Chapter 45

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"What the fuck happened?" Clay asked.

"Some biker group calling themselves The Devil's Rejects showed up and began shooting at us. Shot the office up, shot the clubhouse up, knocked over bikes. The rest of the guys sped off after them. They said they'd deal with the Sons later." Gemma explained.

"We need to strike back. This can't be allowed!" Tig immediately stated.

"Where's Noelle?" Happy demanded.

"She refused to come back to the clubhouse so I sent a prospect to look after her." Gemma told him making him growl.

"Stubborn ass woman." Happy stated making Gemma smile.

"Where's Tara and the boys?" Jax inquired.

"In your dorm." Gemma stated making the blond nod and walk off to find his wife.

"No one leaves the lot until we deal with these assholes." Clay ordered, "Get Noelle back here however you have to."

He called church so the prospect went down to Jax's dorm to fetch the VP. Happy was beyond pissed his 'ol lady wouldn't come back to the clubhouse. She was in danger out in town. He couldn't let anything happen to her or his child. Jax kissed Tara's forehead before leaving to head to church. She sighed and laid down with the two boys to try and take a nap. The other 'ol ladies had cleaning duty today. Gemma called Noelle again and explained how no one was allowed to leave the lot and about the attack that had happened. Noelle gasped hearing there had been an attack on the clubhouse itself. She sighed and said she'd be back after work but she wasn't going anywhere.

Gemma did her best to convince the young woman to come back to T-M. Even going so far as telling her Happy had ordered her to. "I'll be back after work. The prospect sitting outside will escort me." Noelle stated before hanging up. Gemma sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose hating how stubborn Happy's 'ol lady was being. There was a serious threat to her and she wasn't taking it seriously. It was infuriating. Church had gone on so long that Noelle had shown back up at the clubhouse with the prospect. Juice had left the chapel to hop on his computer and do the surveillance and intelligence Clay had asked him to do so he didn't notice when Noelle entered the clubhouse.

Gemma was with Lyla and one other 'ol lady in the kitchen starting on dinner. Noelle thanked the prospect for the escort to and from work. When Noelle entered the kitchen to get a bottle of water, Gemma jumped her ass and told her how Happy was going to jump her ass for not coming back to the lot when she was told. Noelle shrugged her shoulders and said she wasn't going to let anything get in the way of her living her life. She had a job to do and she wasn't going to lose it because of the club and its issues. Gemma shook her head in disbelief. "You better be glad Happy's been in church all this time or he'll be really mad you just came back." Lyla warned her.

She shrugged again and asked what she could do to help. Gemma smiled warmly and said they had it covered and for her to go sit down and rest. Noelle smiled back and left the kitchen. The boys were still in church so she sat down on the couch and just looked around at the other 'ol ladies and their children and wondered she was really going to be like as a mother. The best mother figure she had was Trisha and by then she was nearly grown. It scared her thinking of being a mother. She didn't want to turn out like her own, being selfish and just doing whatever she wanted just because she wanted to do it.

She didn't want to get caught up in drugs and alcohol and the party lifestyle like her mother did. Her hands went to her stomach as she watched the other mothers with their children. Happy had told her he wasn't going to run out on them like his father had done to him and his mother so she knew she had his support. She knew Gemma was there to support her like a mother would. Could she handle her child growing up in the biker lifestyle? She sighed and figured there was no choice in the matter. She was apart of it since she'd married Happy. It wasn't that she didn't love the club because she did. They were a whole other family that she wished she'd had growing up. It was the violence she was afraid of tainting her child.

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