Chapter 25

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After she'd eaten, Happy followed her down the hall to her bedroom so he could help her get dressed. Loose lounge pants, black tank top, and her flip flops. Before she left the bedroom, he pulled her in for a passionate kiss. "I love the way you kiss, too." he stated confusing her. He knew she probably didn't remember anything about when they'd gotten home last night. He still wanted her to know. She told him she appreciated all the help he was giving her as they walked back into the living room.

Chibs and Jax were just sitting in the living room when they came out. Gemma was standing at the door waiting for her. Noelle slowly made her way to Gemma's SUV doing her best not to fall and cause any more damage to herself. Happy found a seat in the quiet living room after she left with Gemma. Chibs could see what a great couple they were going to make once she was legal for him to have her officially. Seeing them together unofficially made Chibs happy that she had someone she could depend upon to keep her safe and protected.

"So. You and Noelle are really serious about one another, huh?" Jax inquired.

"Jackie Boy!" Chibs scolded the blond biker.

"What?" Jax smirked.

"Nothing inappropriate is going on." Happy defended himself.

"But there are feelings there? I mean, we all see it, brother." Jax smirked again.

"I care for her, yes. She's had a hard life, Jax, she deserves better than what she came from." Happy exclaimed.

"So you only like her because she's had a hard life?" Jax inquired.

"No! She's an amazing young woman. If you'd just get to know her a little more, you'd see that." Happy grunted.

"Well, if she'd hang out with us at the clubhouse we would." Jax countered.

"She doesn't have a lot of free time between school, studying, and work." Happy shrugged, "And the one day off she has, she's cleaning the house, doing laundry, and doing her grocery shopping for the week."

"Oh damn." Jax exclaimed.

"Yeah. I honestly don't get to see her much since she started school." Happy said.

"Sorry t' 'ear that, brother." Chibs stated.

"She's trying to learn something to make a career out of it. I'm not mad." Happy told the pair.

"So. Every time shit goes down, you call Happy." Gemma suddenly commented bringing Noelle out of her thoughts.


"So?" Gemma urged.

"Well. I was attacked one night when I was walking home from work and nearly assaulted. He came out of nowhere and saved me. Beat the guy unconscious. Made me give him my number and told me to give him a call if I ever needed anything. Gave me a ride home that night.

He was the first person I thought of when someone broke into my house. I was almost assaulted then too but Happy got there before anything of any real significance could happen. I don't know why I called him last night." Noelle confessed.

"Well I think I know why." Gemma retorted as they drove along.

"Oh?" Noelle asked.

"You like him, sweetheart. It's why you always call him. Trust me." Gemma stated, "And the fact that he rushes to your side every time you call speaks volumes."

"What do you mean?" Noelle inquired.

"Happy is a...difficult man. He doesn't do relationships. Usually prefers the crow eaters at the club if he needs to get laid. Since you've come along, he hasn't touched one at all. He can be cold and distant but he's very loyal to those he loves and cares about. (Noelle raised her eyebrow as she listened)

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