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POV Bokuto

I cleared my throat. They were still just looking at us.
"Hey boys." Oikawa started talking. "We will have a new transport coming in."
He stepped forward. "You know the-" Oikawa looked from left to right and leaned in a little bit. "-kids." He smiled.
The shock made me freeze. How was he able to talk so casual? His acting skills were so good, that it even confused the bodyguards at the door. They didn't even pay attention to me and the bloody thumb in my hand. "They will be here in any minute." Oikawa walked up to one of the men, grabbed his lapel and fixed it. "What was your name again?"

POV Akaashi

I sprinted along the hallway. As I took a left turn I saw Kuroo, Oikawa and Bokuto. Oikawa stood a step ahead to the door and spoke to someone. What was he doing? I stopped my steps and hid myself behind the wall. Atsumu and Osamu stopped next to me. "Akaashi." Kenma's voice sounded through the earbud. "Yes?" I answered.
"Oikawa is talking to one of Yutaka Chi's soldiers. It looks like they are confused since Oikawa and Kuroo are dressed as doctors."
I nodded even though he wasn't able to see my silent response.
I turned around to the twins. "We don't know how many people are standing behind the door. Just follow me and try to shoot as many as you can."
I took a deep breath and started running to their direction. Bokuto turned his head to me. I tended my head to the side and hoped, that he would understand what I was trying to say. His eyebrows drew together and he nodded once. As I neared myself I could hear Oikawa's words. "Ah here they are!" He smiled and pointed his finger to our direction. Before I arrived at the door frame, I let myself down on the floor and slided. Bokuto grabbed Kuroo and both jumped to the side. Right after Oikawa ducked I held the gun in my right arm and stretched it out. With my left hand I supported it and pulled the trigger 7 times in a row. Each bullet shot through every single ones head and they fell to the ground within a few seconds. With my foot I braked myself from sliding. Heavy breathing I stood up and jogged to the other members. Bokuto's eyes sparkled. "Akaashi." He said, eyeing every inch of my face. My heart beat fast, not because I was running all the time, I missed him even though we were apart for only 30 minutes.
"Shit Akaashi you could save some for us." Atsumu said and crossed his arms. "Okay enough we have to get in." Kuroo shouted and loaded his gun. Everybody followed his steps. Bokuto was running close to me. I risked a peek. He was looking. If we keep distracting each other like that ,it won't end well. I fixed my eyes to the hall that we were running in. The walls, the floor even the ceiling, everything was white. Every person that crossed our path was shot immediately.
I noticed how Bokuto's bullets never shot through someone's head, throat or heart. Not even their stomach. But I knew that he could if he wanted to.
"Kenma where is the entry to the children?" Kuroo said with short breath breaks between each word.
"At the end of the passage turn left then right." He answered. It was crazy how big this hidden mansion was. From the outside you couldn't see a single thing since it was subterraneous. Suddenly everybody stopped. The big same door where I shot the 7 men appeared infront of us. A fingerprint was needed to open it.
"Bokuto where is the thumb?" As I heard these words come out of Oikawa's s mouth my eyes peeled.
"The THUMB?" Atsumu shrieked. Bokuto laughed loudly and pulled something out of his pocket. As I saw the object in his hand my stomach twisted. He threw it and Oikawa caught it just like it was a ping pong ball. Bokuto looked at me. I backed up a step.
"Don't touch me." I said.
Bokuto grinned. "Don't tease me or else you'll be thumbless too." The door opened and we all got inside. As my sight catched all the things I saw, my heart skipped a beat. About 6 children in the age between 6 - 14. All of them were dressed in a thin white fabric, reaching close to their knees. The dark circle under each eyes told me, that they haven't been sleeping or eating well. My chest tightened and I lowered my gaze. They were taken away from their parents. The freedom to have a peaceful life in their home and growing up in a healthy household was taken away from them. "
Oikawa and I will take the kids. You guys have to clear the way for us." Kuroo's brows drew together.
"All the way back to the big elevator. Lev is waiting at entrance 4 with the transporter."


Here have some baby Iwaoi as an apology.

I PROMISE it's the last time that I mention the thumb

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I PROMISE it's the last time that I mention the thumb. Haha... unless😳

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