Chapter 9

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The next several weeks were always the same for her. She'd get up in the morning and make herself breakfast. Most of the time she'd clean up the kitchen afterwards but sometimes she waited. She'd lounge around the house watching TV or movies. Around noon she'd make herself a light lunch. If she didn't clean up the kitchen after breakfast, she did it then. Around five pm, she'd make herself dinner. After dinner, she checked her bag to make sure her work dress and shoes were in her bag along with her wallet.

A little before 5:40, she exited the house and locked it up to await Happy. He always arrived at 5:40. They drove to the bar in silence. She thanked him for the ride every single time making him smile. She'd change in the bathroom then put her purse behind the bar and get to work. After her shift, she'd change back into her regular clothes and leave the bar where Happy was always, without fail, waiting for her. He took her home and made sure she got inside before he left. Whenever she needed to go grocery shopping, she called Happy and he had the prospect come pick her up in the van so she could do what she needed to.

It wasn't an overly exciting life but it was hers. She set aside all her tips in a savings jar so she could purchase a used car. It always made her sigh thinking of how long she was going to be stuck in Charming but she was just a victim of circumstance. Her and Happy subtley flirted which always amused Chibs. Tig made crude comments, as he always did about most women, which usually put Happy in a foul mood. Happy, Chibs, and Tig were at the bar one night when one of her patrons began hitting on her. It irritated Happy greatly but oddly thankful she wasn't flirting back.

It made him wonder why. Was there someone else in her life she was attracted to? When the bar closed down, Chibs told Happy they'd see him back at the clubhouse. They all left generous tips for her before they left. She never said anything about the tips left at their table for her. She exited the bar as she always did. He had plans for them tonight. "We're going for a ride. Get on." he simply told her making her roll her eyes. She told him it had been a long night and that she just wanted to go home and go to bed. He revved the engine waiting for her to climb on.

With a loud sigh, she did as she was told. He drove them out of town making her wonder where he was taking her. They drove for a while and it was starting to scare her. He finally pulled off the main road and into a rest stop. 'What the hell are we doing here?' she wondered as he parked the bike. She slid off the back and waited for him. He grabbed her arm and pulled her over to a picnic table. She sat down on the top and he stood next to her as they remained quiet for a while.

"Noelle (he moved to stand in between her legs) I find you so intriguing and...well...I'm very attracted to you." Happy started out making her eyes go wide.

"Oh...uh..." She stuttered.

"Tell me you don't want this too..." He said as he cupped her face in both hands.

"Happy, there's something you need to know about me." She scooted away from him.

"You're married?" He asked.

"No. I'm not married." She looked away from him, "You's like this..."

"Noelle, you can talk to me. I know I'm quiet and scary but I'm a pretty good listener. Better than most people give me credit for." Happy rested his hands on her knees.

"Happy, I'm emancipated from my mother." She looked down and sighed, "I'm only seventeen."

"WHAT?!" He exclaimed making her jump slightly, "Tell me everything about you. Starting with why you're emancipated from your mother."

"I was emancipated when I was fourteen. I stayed with my best friend Janie and her parents until I'd saved enough from my job to leave town." Noelle told him, "That's all you really need to know."

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