Chapter 20

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She woke up the next morning still thinking of Happy. Yes, it was time to sit down with him and get everything hashed out once and for all. She took herself a quick shower, got dressed, then made herself some breakfast. Happy most likely wouldn't be up yet so she ate her breakfast then cleaned up the kitchen. Looking herself over in the mirror, she liked how she looked. She hoped he would like how she looked. The realization that she cared what he thought hit her and stopped her before she made it to the door. 'What the hell am I thinking?' she sighed. She went to look herself over once more and finally decided she looked good enough to see him that day.

 She went to look herself over once more and finally decided she looked good enough to see him that day

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It was a cute outfit she thought as she grabbed her keys then locked up her house. Juice was up and doing some intel for Clay about a rival gang that was moving into Stockton that the biker leader was worried about when she arrived. Parking, she took a breath and slowly made her way across the parking lot to the clubhouse. Juice eyed her up and down with a smile before greeting her. She shyly smiled back before asking if Happy were up or not. Juice told her he wasn't making her frown. The IO told her she was free to go knock on his door if she were brave enough.

'He won't yell at me for waking him, will he?' she thought as she made her way through the clubhouse and to the dorms. She stood at his door for a good five minutes trying to collect her thoughts and decide what she wanted to tell him. Despite how she acted the other day, she liked him. She had liked cuddling with him. She liked riding around on the back of his bike going to and from work. She actually missed their two am bike rides out of town. When she thought she was ready, she knocked on his door loudly. There came no answer. She knocked again. Hearing grunting from the other side of the door made her giggle.

"WHAT?" Happy growled when he slammed the door open.

"It really is hot when you growl like an animal." Noelle exclaimed with a smirk.

"Noelle. What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked.

"I, uh, came to talk to you." She stated, confidence beginning to wane as she followed him into his room.

"Oh?" Happy sat down on his bed.

"Yeah. I, uh, well...I just wanted to thank you for caring enough to try and keep me safe from whatever threat there was to your club." She stated.

Happy just grunted something at her as he looked her up and down. 'She always looks so cute in whatever she puts on.' he thought to himself as she stood there gathering her thoughts again.

"And, well...I know how I left yesterday but...I just wanted to say that...I, uh, I like you." She couldn't look him in the eye as she spoke.


"I miss riding on the back of your bike as you took me too and from work." She stated, "I miss the impromptu bike rides after I got off work. And I definitely enjoyed cuddling with you."

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