Chapter 18

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Sometime later, the door opened up and Happy entered. She watched as he had a seat at the desk then turned to look at her.

"First of all, what the hell were you doing in Stockton?" He inquired.

"Doing some shopping. None of the electronics stores here had what I was looking for so I headed to the next town over." She simply explained.

"That's Mayan territory. You shouldn't be out there without a patched member with you." He told her.

"I have no idea what that means." She raised her eyebrow and tilted her head to the side.

"Stockton and Oakland are under Mayan control. Like Charming is under the Sons of Anarchy's control. You could get hurt, or worse, if any of them noticed you were in their turf and knew you were associated with us." Happy tried to explain, "I don't want you going to Stockton again without a patched member going with you."

"Happy, I was just doing some shopping. I'll be fine." She rolled her eyes.

"This isn't up for debate, little girl." Happy lowered his voice.

"And quit fucking calling me 'little girl!' I'm not a fucking child!" She yelled.

Their fighting was heard down the hall. Jax and Ratboy stood at the entrance to the dorms listening in. "Girl's got some balls talking to Happy that way!" Ratboy laughed earning a head nod from Jax. 'Or she's extremely special and has broken down the barriers he's put up.' Jax thought to himself as they listened to the argument the pair were having.

"Don't talk to me that way!" He growled.

"I'll talk to you however the fuck I want to." She hissed.

When the arguing stopped, Ratboy asked Jax if they should go check on them. The blond biker shook his head and said it wasn't any of their business and that he was sure the pair were fine. Her defiance turned Happy on. Before she knew it, he'd crossed the room, pulled her up off the bed, and captured her lips with his own. His kiss was hungry and controlling which made her into a puddle. She loved the way he dominated her like that and didn't quite know why. Normally she would hate it but with him it was different. He pulled away and stared into her eyes.

Not a word was spoken between them as they stood there. She didn't know what to say after their fight. Gemma had already explained about Stockton. It confused her why he wouldn't allow her to go there without a "patched member" escorting her. Wouldn't that make it more obvious who she was associated with rather than her going on her own? She knew he wouldn't back down from the escort into Stockton but she wasn't going to let him just tell her what to do either.

"What were you shopping for?" He suddenly asked.

"A camera and a laptop." She shrugged.

"A camera and a laptop?" He asked making her nod her head, "Why?"

"Because I'll need them for school." She retorted.

"You decided to take our advice and go to school? (Again, she nodded) What for?" He inquired.

"Photography." She replied.

Happy just grunted at her as he sat down on the edge of the bed. She watched as he took his boots off then slid his kutte off laying it across the back of the chair. He slowly stripped down to nothing but his boxers then turned the covers back. Clearly, he was getting ready for bed. She stood up and walked over to her bag to grab her nightshirt. She wasn't as brazen as he was, although she did like watching him undress, and changed clothes in the bathroom. It made Happy laugh to himself that she wouldn't change in front of him.

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