Chapter 44

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The whole time the women were making dinner, the topic of conversation was of the baby and how Happy had reacted to the news. Gemma was sure it was going to be a boy, Lyla thought it might be a girl, and Noelle didn't know what to think. Gemma was already talking of throwing a baby shower for Noelle making her shake her head no. The SAMCRO Queen wasn't having it and said it was her honor to throw one for her when it was closer to time for her to give birth. Noelle sighed realizing she wasn't going to win the argument. Lyla laughed seeing Noelle quietly accepting the baby shower Gemma would throw.

Noelle only knew three women. Gemma, Lyla, and Tara. She couldn't help but wonder what kind party it would really be. The Queen couldn't wait for time to throw a baby shower for Noelle. She glanced over at the young woman and smiled. Noelle was more like the daughter she'd never had than some random 'ol lady. Clay never understood why she'd taken to the girl so well but that didn't stop Gemma. Lyla set out paper plates and plasticware for everyone while Noelle helped set the food out. The Queen walked into the main room and shouted that dinner was ready. All the women and children lined up first but Gemma made sure Noelle was at the head of the line since she was eating for two.

When she exited the kitchen, Happy motioned her over to sit with him, Chibs, and Tig. He looked over her plate and nodded. She waited until the rest of her table had gotten their plates before digging into her dinner. Happy kept urging her to eat making her roll her eyes which made Chibs chuckle. He liked seeing her so defiant against their assassin for some reason. Tig was just surprised that Happy seemed rather content with his wife's pregnancy. He never pegged the Killah to be a family man.

"Have you told your mother yet?" Tig questioned Happy.

"Told her today at lunch."

"How'd she take the news?" Noelle asked.

"She was over the moon. Said she couldn't wait to spoil her grandbaby." Happy chuckled, "Also told me to bring you up there for another visit."

"I'd like that. She's really sweet." Noelle smiled at her husband.

"She wants to introduce you to my aunt Sophia." Happy told her.

"I look forward to it." Noelle smiled again making his lips upturn ever so slightly.

"Have you started working on the nursery yet?" Tig asked.

"I just got the news last night." Happy grunted.

"I haven't known for very long and was to worried about his reaction to even start thinking about such things." Noelle confessed.

"If ya need 'elp with anything, let me know." Chibs told the couple.

"Thanks." She smiled at him.

After dinner, Noelle bid the men a goodnight. She wanted to get a nice, hot shower before laying down and watching a little TV before bed. She figured Happy would stay out in the clubhouse talking with his brothers. When she exited the bathroom in just a towel, she jumped in fright making him laugh. He was in the middle of stripping down and smirked at her when he caught her staring at him. "This is how we wound up getting pregnant, little girl." his deep, gravelly voice broke through her mind making her blush. She slipped into her night shirt and towel dried her hair the best she could.

She laid back against the pillows before he got settled in between her legs making her raise her eyebrow at him. He put both hands on either side of her stomach as he laid his head down on her still-flat stomach and sighed. She wondered what was going through his mind as they laid there like that for a while. He moved to kiss her stomach bringing a smile to her face. She ran her hand over his bald head as he raised her night shirt up so he had access to her bare stomach.

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