Chapter 27

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She was watching TV trying to forget about the little fight in front of Chibs they'd had. Chibs returned to the clubhouse and was walking through to his room to put up his med kit when Jax stopped him to see what was going on. He laughed and said Happy had called him about Noelle. The medic explained she had a gash across her forehead that wasn't too bad from he'd seen. Jax laughed thinking how funny it was that Happy over-reacted when it came to Noelle. 'He's really got it bad for this girl.' the blond thought to himself as Chibs walked to his room.

Crow eaters were showing up, music was cranking up, booze was flowing. It wasn't a weekend party but it didn't matter. Happy was at Noelle's place tending to the young woman instead of that the clubhouse where he could get laid by any chick he wanted. The killer's actions spoke volumes to everyone who knew him. Tig and Juice made jokes about him being pussy whipped and not even getting the pussy yet. Chibs always told them to be careful about what they say knowing just how strongly Happy felt about the young woman.

Happy was working in the kitchen to prepare their dinner quietly contemplating the bachelor life he was used to versus taking an 'ol lady. Was he truly ready to give up the kind of freedom he had to settle down with one woman? Was Noelle special enough to make him settle down? What kind of life would they have if he did settle down with her? Could he keep her safe from the threats the club always seemed to have? Would she accept the club into her life? He sighed as he chopped the vegetables that went into the sauce. He wanted her. He cared for her even. Did he love her? Could he love her?

'Ugh! That man makes me so angry sometimes. Acting like I'm some child he needs to look after! I ought to just pack my things and take off one night. Would serve his ass right.' she thought to herself, 'But...he has rescued me a few times from being assaulted. I've called him and he dropped everything and came to my rescue.' She sighed not knowing what to do about the infuriating man in her house. That was another thing, he was staying over like they were together and it was his house too. What was up with that? She sighed once more as she glanced at the bedroom door. She hoped he'd come in and talk to her.

When dinner was finally ready, he made her a plate and filled a glass with sweet tea and walked down to her bedroom. The door was partially opened so he kicked it open startling her. She eyed him as he walked over and set the glass down on the bedside table. He handed her the plate which she looked at then up at him. He just stood there looking at her. She finally took it out of his hands and set it in her lap before watching him leave the room. He returned a few minutes later with another glass of tea and plate. He got settled on the bed and began eating like nothing was wrong. She shrugged and took a bite of the spaghetti he'd made. It shocked her how good it was.

"This is...really good. Where did you learn to cook?" She inquired, glancing over at him.

"Thanks. It's my momma's recipe. She and my aunt taught me how to cook." He replied, looking back at her.

"I see. Trisha taught me how to cook and bake." Noelle told him.

"You should do some baking and bring it to the clubhouse. Bobby does on occasion and people love it." Happy suddenly told her.

"I don't know if I'm that good of a baker." She nervously chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll love your cooking." Happy stated.

She wasn't so sure about that. Perhaps when she was feeling better, she'd try to make some cookies and take to his clubhouse as he suggested. Not another word was spoken as they ate their dinner in bed. Despite what an asshole he seemed to be half the time, he did sweet things like make her dinner and bring it to her in bed and it confused her. He told her he was going to mark her as his but could she really handle the moods? Looking over at her plate, he urged her to eat. 'And there's that sweet side again! Ugh, could this man be any more confusing?' she thought as she took another bite. Looking at her plate, she did find the tiny meatballs cute and loved forking them then popping them in her mouth.

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