometimes we attract what we need." Gemma blew out a puff of smoke, "You're good together. Good for each other. Always remember that."

"Thanks. Ugh. I gotta pee again. Excuse me." Noelle sighed making Gemma smirk as the young woman slid off her stool and walked down the hallway to the community restroom.

Happy turned to check on Noelle and noticed she wasn't anywhere around. Gemma smirked as a look of panic briefly crossed the Killah's face. She nodded towards the bathroom making Happy sigh. Clay walked into the clubhouse and told everyone to get back to work. Most did but Happy remained in the clubhouse waiting for Noelle. She finally came out of the bathroom and had a seat back at the bar. Gemma decided to head back to her office as the rest of the club got back to work. Happy walked over and stood in between his wife's legs, cupping her face in both hands, and ran his thumbs over her cheeks.

"I love you. I'm happy you're giving me a son." He quietly told her as he stared into her eyes.

"I love you too, Happy." She replied, "I'll try and have dinner waiting when you get home."

"Don't stress yourself out, little girl. If you don't think you can do it, wait for me to get home." He told her.

"I got some energy today. I should be able to handle dinner." She winked bringing a smile to his face.

"I'll see you later. Drive safe." He stated before moving his hands to her belly and rubbing it.

"We'll be fine, baby. If anything happens, I promise to call." She watched his face.

He helped her off the stool and walked her out to her car. He kissed her before she climbed in and he shut the door for her. Her driving made him nervous with being pregnant but he wasn't going to argue with her about it. Once she'd left the lot, he went back to his bay, took his kutte off, and slipped his work shirt back on to get back to work. She slipped her shoes off when she returned home and walked into the kitchen to decide what to make for dinner. Something simple was probably best. Looking through the pantry, she opted for tacos. They hadn't had them in a while and it was simple to make.

She felt like she was floating on cloud nine since she came back from the sonogram. They finally knew what their little bundle of joy was going to be. Now it was just picking a name from the list they had. Sitting in the recliner, she began to wonder about Happy as a father. With a smile on her face she thought about the tough-as-nails, never-shows-emotions man holding his son in his arms for the first time. Would he actually help with the middle-of-the-night diaper changes and feedings? Just the thought of Happy holding his son made her insides all fluttery.

Before long it was time for her to start dinner. Pulling herself out of the cushy recliner, she walked into the kitchen. She put the hamburger meat in the microwave to thaw while she got a skillet out. As it was thawing, she began chopping half an onion and a small tomato to go along with it. The microwave beeped so she took out the just-thawed meat and put in in the skillet on medium to start cooking while she continued her chopping of the veggies. The house was quiet. Too quiet. She turned on the radio to the local rock station. As she worked on dinner, she moved to the beat of whatever song was playing at the time. Sometimes she'd stop to air guitar making herself giggle then get back to work.

As the meat was nearly done and she was bringing the chilled chopped veggies to the table, the sound of his bike was heard coming up the long driveway. He liked his privacy so his house was further off the main road than most. It was surrounded by woods all around and she loved it. To her it was like their own little sanctuary where they could get away from the club, her job, other people, and everything in between and just be together. She was bringing plates to the table along with a beer for him when he entered the house.

"Hey little girl." He stated as he entered the kitchen.

"Hey baby. Dinner's just about done." She smiled at him.

"Good. I'm starving." He replied.

As she sat down at the table after bringing the skillet of taco meat she asked how his day was. "I got the best news ever today. My day was great." he replied. When asked about the news he'd been given, he looked over at her and stated he was told he was having a son making her smile at him. He explained about a tough car he was working on but nothing could ruin his good mood after their appointment that morning. It made her happy to know he was happy and excited about their child. He asked what she'd done since coming home. She shrugged and said she watched some TV then got on making dinner.

A/N: Couldn't you just see Happy holding his newborn child for the first time?

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