Chapter 42

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Noelle could barely concentrate on anything but her pregnancy and how Happy was going to take it. She was convinced he was going to throw her out because of it. Each night, she cried herself to sleep thinking about losing him and her family and having to raise her baby alone. After much deliberation, she decided no matter what she was going to keep the baby. It would be the only thing she had left of Happy if he threw her out and ended their relationship. She'd been so depressed, she hadn't cleaned the house or cooked many meals just ate take-out most nights.

When he returned mid-evening, he opened the door and stopped in his tracks. She never let the house get this dirty. Taking his gun out of its holster, he cautiously walked through the house looking for her. She was no where to be seen until he slowly kicked the bedroom door open. She was curled up on the bed hugging his pillow and crying wearing one of his SAMCRO shirts. He put his gun back in its holster and walked over to where she laid. Sitting down on the bed made her look up at him. A million thoughts ran through his mind as to why she was crying.

"Little girl what's going on?" He rasped.

She just looked at him before bursting out into a fresh wave of tears. That voice always got to her and it was something she was going to miss dearly. So deep, so commanding.

"Noelle?" He asked.

She just hugged the pillow tighter to herself and cried.

"Tell me what's going on. Now." He commanded.

She shook her head no.

"I fucking said tell me what's going on." He commanded again.

She sat up and wiped her face.

"You're going to be angry with me." She whispered.

Her statement confused him. Why would he be angry with her?

"Tell me." He stated, reaching over to lay his hand on her knee.

"I'm sorry. It was an accident." She said.

"What was an accident? I'm confused."

"I'm...I'm...I'm pregnant." She whispered unable to look at him.

There. She said it. Now it was just a waiting game for him to tell her how angry he was and that she had to leave his house. Happy couldn't believe what he thought he heard.

"Say that again."

"I'm pregnant." She stared at her knees, "I'm sorry. I know you didn't want kids...I'm so sorry."

He stared at her blankly for awhile. It made her nervous as she sat there awaiting his reaction. She was sure he was deciding how to tell her to get out of his house and never bother him again. What she didn't expect was for him to start kissing all over her face, his excitement surprising her completely. He kissed away her tears and pulled her into his arms.

"Why do you think I'd be mad?" He quietly asked.

"You once told me you didn't want kids." She replied.

"That was then. This is now." He stated.

"'re really not mad?" She looked up at his smiling face.

"I'm not mad, little girl. You're giving me a child. I promise to be a better dad than the deadbeat who left me and ma." He kissed her forehead.

"I was so scared at how you were going to react to the news." She confessed.

"I can't wait to see your pregnant body." He rested his hand over her still-flat belly.

Her face flushed as she rested her hand over his on her stomach. She buried her face in the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply. His scent drove her wild. Hearing that Happy wasn't mad at her for getting pregnant and that he was planning on being a good dad eased all her anxiety and stress. Now she just wanted to cuddle up with her 'ol man. She hadn't been sleeping very well due to her anxiety about his reaction and him being away on the run. Seeing her yawning, he told her to get settled in bed. When she scooted off his lap, he stood up to strip himself down to his boxers before climbing into bed with her. He quickly pulled her into his arms and wrapped them around her.

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