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With quite steps we stepped out of the car. Lev leaned back in his seat and pulled out his smartphone. Akaashi loaded his gun and looked into my eyes. "Just as planned." He said and I nodded. I pulled Hinata close to me. "Don't miss a single step I make." Hinata furrowed and stuffed the gun in his jeans. "Are you sure you don't need to use the restroom again?" I asked. Before we could even arrive here, Lev had to stop at a gas station for 20 minutes, so Hinata could empty his intestine. Hinata shook his head and his eyes started to sparkle.
"I am so excited Bokuto-San." I tousled his orange hair. Even though this task was one of the simple ones, it was Hinatas first task in action. Kenma hacked into Red Jasmines stystem.
"11 pm at the port. Don't forget the file." Was the message that led us to the place where we were. "They won't have many men coming with them while exchanging files." Akaashi said and I nodded once again. I pulled out my smartphone and watched the red dot near himself to our location. "They will be here in any minute." Akaashi brushed his hair back. We planned to split up and shoot both sides from behind. Before Akaashi could take a step further I spoke up. "You won't run away from me, if I leave you alone right?" Akaashi's head pressed back into his neck and he turned half around.
"Maybe not." He smiled slightly and started walking. I leaded to the opposite direction, Hinata following me step by step.
"Look Hinata. I will let you shoot the first shot. Take aim and wait for my signal." Hinata's hands squeezed into fists. "Okay." He said. I followed the red dot on my screen. Just in position. With my back I leaned against the big yellow container and peeked my head from the side. With my eyes I counted the people. 6. 3 on each side. I let my gaze wander all over the place. If we get on the container we would have a better opportunity. A big lift truck stood next to us.
"Hey." I whispered and tapped Hinata's shoulder. He looked up to me. "We are going to climb on that and jump on the container. Can you do that?" My finger pointed at the truck. Hinata turned his head to the direction, I was pointing at then back to me. "That's a puddle jump." He said while the corner of his mouth lifted. I nodded and started walking. With a quick move I pushed the tangerine in front of me so he could climb first. I still had to take care of him. As we arrived on the top I ducked, so did Hinata. "Your jumping skills are great Hinata. It's simple, just jump, tuck and roll." With a little run-up I jumped on the container. I stopped myself from rolling and straightened. Hinata did the exact same and I patted his back.
"You're just like a mini version of me Hinata." With much effort I tried not to laugh out loud. "Just wait til I beat you and take over your spot." Hinata's mouth twisted. "We will see, shrimp."
I grabbed his shoulder and we both started walking to the edge of the container. As we reached to the edge I laid down on my stomach. Hinata crawled up next to me. "The guy in the middle. Red shirt." Hinata held his gun up. I pointed at the same person just in case Hinata would miss. I waited for him to reach out for the file. After a short while the blonde dude of the opposite group pulled out a file and held it infront of his chest. I balled my left fist and held it up. Not yet. Not yet. As he handed over the file and the red shirted guy grabbed it, my finger shot up in the air. Hinata fired. Both of the exchangers fell to the ground. Akaashi shot the blonde guy in the exact same second. The four remaining men pulled out their guns without any hesitation and pointed around them. I grabbed Hinata's head and pressed it down against the container. "Headshot." I said quietly and smiled. Hinata's face brightened.
"Now let me take my spot light." I said and held the gun up to shoot the rest of them but before I could take aim on a single person, four gunshots were fired. My jaw went slack and my eyes widened. All four of them fell to the ground. Silence took over and as nothing could be heard I stood up and looked for Akaashi. He walked to the file and grabbed it. Akaashi looked up to me and held the file in the air. "I'm quite disappointed Bokuto-San." He said and started walking to the direction were Lev was waiting for us. "Well that's a bit embarrassing." Hinata chuckled. I turned around. "HEY! You can shut your mouth shrimpy!"

Hinata and I jogged to the car. Akaashi was already sitting in the backseats. As the door closed Hinata's voice filled the whole car. "THAT WAS SO FUCKING COOL!"
I smiled and thought of Akaashi, suddenly Hinata's voice blurred. What a charisma. The way he just acted like it was such an obvious thing to shoot all men down within 2 seconds. I turned around to take a glance but as his eyes met mine I kept the eye contact going. He smiled slightly and half-shrugged. Just like he was saying :
"Oh Bokuto-San I am so much better than you. Effortlessly." My lower lips drew between my teeth and I smiled.
"Hinata did a great Job. I will tell Daichi all about that." I said and turned around so I could see Hinata. He smiled brightly and held his fist out. I bumped mine against his. "Great job buddy."


Thank you so much for reading!!

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