Chapter 57

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"Sorry it took me so long. There was blood in my hair. Blood had dried up in various places." She stated when she finally made it back to the living room.

"It's alright, lass. Come sit down so I can look a' ya." Chibs patted the seat next to himself.

"How's he been?" She asked.

"Quiet. Just laying there looking around." Chibs laughed as he opened his medical kit.

"He's such a good baby. Never cries unless he needs something. Or he's scared." She stated with a sigh.

"Today was hard on ya both." He told her as he looked at the lacerations to her arms.

She watched him as he looked at each and every wound she had, doctoring them as he saw fit. The wounds on her arms and side of her head had butterfly bandages on them after he applied some antibiotic ointment to them. The scrape to her cheek he applied some antibiotic ointment and put a normal bandage on it. With a warm smile, he told her that should be fine. If she was worried about anything, she could always call Tara. Noelle thanked him for all his help. He smiled at her before pulling her into a hug and telling her it was no problem. After finishing his beer, he told her he was glad they found her and brought her home then left with his med kit.

Her stomach was making ungodly noises so she got up to make herself something to eat. Not in the mood to cook, she just made herself a sandwich then walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch. Jagger was just laying there looking around like a good baby. She figured she should probably eat more than a sandwich since she hadn't eaten since early that morning but she was too exhausted to think about cooking. It wasn't too late in the evening but she still wanted to head to bed. She picked up Jagger and headed to the nursery. She sat in the rocking chair to feed him one last time before she laid him down.

He was more than happy to be fed as he sucked for milk. She just watched his face as he ate glad that her captors hadn't hurt him in anyway. She couldn't fathom what her husband was doing to the master mind behind their kidnapping. Honestly, she didn't really want to know. Jagger fell asleep as he ate making her smile at him. She got up and moved him to the changing table after putting her clothing right. One last diaper change before bed and he was still out. 'I guess he's as tuckered out as I am!' she mused as she threw his old diaper in the pale and moved him to his crib.

She shut the light off and shut his door before walking across the hall to her bedroom. Crawling into bed hurt and she winced as she did. She turned on the TV and browsed channels until she came to Adult Swim. No position was good as she tossed and turned. It wasn't until she started cuddling with her husband's pillow was she finally able to settle down and drift off to sleep. Happy was as quiet as he could be as he entered their home. It was just past five am and it was still dark outside. He desperately needed a shower to get all the blood off him before he crawled into bed.

After he'd finished his work, he immediately called up his tattoo artist for his latest smiley face tattoo. She just shook her head and met him at her shop. He stripped for his shower, being careful of the clear plastic covering his new ink, then turned the water on. After today, he needed a nice, hot shower to ease his muscles. He could have lost his wife and son. He couldn't protect them at their own home. What good was he? He was the most feared Son in the entire club yet he couldn't protect his own family. It made him feel like a failure as he let the water cascade over his muscled body.

Half an hour later, he was clean, on the outside anyways, and was toweling off before climbing into bed. All he wanted now was to hold his wife. To keep her close to him. As soon as he crawled into bed, she scooted around to snuggle up to him. He moved to lay on his side with her face buried in his chest and one arm slung over his side. He wrapped both arms around her body and held her as close to him as he could get her. More than anything, he needed to feel that closeness. To know that she was, indeed, alright. To know that she was actually there with him and not with her captors any longer. He didn't even know how long she'd been gone before he came home!

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