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I have been making small changes in the last chapter, I would like you all to read it again, in order to understand everything correctly. I apologize, but my brain decided to start working just right now 😗.  No big changes though.

POV Akaashi

I turned around.
"Alright." I said. Everyone was listening closely.
"I assume that they have been waiting for a big part of us to show up here. They could do anything." I lowered my gaze. Was this the right thing to do? Hai Lee was smart, but his plans have always been primitive and simple, almost plain.
"The moment they will get to see us, they are going to attack. We will need Lev and some other members to show up too." Osamu nodded and wrote something down. I waited for him to talk. My gaze wandered over to Bokuto. He was looking at Osamu with big eyes. Bokuto wasn't the brightest bulb out of them all, but he was listening closely. I smiled. Somehow it was amusing to know, that he was probably not even understanding everything. Kuroo would always have to explain him afterwards. Not the brightest bulb, but definitely my brightest star. "We will have our snipers located around the red dots, so they will defeat them before we get into our cars. Doing that, we will gain time and a chance to getaway. Lev will show up with other soldiers for backup and other surprises on the way." Everyone nodded. Osamu continued his words.
"Iwaizumi is going to take his car, the other one-"
"OH! I can drive too!" Atsumu shouted and waved his hand into Osamu's face. The big smile on Atsumu's lips faded as Osamu spoke.
"I might have been planning on dying soon, but not this soon. Sumu." Atsumu jumped up and grabbed Osamu's shirt. "Shut up dumbass! As if you're better at driving." Kuroo grabbed both's heads and separated them from each other. Osamu brushed over his shirt.
"We all know that we will not be able to let Kuroo drive, since we need him more as a soldier. So I will take the car." Osamu looked into the round.
"Anyone got a problem with that?" No one responded, only Atmusu's hand rising slowly into the air.
"Alright." Osamu said and looked at me. "How does that sound Akaashi?"
I nodded furrowing.
"Good!" I clamped the weapon into my waistband. "We will need to obliterate Hai Yang. Just shoot everyone down, that you see."

"Are you connected to Tsukishima?" I asked and looked down to Kenma's laptop. He nodded. "Nishinoya and Tanaka are located. They have two of the soldiers in visor. Lev is going to take care of the third one." I nodded.
"Everybody listen. We will have to take the eastern route. Our sniper are in position. All we have to do is outdistance Hai Yang and get to our new location. For now." Everyone nodded. "Get in position we will wait for a sign from Kenma." I wiped the sweat of my forehead with my sleeve. My whole body was shaking, surprisingly my voice didn't, when I was speaking. I looked at everyone. They have been my family for the past few month. For the first time of my life people cared for me. They even risked their life to save me. I closed my eyes. I would never forgive myself, if someone was getting hurt. Lia crossed my mind. I wouldn't be able to take more than I already have to carry in my heart. Suddenly a hand rested on my shoulder. I opened my eyes. "Stop thinking Akaashi." Bokuto said and looked deep into my soul. My furrowed brows relaxed. Every time I would think, that I could just die, without getting anyone hurt. But when I look into his golden eyes, I remember, that I still have one will to live. It was him. If I die, who would protect him? How would I be sure, that he is okay? I nodded.
"Okay!" Kenma shouted surprisingly so everyone could hear. "Get in the cars!"
I looked at Bokuto once again. Please don't let this be the last time, for me to look into his eyes. Please. Oikawa kicked the door open and everyone ran towards the cars. I jumped right into Osamu's car and closed the door behind my back. With both hands I rummaged in my pocket and pulled my phone out. I hope our plan is going to be a success.

POV Bokuto

I looked out of the window. Not a single shot has fallen on us. They would have to follow us, thinking Akaashi is in here. I tapped my earbud.
"Kenma. Do you hear me?" I asked and waited a few seconds for him to reply.
"No Bokuto you are not allowed to speak to Akaashi." I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up. I wanted to ask if everything is alright over there."
"Yeah Akaashi is fine if you wanted to know that." I unplugged the earbud and held it right onto my lips.
"IF YOU DON'T STOP ACTING LIKE A TOTAL BRAT, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU BEFORE HAI LEE DOES!" I shouted and plugged it back in. Oikawa turned around and looked at me with big eyes. Kenma's voice rang through the earbud.
"God fucking damn it Bokuto. Yes everything is alright. No shots for now."
I nodded. "Okay."
Oikawa turned back around. "For a second I thought you were talking to yourself." I crossed my arms infront of my chest. I hope I get to choke Hai Lee with my own hands. Akaashi told us to shoot everyone right away. I looked at the gun in my hand. Was I already ready to take someone's life right away? Kuroo laid his hand on my thigh.
"Hey owly. Ready to blow out some brains?" He asked and smirked. I nodded and forced a smile. "I can't wait."


Kenma really do be carrying the whole group on his back smh 🙄🖐🏻.

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