Chapter 63

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A/N: This is going to be a lot longer than normal because this is the last chapter in this book! I hope you've all enjoyed this wild ride with me. Enjoy!

"Baby? You ok?" Noelle's voice broke through his thoughts.

"Yeah. Just...thinking about something Chibs asked me while we were on lockdown." He shrugged.

"Care to share?" She inquired as she looked over at Jagger who had a fistful of carrots.

"Well. Uh, he asked when we were going to have another one." Happy blurted out.

"Another one?" She asked before her eyes widened, "You mean another baby?"


"Oh. Well. I hadn't really thought about it. What did you tell him?" She asked.

"That it was something we'd have to talk about." Happy replied.

"I see."

"So. Uh, what do you think about having another child? I mean, not right this second of course. But maybe eventually." Happy stuttered.

"Well, honestly. I'd love to have a little girl to round out our family." Noelle confessed.

"You'd be up for having another baby?" Happy's eyes widened.

"With you? Of course!" She smiled making him smile back.

"We'll talk more later when he's a little older about having another one." Happy told her.

"Sounds like a plan." She replied happy that he was agreeable to having another child.


Two years, a few lockdowns, countless Gemma family dinners, and several trips to Bakersfield to visit Momma Lowman had passed. Noelle rubbed her expanding belly with a happy sigh. The Sons were returning from a two-week long run and she couldn't wait to see her 'ol man again. Him being gone for so long was always torture for her even if he did text her every night. It wasn't the same as him being there. Gemma wrapped her arm around Noelle's shoulders as they stood waiting for the glorious sound of numerous bikes to be heard coming up the street. Jagger was playing on the swing set with Thomas. Abel was standing with Tara.

Suddenly it was heard. The sounds of all those motorcycles riding through town on their way to T-M. Noelle's heart sped up as she anticipated seeing her 'ol man. Her sonogram appointment had happened while he was out on the run and she wanted to tell him the sex of their baby in person. Gemma had been thrilled as was she. Seeing the entourage of bikes entering the lot made everyone shout and scream. The bikers parked in the lot instead of in their rightful places so they could see their wives and children. Jagger and Thomas came running out of the play area to see their daddies.

Happy engulfed Noelle in his arms before crashing his lips to hers. All the passion and desire he ever felt for her was in that one kiss. She didn't have to ask if he'd missed her or not. She knew it by how he kissed her. Rough and dominant. When they needed air, he pulled away and placed his hands on her expanding belly. Jagger tugged at his father's jeans making Happy laugh then bend down to pick up his son. He asked how she was feeling making her grin at him. "Momma has a secwet." Jagger exclaimed making Happy look at his wife curiously.

"Our sonogram appointment happened while you were gone." She exclaimed, "Want to know what we're having?"

"You know already?" He asked, "Tell me!"

"I got my wish! We're having a rounded family. You're getting a little girl this time." Noelle beamed.

"Oh holy shit." Happy exclaimed before leaning down and kissing his wife.

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