Chapter 23

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Happy parked his bike and walked into the house. He'd quit knocking a while ago. Not seeing her in the living room or kitchen, he walked down the hall to her bedroom. The bathroom door was open and he could hear the shower on. A smile spread across his face as he thought about her naked and wet. He was sitting on the edge of her bed when she exited the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around her body and her head. She jumped in surprise at seeing him there. He just smirked at her as she stared at him.

"I didn't realize you'd be back today." She told him.

He just grunted at her.

"I've got food ordered. Wanted to get in some extra studying before I head to work." She explained.

"How's school going?" He asked as he tapped his knees.

She moved to stand in between them as he wrapped his arms around her towel-covered waist.

"Pretty good. I take a lot of notes so I can go over stuff at home." She replied.

"Glad you're liking it. Has anyone been hitting on you?" He asked making her roll her eyes.

"No. I don't really socialize at school much. No time for a social life between school, studying, and working." She shrugged.


"I need to get dressed. I studied longer than I should have and now I'm running a bit late." She stated.

When she turned around, he smacked her ass making her squeal. He left her bedroom and headed out into the living room to give her space to get dressed. Despite hating the bar patrons smacking her ass, it was something totally different with Happy. She didn't mind it at all with him. As she was getting dressed, there came a knock at the door. Looking through the peephole, Happy discovered it was just a pizza delivery guy. Money was sitting on the table by the door so he grabbed it then opened the door. Happy handed the money over then took their dinner.

She hadn't come out of her room yet so he went and grabbed some paper plates and paper towels then poured two glasses of tea for them. As he was setting down in the living room, she came out of the bedroom. She thanked him for getting everything together for dinner. He just grunted at her. They ate together in silence as he browsed TV stations to find something to watch. She ate quickly knowing she had to get to work. Before she left, she told him he was more than welcome to stay if he wanted while she was at work.

She always worked the weekends, Friday and Saturday nights, so Happy usually went to the club parties. Since she'd confessed her feelings to him, he hadn't touched a crow eater despite how much he missed sex. It felt almost wrong to him. He expected her to not be with anyone while they waited for her birthday so he was loyal to her and remained celibate. She usually had Sunday's off so that's when she cleaned her house, did her laundry, and did her grocery shopping for the week.

He'd been to her house while she wasn't there before but never inside while she was at work. It felt strange. After she left for work, he put up the left over pizza in the fridge and cleaned the living room up before sitting back down on the couch and watching old horror movies. Around midnight, he finally decided to head to bed. Stripping down to his boxers, he climbed into her bed and got comfortable. Not caring if she minded him being in her bed or not, that's where he was sleeping.

Seeing his bike still in her driveway when she got home after her shift, she was careful as she walked through the house. She slipped her shoes off and walked to her bedroom. As quietly as she could, she undressed, hung her dress up, and slipped into her night shirt. Making sure she hadn't woken him up, she finally climbed into bed and rolled onto her side with her back away from him. A minute or two later, he rolled over, pressed himself into her, and snaked his arms around her. A small smile graced her lips as she closed her eyes and let sleep over take her.

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