Chapter 5

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It wasn't until a few weeks later did things change. She'd worked her shift and helped with the closing work. Happy was feeling uneasy so he was just riding around town waiting. Once she was done for the night, she began her usual walk home. Half-way there, a guy came out of nowhere and threw her to the ground. She screamed and tried to kick him but he punched her in the face splitting her lip. Tasting blood just made her angry. A flashback hit her which only made her even more angry. She threw dirt in his eyes before kneeing him in the face bloodying his nose. While he was dealing with the dirt and his nose, she took off at a run.

He quickly caught up to her and threw her down again. She screamed making him punch her in the face again. This time he hit her in the eye. She groaned thinking of how bad she was going to look going into work the next day. She was trying to fight him off her when suddenly he was yanked up. As she was scrambling to her feet, she looked over. The one who'd grabbed her by her throat was throwing punch after punch to the creep's face. Once he was unconscious, he walked over to his bike. 'How did I not hear that coming up to us?' she thought.

"Get on." He told her.

"No. I'm fine." She stated before turning and walking towards her motel.

"That wasn't a request little girl. I'm taking you home." Happy walked up and grabbed her by both arms.

He'd learned the lesson from Jax.

"I'm perfectly fine. Thanks for the offer..." She didn't get to finish her sentence before he was dragging her to his bike.

"Get on. Now." He stated as he climbed on.

She sighed and did as was requested, her dress scrunching up since it was so short. She hoped he wasn't able to look behind him and see how far her dress had risen. He told her to wrap her arms around his waist so she did before he took off. She was about to start giving directions but then she noticed he was going exactly how she'd tell him to go. 'How does he know where I'm staying?' she thought as they rode along. When he parked in front of her door, she climbed off and eyed him suspiciously. He followed her to the door.

"Listen, I'm going to take you home after work from now on. This won't happen again." Happy told her.

"I'll be fine." She defiantly stated.

"This wasn't a request." Happy stated.

"I have no choice in this?" She asked.

"No. I'll wait for you outside the bar and I'll bring you straight here." He said.

She huffed, "If I seriously have no choice in the matter."

"You don't. I won't let what happened tonight happen again." Happy explained.

"Well. Thanks for that. And the ride." She conceded, "Both were appreciated."

"Don't worry about it. Get inside and get some sleep." He commanded.

'Fuck how hot is that commanding voice of his?' she stared at him for a moment before unlocking her door and stepping inside. Once he heard the lock click, he walked back to his bike and headed back to the clubhouse. At least she had a ride home each night. If he hadn't shown up when he did, things would have gone much worse for her tonight. She quickly stripped down and crawled into bed. Sighing as she thought about how close she and the guy had been when she was on the back of his bike sent chills up her spine and she didn't know why.

Happy enjoyed the feeling of her pressed up against him as he took her home. Knowing how short her dress was, he just imagined how it must have risen to allow her to sit on his bike. He wondered what sort of under ware she wore. Then he thought about what almost happened tonight and it made him angry. She was almost sexually assaulted. Someone nearly violated her. What if hadn't been there to save her? Could she have gotten away? Would she look at him differently now that he'd saved her from that creep?

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