Chapter One

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You stood in your flower shop, waiting for customers to come in. You looked out of the shop window. It was a beautiful spring day. Flowers were in full bloom. People were walking out in the streets enjoying their time out in nature. The bell that hung above the door rang, indicating that someone had entered the shop. In walked a man that didn't seem like he belonged in a flower shop.

"Annyeonghaseyo." You greeted him. He looked up at you and smiled. You took that time to look at what he was wearing; black jeans, white dress shirt, simple yet classy. He looked around the shop.

"What may I get for you today, sir?" His eyes finally landed on you. His dark brown chocolate eyes staring into yours, it only then did you notice how pale he was, 'was he sick?' you thought, but he seemed perfectly fine to you.

"Umm... I'm not really sure, could you help me...?" You smiled and nodded.

"Who are you getting the flowers for? If I may ask." He looked down shyly and scratched the back of his neck. If you guessed correctly, it might be for his crush.

"Is it for the person you liked?" He looked up at you, his eyes wide in shock. Bingo.

"How did you know?" You laughed and walked out from behind the counter.

"I'm pretty good at reading people, '' says many people." So you walked over to the rows of flowers, and he followed behind you.

"So? Was I right?: You turned back to look at him. He looked at you in the eyes and nodded.

"Yes, they're for the girl I like." You nodded and looked at the flowers in front of you. You brought your hand up to your chin, thinking, if it's for a girl he likes, then red roses would be too bold, maybe a different color? Your eyes landed on a particular flower,

"How about indigo roses? They signify love at first sight." he looked at the indigo roses and nodded.

"That should be fine. A bouquet of indigo roses, please." You picked out a dozen indigo roses before walking back to the counter. You laid them on the workplace and pulled out floral wrap, laying it flat on the table and carefully arranging the roses, wrapping the floral wrap around the flowers before tying it up with ribbon.

"Would you like a message card to be put on it?" You asked, waving the small card in the air.

"Yes, please write, 'I'm missing you.'" You quickly wrote it down.

"Would you like to put your name?" He smiled and said,

"If you just wanted to know my name, you could've just asked." You stared at him in shock. Did he really think you were trying to hit on him? You both stared at each other for a few seconds before he burst out into a fit of laughter, his eyes crinkling into crescent moons.

"I'm just playing with you. The names Yoongi." You nodded and wrote his name down at the bottom of the card before sticking it into the bouquet of roses.

"Here you go. Since this is your first time here, I'll give you a discount." So you said as you were calculating the money on the register.

"Oh no, please don't give me a discount." He said, waving his hand in front of you, taking his wallet out.

"Ani, it's fine. I do this for all of my new customers." He sighed and obliged.

"That'll be 16,491 won." He handed you the cash while you gave him the bouquet of flowers.

"Have a nice day. I hope everything goes well with the girl Yoongi! Fighting!" He smiled and laughed.


"Oh silly me! I never introduced myself to you. I'm Lee Y/n." He held his hand out, and you shook hands.

"Nice to meet you, Y/n. I'm looking forward to coming here again." You smiled brightly.

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