Chapter 32

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The ride took a while and she was really confused as to where they were going. Looking around she discovered they were driving through a city and into a neighborhood. 'Where the hell is he taking me?' she pondered. He was curious as to how his mother was going to take Noelle. Especially with the age difference. He finally pulled into her driveway and parked. Noelle climbed off first then waited for him. He grabbed her by the arm and walked her to the door. She watched as he just walked in like he owned the place but followed after him.

"Mijo! It's so good to see you!" And older woman exclaimed as she stood from her chair.

"Mama!" Happy hugged her back as Noelle stood there with her heart racing.

He'd brought her to his mother's house! He turned to her with a smile.

"Who is this?" The woman asked.

"Mama, this is Noelle my girlfriend. Noelle, this is my mother." Happy introduced the pair.

"It's so nice to finally meet you." Noelle smiled as Happy's mother walked over to her.

In a surprising move, the woman engulfed her in a hug making Happy's smile broaden. Noelle quickly hugged her back, thankful the woman seemed to like her. She turned back to Happy and asked if he wanted anything to eat. He chuckled and said they'd had breakfast before they came. They moved into the kitchen where she brought out a container of what looked like homemade cookies. Happy chuckled and took two earning a smile from his mother. He could never resist his mother's cookies. Noelle took two as well when they were offered to her.

She listened to Happy and his mother catching up as she ate her cookies. It was a pleasant conversation and she didn't want to interrupt them. Then Happy's mother looked over at her and she knew where the conversation was headed. She asked how long they'd been together, how old she was, whether they were living together, among other questions. Happy looked over at Noelle and explained how she'd been emancipated from her mother at fourteen, had come to Charming at seventeen where her car had broken down. He explained how the club had helped her get another car so she could get to work since she had decided to stay in Charming.

His mother listened intently looking between the pair as he spoke. Happy explained that they had sort of been together since she arrived in Charming but nothing was official until she turned eighteen the day before. He told his mother they were living together and that he cared deeply for her. The confession to his mother made Noelle's face flush. His mother looked over to her and asked how she felt about her son. Noelle looked her straight in the eye and told her that she cared for him deeply too and that she didn't know what she'd do without him. Happy smiled hearing her tell his mother that. Happy's mother just nodded with a small smile.

When Happy's phone rang, he excused himself to answer it leaving Noelle alone with his mother. The older woman got serious and asked how she really felt about her son. Noelle sighed and said she cared deeply for him then looked into the living room where he was on the phone then stated she had fallen hard for the man when she was trying to keep everyone at arms' length. "You love my son?" Happy's mother asked making Noelle slowly nod her head. The older woman reached across the table and gave Noelle's hand a squeeze and welcomed her to their family. "He loves you too, sweetie. He's never brought a woman home to meet me before." she told Noelle making the younger woman's eyes widen.

"Mama, I have to go. Some club business came up. Can Noelle stay here with you?" Happy asked.

"Of course, Mijo!" The older woman exclaimed.

"I may not make it back tonight. I don't know how long things are going to take." Happy stated.

"It's ok. It'll give me a chance to get to know Noelle properly." Happy's mother smiled at her son as he looked over to the younger woman.

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