Chapter 33

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It was late when they arrived home. All she wanted was to crawl into bed, curl up next to Happy, and go to sleep. As they were walking to the front door, several loud bangs could be heard. He immediately shoved her to the ground before taking his gun out. His eyes scanned the area and found a guy on a bike just down the street from their place. Happy started shooting back but the guy kept shooting. He hit Happy but that didn't stop the killer from shooting back. He eventually hit the other biker making him stop shooting and rev his engine before taking off down the street.

Happy chased after him but the other biker was already gone. He walked over to where Noelle was still on the ground with her hands covering her ears and her eyes squeezed shut. He pulled her up off the ground making her wrap her arms around his waist and bury her face in his chest. His heart was beating fast making her look up at him. "I've been shot." he simply stated making her gasp. She pulled her phone out to call 9-1-1 but he shook his head. He took his phone out and called Chibs instead. Once they'd hung up, he told Noelle to head into the house and pack a bag, they were going to be staying at the clubhouse.

She raced to do what he told her to. Not knowing how long they'd be at the clubhouse she tossed her bathroom essentials into the bag as well as his. She was packing him some clothes when he entered the bedroom. He told her to hurry up as she zipped up the duffle bag. She grabbed her school bag and camera bag and followed him back outside. He told her to drive herself and follow him to the clubhouse. Her anxiety was high as she followed him to their clubhouse. There were so many questions swirling in her head as she drove along. Was he alright? Was it even safe for him to be driving with a gunshot wound? Who shot at them? How long were they going to have to stay at the clubhouse? How was he going to get medical treatment?

She grabbed all her bags off the passenger seat after she parked her car. Looking up, she saw Happy stumble some making her race over to him. She wrapped an arm around his waist to try and help steady him. One of the prospects came running out to walk on Happy's other side as they made their way into the clubhouse. Chibs greeted them as he took Noelle's spot by Happy's side. She watched as the two men ushered Happy to a back room. Ratboy walked up and told her that Happy would be fine and that he was in good hands with Chibs.

It didn't make her feel any better. Happy dug in his pocket for his dorm key and handed it to the prospect telling him to give it to Noelle. The prospect rushed through the clubhouse to give it to her. She headed down to his old dorm room and opened up the door. After setting her bags on the desk, she walked back into the clubhouse. Jax arrived with Tara who had her med kit and looked over at her. She was fighting tears so he wrapped his arms around her and asked what had happened. She explained all she knew earning a frown from the blond biker.

"It's going to be alright, Darlin'. Happy's one tough sonofabitch." Jax told her.

"But he's been shot!" She exclaimed.

"Chibs and Tara are working on him. He'll be alright." Jax retorted.

"I'm so scared for him." She sighed, wiping away the tears that had fallen down her cheeks.

"I know. If Tara thinks he needs to go to the hospital, we'll get him there. Don't worry about a thing." Jax told her.

The comforting words weren't helping. Her man had been shot protecting her! Jax asked if she'd seen who had started shooting at them but she shook her head no. Happy had thrown her to the ground in an effort to keep her safe. Jax just nodded his head before letting her go to go talk to Happy. He hoped the assassin could give him better details. The prospect rushed by Jax with a bottle of Jack. Jax knew it was for Happy as he walked into the back room where his wife and brother were working to get the bullet out and patch up Happy.

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