Chapter 62

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A/N: There's just one more chapter left in this book. I want to thank all who've read, voted, and/or commented. Y'all make my day!

It was another three days before Clay felt confident that they'd handled the threat and lifted the lockdown. Noelle had been thinking about what Tara had asked her. She hadn't been thinking about having another baby. Jagger was just past one years old and she was still getting used to motherhood. Could she see her and Happy having at least one more child? It was possible if he was up for it. He was an excellent father, very engaged with his child, and she could see him spoiling another child like he liked doing with Jagger. It would have to be something they talked about especially since Jagger had been an accident.

She was hugging Tara, Lyla, and Gemma goodbye so she could drop Jagger off at daycare before heading off to work. Happy walked her to her car and said he'd see them at home before pulling her in for a fiery kiss. His dominant kisses always made her toes curl and left her wanting more of him and he knew it. He enjoyed teasing her that way which got her flustered. Happy winked at her before walking away to start on his work for the day at the garage. Tara kissed Jax goodbye before leaving to take the boys to school then heading for her shift at the hospital.

'My boys have some good women looking out for them.' Gemma smiled to herself as she watched the couples saying goodbye to one another. She walked to her office to get on with the paperwork she had piling up on her desk. There were at least two repos to do and four cars in bays plus two waiting to be worked on. Clay whistled for everyone to get to work as the families began filtering out of the lot. Shortly before noon, Clay was contacted by an associate who helped handle their problem.

He was willing to split the money he'd taken from their mutual enemy with the biker leader. To Clay's surprise it was a huge sum of money. He'd split it with his brothers which would make their day. Especially for guys like Opie who were supporting a family. Clay figured Happy wouldn't mind the extra cash as well since he was still helping to pay for his mom's medications and supporting a family. Jax had two kids and a wife to help support. Bobby had child support payments to make and this little payday would help ease the strain on him. Clay called for Jax and Tig to come with him to this meeting to get their cut.

Tig was a bit nervous about it thinking it was a set up but Clay reassured his SAA that things were going to be fine. Upon arriving at their meeting place, they found Clay's associate already there with a few of his own guys. Clay and his associate shook hands before exchanging words. Two thick manila envelopes were handed over to Clay earning a wide smile from the white-haired biker. Once everything was done, they shook hands once more and walked to their own bikes. Clay smiled at his VP and SAA as he stuck the envelopes in his saddlebags.

Upon their return to Teller-Morrow, he called for Bobby. He was the Financial Officer so it was his job to count out the money, divide it up, and hand it out to people. Whatever was left went into their safe. Bobby was surprised by the amount of cash Clay had tossed at him. When he asked where he got it from, Clay explained what had transpired with his associate and how it had been taken from their mutual enemy. The FO just nodded as he slid his glasses on to start counting the money he'd been given. After he was done, he decided there was enough to give everyone about twelve thousand each earning a nod from the Prez.

Clay told him to start counting it out then hand it out. Bobby promised he would, silently thankful that he'd be able to get caught up on child support payments with this chunk of change. Jax, himself, Clay, Tig, Opie, Happy, Piney, Chibs, and Ratboy were going to have a great day. There was still a few grand left over so he decided that would be put back in their safe for extra expenditures as needed. He took each stack of money and left the chapel to go hand out money to people. Each and every one were shocked at the money but very grateful for it. Happy walked into the clubhouse to count out what he'd been given before sliding it into the pocket of his kutte.

That evening after she got off work, Noelle picked up her son from daycare like she always did then drove them home. Juice had installed a state-of-the-art security system after she and Jagger had been kidnapped which always made her feel better when she came home before Happy. She got Jagger out of his car seat and walked to the front door to open. Jagger was extra animated wanting to jabber about whatever he'd seen at daycare making her chuckle at the boy. Opening the door, she let him race in first. She kicked her shoes off, dropped her keys in the bowl by the front door, and shut the door before walking into the kitchen to figure out their dinner plans.

Happy would be home soon, she hoped, and she liked having dinner nearly done when he came home. Tonight she opted for spaghetti since it had been a while since they'd had it. The meat was cooking, the noodles were cooking, she was in the middle of making her garlic-butter spread for the garlic bread, and Jagger was playing with some of his toys in the living room when Happy's motorcycle could be heard coming up the driveway. She smiled to herself as the door opened up. "Hey my little ass kicker! How was your day?" Happy asked his son as he picked up the toddler in his arms making Jagger laugh. He walked them both into the kitchen to see what Noelle was up to.

"Smells good, little girl." Happy stated as he came to a stop by her at the stove.

"Thanks. I figured we haven't had this in a while." She chuckled, "How was your day?"

"Ok. Finished two cars. Clay was gifted with some cash that was taken from a mutual enemy of ours. He dispersed to several of us." Happy explained.


"Twelve grand for each. I'm putting it away so we have it if we need it." Happy told her.

"That's a good idea." She said, the idea of another baby suddenly hitting her mind, "Dinner should be ready in about half an hour or so."

"Good. That'll give me enough time to get cleaned up." He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

Happy set Jagger in his playpen then walked down the hall to their bathroom. He wanted to get all the grease and dirt off him before spending quality time with his family. She loved thinking of him naked and wet. He looked amazing naked being so toned and tatted up. Taking a deep breath she got back to working on their dinner. The meat needed to be drained and the sauce added in. The noodles needed to be drained. The bread needed to be put in the oven. The table needed to be set. She needed to get one of Jagger's little meals out for him. She buzzed around the kitchen while Happy was in the shower cleaning up. He'd put his share of the money in his private safe where he kept his cash and other important documents.

She had brought all the food to the table and was getting Jagger situated in his highchair when Happy came strolling down the hallway. He had a seat at his place at the head of the table as she was putting some noodles on her plate. He looked around and had to think about his life for a second. He had become a family man. He had settled down with an 'ol lady. They had a child together. They lived in his house in domesticated bliss. Something he always told his Tacoma brothers he'd never do. Yet here he was.

His mother loved his wife dearly and was over-the-moon when he told her they were going to have a baby. Now Chibs was asking when they were going to have another. Would she want another baby? Was it too soon to be thinking about another baby? Could they, or even he, handle another child? They had Jagger in daycare so she could continue to work. Although he swore he could provide for them just fine, she refused to sit at home and be a housewife and stay-at-home mom. She wanted to work and earn her own living and help support their household. It made him proud that she was that way instead of like the leeching whores that hung around the clubhouse.

A/N: Please comment and vote below!

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