Chapter 56

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She was hungry, in pain, scared, worried, and cold. She hadn't eaten since breakfast that early morning. The house they were in was drafty and she was scared it was going to make her son sick. She tried getting them to give her something to cover him up with but they refused. The bald, tattooed man that had come crashing through her door that morning finally showed up shortly before sunset.

"Ah. Happy Lowman's wife. Aren't you special." The guy mocked making her roll her eyes.

"What the hell do you want?" She spit at him.

"I need you to make a phone call. You tell him exactly what I tell you to say because the phone will be on speaker. Got it?" He stated.

"Fine." She huffed.

"Dial his number." The bald man stated as he nodded towards her.

She was given the phone but didn't have to wait long. Happy answered on the second ring.

"Hello!" She could hear the panic in his voice.

"Happy!" She exclaimed.

"Tell him what I have for you tell him." Darby whispered to her.

"Little girl, are you and Jagger ok?" Happy questioned.

"Happy. They want to meet. At Brushy Creek in half an hour. Just negotiations." She read the paper with the sloppy handwriting on it.

"Fine. Are you two ok? Because if you're not, there will be no negotiations." Happy exclaimed.

"Tell him you're fine." Darby whispered to her.

"We're fine, Hap." She stated hoping he'd get the uncoded message.

She never called him 'Hap'. It was always his full name or baby.

"Then we'll see you in an hour. Tell him the two of you better be there. I want to see you for myself." Happy exclaimed.

Darby huffed but agreed. He had one of his goons tie her hands back up then pull her to her feet. She was shuffled back outside to an older model SUV. They shoved the basket on the floorboard between her in the backseat and the guy sitting to her left. 'Please, baby, get the message I was trying to send!' she prayed as they made their way out to the designated meeting location. She was afraid of what was going to happen when they got there. There was a sudden panic rising up in her as the small entourage made their way to the meeting spot.

Happy told his brothers exactly what she'd told them. "She's not ok. She told me so." he told them. When asked how they knew, he explained she'd called him 'Hap' which she had never done before. He knew she was telling him that she was not fine. It made his rage boil over as he thought of all the things he was going to do to Darby for touching his wife. It angered the rest of his brothers to hear she had been hurt in some way. She was too nice and too sweet to get caught up in their messes like she'd been. Clay called out for them to make their way to the designated meeting location after they loaded up on weapons. They were bringing Noelle and Jagger home one way or another.

Everyone knew Darby was going to be Happy's next smiling face tattoo. Chibs almost felt bad for Darby knowing his brother the way he did. They'd messed with Happy's family. The Killah was about to bring hell to Darby. If either Noelle or the baby is hurt? Chibs just shook his head as he straddled his bike then turned the beast on. They followed the Prez and VP out to their meeting place and were the first ones to arrive. Jax had the prospect drive the van knowing they were coming back with Noelle and the baby. They sat around on their bikes waiting for Darby and his goons to show up.

Happy was pacing, mind racing at all the things he was going to do to Darby, growling every so often. No one had ever seen the Killah so worked up before. The sound of a vehicle coming up the road got their attention. Two white older model SUV's came pulling up. Once stopped, Darby climbed out of the passenger seat of the first one. He met Clay and Jax who immediately asked where Noelle and the baby were at. "They're safe. For now." Darby smirked making Happy want to slap the smirk off his Neo-Nazi face. Chibs had to hold Happy from immediately going after Darby.

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