Chapter 61

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Tara, Lyla, and Noelle helped with the cooking as the prospect watched the children. Bikers and 'ol ladies were scattered throughout the clubhouse chatting about this and that. The women in the kitchen were discussing the children at the swing set and how they were growing up so fast. Tara was still baffled at how well Happy had taken to being a father. She figured he would have run for the hills since he'd never wanted to be in a relationship before Noelle came along. Having children was a great responsibility and she hadn't been sure Happy was up for it.

Jagger fell and hit his head making the young boy scream for his daddy. The prospect sighed as he picked up the toddler and walked into the clubhouse. Hearing Jagger crying made both Happy and Noelle perk up. The prospect handed the toddler to Happy and told him what had happened. Happy looked over his son as Noelle came out of the kitchen. Jagger had a bump on his head and a small scrape but was otherwise ok. Happy told his son to calm down and that he was going to be fine. Tig watched curiously as Happy dealt with his crying son. It was almost odd to see Happy being so tender.

Noelle walked back into the kitchen when she saw that Happy had Jagger handled. Tara asked if she would think about having another child which took Noelle off guard. After a few minutes of debating with herself, she said she would if Happy wanted to have another child. Gemma had to put her two cents into the conversation and said they should try for a girl next time making Noelle shake her head. Jagger was his father's little shadow. "His little ass kicker" as Happy loved calling him. The more she thought about it, the more Noelle was loving the idea of them having a little girl.

She didn't know if Happy would go for having another child or not. There wouldn't be a spare bedroom anymore if they did. It would be more expenses. They could reuse the baby furniture they already head since it was gender-neutral. They could even keep the nursery the way it already was and move Jagger into the spare bedroom and redecorate it for him. She was loving the ideas she was coming up with in thinking of having another baby. Only if Happy agreed to it which she wasn't sure he would.

"So, you two gonna 'ave another one anytime soon?" Chibs asked as he sat down and watched Happy bouncing Jagger on his knee.

The expression on Happy's face made Tig laugh.

"Uh. We haven't talked about it." Happy retorted.

"Ya should. She makes cute babies." Chibs winked at his brother.

"But Jagger looks like Happy!" Tig countered making Happy roll his eyes.

"Aye. Still cute babies." Chibs retorted.

"It would be something we'd have to talk about." Happy reiterated.

"What happened to the little guy?" Juice asked when he noticed the bump on the side of Jagger's head.

"Fell and hit his head while he was playing with Abel and Thomas." Happy explained, "Didn't want to leave me when he was feeling better."

"You're a good dad, Hap." Chibs told him earning a grunt from the assassin.

"Does he have anything to play with? I think Thomas has some trucks in my room." Jax walked over.

"We've got toys in our room. He just didn't want to leave me after he fell." Happy told his VP.

"Ah ok. Let me know if y'all need anything." Jax smiled at the first-time dad.

Before long, Gemma was calling everyone to dinner. The women and children lined up first as was customary before the men lined themselves up. Noelle sat down with Happy, Tig, and Chibs. Jagger immediately tried to grab some of her food making her laugh but tell him no. "I'll get you some of your food after I eat." she told the boy who started to pout making Tig and Chibs laugh. "'e's definitely your kid, lass!" Chibs exclaimed making her shrug. Happy handed Jagger to her so he could get up and make himself a plate after all the women and children had gone through the line. She had to push her plate away so Jagger wouldn't get into her food before daddy returned.

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