Chapter 11

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She told the pair absolutely everything including the first guy her mother ever let touch her. It made both men sick to hear how she had been treated. Hearing about her "first time" made Happy realize why she despised being grabbed by the throat so much. It reminded her of that first encounter. He couldn't be mad at her for the way she reacted. Truth was, he shouldn't have touched her at all that day. Chibs was looking at this young woman like she was his daughter and it angered him to hear how she'd been treated. 'No real mother should ever treat 'er daughter like that!' he huffed.

Noelle told them all about her friend Janie and how she'd finally confessed what was truly going on at home. How Janie had convinced her to do something. When she started researching options, she came upon being emancipated. With her mother's reputation, the local judge quickly granted it on the condition she get a job as soon as she got the paperwork. She was already living with Janie's family. Chibs was glad to hear she had at least one good influence in her life. Her whole goal since she was fourteen was to get enough money saved up so she could get as far away from her mother and her mother's reputation as she possibly could.

"And here I am stuck here until I can get another car and get more funds saved up to move on." She concluded.

"Why don' ya stay 'ere with us? Make a life for yourself 'ere?" Chibs offered making her look away from him.

"It's not far enough away." She tried to say.

"Horseshit." Happy called her out.

She stared at the floor not knowing what to say to him.

"Why don' ye go t' college, learn something you've always wanted t' learn and get a job here in Charming. You make a good life for yourself 'ere." Chibs told her, "And you'll 'ave us whenever you need 'elp or get lonely."

"I..." She started out.

"You drove two days before your car broke down. No one here knows anything about you, how you grew up, or anything about your mother. How far away do you have to be before you're satisfied?" Happy exclaimed sounding more angry than he meant to before softening his voice, "Look, little girl, you're far enough away from your mother you can settle down if you want to. Stop running from your mother's reputation and start to build the life you dreamed for yourself."

She sighed knowing he was right. All she was doing was running. And there was enough distance between her and her hometown that she should never run into anyone from back home. Chibs watched as Happy rested his head against hers as she thought about what they said. The killer had a soft spot for this girl. Chibs wanted to know if he would wait for her to turn eighteen or continue to "see" the crow eaters at the clubhouse when he needed to get laid. Furrowing his brows, he began to wonder when her birthday even was. All they knew was that she was seventeen.

"Hey, Noelle? When's your birthday?" Chibs finally asked.

"May. The twentieth." She replied.

"So you just turned seventeen not too long ago." Happy stated.

"Yep. All was waiting on was having the funds since I'd gotten a car already." She replied.

"Don' worry, lass, Happy an' I'll 'elp you find a good reliable car." Chibs exclaimed.

"You don't..." She started out.

Happy dropped his voice, "It's not up for debate. Can't have you driving around in a piece of junk that could break down at any moment."

She sighed in defeat knowing Happy wouldn't let her say no. Chibs smirked to himself. 'They'll be a good couple once she 'its eighteen!' he thought as he watched the pair. Happy wasn't sure where they could go to get her a good, reliable, but cheap car. She didn't have enough money saved up to buy it outright and he was sure that's what her goal was. Chibs was calculating how much they'd have to pitch in to help her get another car.

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