Chapter 46

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She hadn't finished her dinner when she stormed off to their dorm room. Gemma decided she'd take the plate to her so they could talk a little bit as well. Hearing knocking on the door, she told whoever it was to just go away. Noelle figured it was one of the guys trying to talk to her on Happy's behalf. The knocking continued so she shouted for whoever it was to fuck off because she had nothing to say to Happy. The door squeaked open and Gemma poked her head. She told the pregnant young woman she had the rest of her dinner.

"Why didn't you say so?" Noelle exclaimed as Gemma walked over to her and handed the plate over.

"So. I'm assuming you and Happy had quite the fight." Gemma sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I'll be damned if I let him dictate my life." Noelle exclaimed.

"Sweetheart, he's just worried about you and the baby. Being attacked today here scared everyone. This threat to the club is real and very dangerous." Gemma stated.

"I get that. But I'm not going to live my life in fear. Unlike most of these other 'ol ladies, I have a job to get to everyday. I'm not going to call in to work if I don't have to." Noelle stated.

"He just wants to keep you safe, baby. Most of the time, I'd be on your side. Having an escort would be enough. But this threat is different. I don't want to see anything happen to you or that precious baby of yours. Please think about calling in to work and staying here." Gemma calmly replied.

The Queen patted the bed before standing up and leaving Noelle alone again. The young woman sat there debating on what Gemma had said. She shook her head. She was going in to work whether he liked it or not. He wasn't going to strain her relationship with her manager because of having to take days off for stupid lockdowns. Finishing her dinner, she threw her trash away and got ready for bed. Happy remained in the main room of the clubhouse trying to drink his irritation away. Their fight was still on his mind as he drank which didn't ease his mood any.

She laid as far as she could on her side of the bed as she watched TV knowing she was going to fall asleep. She didn't want him near her since they were fighting. Besides, she'd be up before him and it would be easier to slide out of bed without him wrapped around her. She could slip out of bed, get dressed, and get off the lot before he ever woke up and started another argument. That was the plan at least. When he finally came to bed, he found her laying on the far side of the bed making him grunt. He stripped down and crawled into bed. If she didn't want to be near him, he wasn't going to force her to be near him. He rolled onto his side with his back turned away from her.

Her alarm went off the next morning and she slid out of bed. His light snores were heard as she quietly headed into the bathroom to get a quick shower. She sighed thinking of how different things could be in just twenty-four hours. The previous morning, he'd gotten up and slipped into the shower with her. Now he was remaining in bed after being up half the night. All she wanted was to get to work and forget about their fight. After dressing and quickly doing her make-up, she grabbed her phone and purse and headed straight to her car. Most people were still sleeping but Chibs and Tig were up having coffee together.

Both men watched as she walked out to her car. "The lass is gonna be mighty pissed when she can't get t' work." Chibs sighed as they watched her try and start her car. Tig agreed but stated how it was important for everyone to stay on the premises. She hit the steering wheel not understanding why her car wouldn't start. "Fucking Happy had something to do with this!" she realized and screamed in frustration. The two bikers watched as she walked up and smiled.

"Will either of you give me a ride to work?" She politely asked.

"Sorry, Doll. We've got church here in a few." Tig told making her huff.

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