Chapter 1: Rumor Has It

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Bright neon lights flashed in sync with the beat of the music; blinding the darkness that filled the room in between those few seconds before. People moved over to the dance floor in a crowd while others watched and sat around to have a drink. Within the sleepless nightclub, a young man at the age of twenty three was sitting within the stall of the bathroom, hugging himself as his eyes were weighed in closed.

The young man was nauseous; he closed his eyes tightly and hugged himself, trying to fight back every growing urge to puke. But the more he held back, the more of a sharp pain burned within his abdomen. His body was forcing him to throw up the alcohol he chugged into his body, but he didn't like the feeling of throwing it all up. He wanted to keep the toxins in his body longer so he could forget many things. Many things that were engraved into his young mind.

"I-I can have a f-few... few more..." The boy whispered and tightened his grip around his own stomach. "Come on Jeon Jungkook... just a little more for the night..." continued the boy.

Just as Jeon Jungkook sat over the ground to the singular bathroom stall painted black, he suddenly heard the bathroom door swing open. Causing him to open his beautiful brown eyes and roll them so carelessly.

"Why does he have to do this every time?" He thought in his head and dropped his gaze over to the black and classy shoes that kissed the cold tiled floor every second the man approached the boy.

"Jeon Jungkook, I know you're in here!" Called out a deep voice, making the young boy flinch and hug himself tightly. Within seconds, the familiar man approached the bathroom stall Jungkook hid in and stood in place. Listening to the boy breathe heavily.

Abruptly, the man crouched and poked his head under the opening to the stall and locked eyes with the young man before him. His eyes fell onto a helpless lamb who was left all alone with his immature actions. This alone caused the older man to let out a sigh and look at the boy in worry. Never in disappointment.

Jeon Jungkook was always found drinking enough at the club until he was left hugging himself within the stalls; trying to hold in his drinks for the night. The man knew Jungkook very well and saw him as a lamb who was always lost but never found. He was never found because he tended to hide away in the places that could kill him, and no one expected to look for a lost lamb in a place that could kill it instantly.

"Again... Jungkook? Another night and another round of drinks?"

"Ah, leave me alone Namjoon!" Jungkook cried and ran his hand along his forehead before he pressed the tips of his fingers to pinch the top of the nose bridge. "W-What do you want from me..?"

"Don't say that, you know I'm only here to take you out of this place!" Namjoon hissed and kept his gleaming eyes locked onto the boy huddled up in the corner. "You've had your fun. Now, Let's get out of here. Just you and me, as it should be."

"I don't want to go anywhere.. I belong here.." Jungkook continued and let out a cough before leaning back against the wall that held his posture up. "Leave me alone... I'll come back in my own time."

"Ah... I tried to be gentle, now you leave me with no choice. I guess I have to be another father to you!" Namjoon hissed and slid under, causing his brown trench coat to touch the cold and dirty floor. As soon as the tall man slid under, he managed to get in and stand before the young boy huddled by the corner. "Let's get out of here, Jungkook... I won't ask you again."

"Leave me alone!" Jungkook replied into a slight cry until he heard the older man approach him and throw him over his shoulder. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO PICK ME UP LIKE THIS!"

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