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(Pre chapter)

POV Akaashi

I opened the door to his room. He was still sleeping.
"Bokuto-San." I said and poked his arm with my index finger, while letting myself down on his bed. The heavy sleeping owl turned around and buried his head into the pillow. His back facing me.
"Bokuto-San." I repeated smiling. No reaction. I leaned forward and placed my lips on his neck. The smell of his scent made my heart and mind relax for a good minute. I kissed him gently and brushed the grey hair back. Bokuto moved slowly, it seemed like he was about to wake up. My lips leaned against his ear.
"Bokuto-San." I whispered once again. Finally he opened his eyes and turned his head around to get a look of me. The sleepy eyes looked deep into mine, our nose tips touching. Bokuto smiled big and closed his eyes. As I was going in to lay my lips on his, Bokuto suddenly moved rapidly, causing his nose to hit my right eye. I jerked and grabbed it with both hands.
"Akaashi!" Bokuto screeched and straightened himself. He lifted my chin with one hand, trying to check my eye.
"You're not mad, are you?." He said and I opened my left eye. A big grin formed on my face. Bokuto looked at me with big eyes. His hand slipped off my face and fell on my lap. "Akaashi?"
"I'm fine Bokuto-San, but you should've seen your face." I removed my hands and wiped the tears away with the back of my hand. Only my right eye was tearing up. Bokuto knit his eyebrows and looked at me.
"I was worried. I thought you went blind for a second." He said and suddenly a laugh escaped my mouth.
I don't know why, but I was feeling extra happy today. The corners of Bokuto's mouth also lifted slightly, until they formed a big grin. His eyes were looking at me softly.
„It must've looked so funny from another perspective, because I was going in for a kiss." I said as the laughter calmed.
Bokuto's hands snaked around my torso and rested on my lower back. He pulled me closer to him.
"Let me make it up to you." He whispered and placed his face on my neck. The tickling feeling went all the way down my spine. I closed my eyes. Suddenly Bokuto's grip around my waist tightened. With all the strength in his arms, he threw me over himself on the other side of the bed. I gasped for air and held my breath right away. As my head hit the soft pillow, I let the air out of my nose.
Bokuto looked down to me grinning. My eyes were still wide open out of shock.
"I'm glad you didn't smash my head against the wall." I said and furrowed slightly. Bokuto laughed and came closer to my face. His nose tip touched mine again.
"Should we continue where we stopped Akaashi?" My hands wandered all the way up his back and I pulled his head closer to me. As his soft lips laid on mine, my mind went dizzy. I closed my eyes and let the pictures appear in my mind. All the bright colors. A firework. The exciting feeling, I always got in my stomach while kissing him. It wouldn't get less by any chance. Not even if it was the 100th time. His taste, scent, everything. Everything would make me go insane and I would crave every single touch even more. My finger dug into his hair and I clasped them tightly. While breaking the kiss Bokuto took my lower lip between his teeth and bit it lightly, causing me to groan silently. As he fully broke the contact he looked into my eyes. I rose my eyebrows.
"Wow, I did not expect that Bokuto-San." I said.
"Well, but it sounded like you were totally into it." He replied and brushed my hair back. With my palm I slapped against his back.
"Shut up."
Bokuto laughed and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"Get ready I have a little surprise." I said and cupped his face with both hands, as he looked back down to me. Bokuto's eyes started glowing brightly.
"A surprise? For me?" He asked excited. I nodded and hummed.
"Mhm. For you Bokuto-San. But I want you to dress nicely."

Bokuto walked out of the room while tugging the long sleeved shirt in his pants. His steps stopped right infront of me and he looked up. As his gaze met mine he let his eyes wander down all over my body, then back to my eyes.
"You're so beautiful." He said under his breath and smiled. I turned around and grabbed the collar of his button shirt, that he wore underneath the long sleeved one. I smiled.
"You really made efforts to dress nice Bokuto-San." I said while fixing his collar. "You're beautiful too."
Bokuto's eyes hovered over my shoulder and the smile dropped. I turned around to get a look of what he was seeing. My eyes met Kuroo and Oikawa, but in the exact moment Kuroo's arms shot down to his sides and Oikawa dimmed the chuckling underneath his palm. I turned back around and looked at Bokuto. His eyebrows furrowed and he was still looking at them. I knew, that they were doing stupid moves behind my back, like throwing hearts or either gesturing two people kissing.
"Bokuto-San." I said and placed both hands on his chest.
"Akaashi! They won't stop doing weird things." He shouted and pointed at them. Suddenly Oikawa's laugh filled the whole room, as Bokuto got angrier. I closed my eyes.
"I know Bokuto-San." I said and turned Bokuto around with both hands. As I put them on his back I pushed him towards the door.

I pulled the handbrake and turned my head around. "You can look now."
Bokuto slowly removed his hands from his face. As he saw the view, his golden eyes widened. "Akaashi." He said quietly.
"Akaashi, that's the field, where we went star gazing."
I nodded and looked at him. "Yes, this was the first place, where I finally realized how much I trust and love you Bokuto-San."
Bokuto pressed his lips together, his cheeks flushing in a reddish tone.
I opened the door and stepped outside. After I grabbed the blanket and picnic basket. We both walked up to the same spot, where we gazed over the midnight blue sky. Bokuto folded the blanket open and placed it on the ground. After settling down on it, I unpacked the stuff, that I made for him. Pancakes, strawberry's and sandwiches. Bokuto started waggling from left to right.
"Akaashi that looks amazing!" He shouted and grabbed one sandwich from the plate, that I just placed 3 seconds ago. He took a big bite and started chewing. I poured the orange juice into our glasses and handed him one.
"Here, Bokuto-San."
Bokuto took the glass out of my hand and flushed the big bite down. After swallowing he looked at me.
"If we get married Akaashi, you will definitely be the cook." He said and continued munching. My eyes widened slightly the top of my ears started burning lightly.
Getting married? He was planning on spending the rest of his life with me? Bokuto meant the world to me, because he was the first person, that I fell in love with. But how many times has he loved? How many times did he look into someone else's eyes and thought of proposing to them? Spending the rest of their life with them? I shook my head. This shouldn't be none of my business. Before I was in his life, I didn't mean anything to him. Because we were strangers. And I would never have the rights to mind his past relationships, if he had any.
I shook my head slightly and pressed my eyes together. Right after I opened them, I met his.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked.
I smiled and grabbed one strawberry from the plate. "Our wedding day." I said and reached out for Bokuto's face. I placed one hand under his chin, with the other one I put the strawberry between his lips. Bokuto smiled softly and bit into it. My thumb brushed over his cheek.
"And the words that I want to say in my speech."
Bokuto rested his head in my palm and smiled from one ear to another.
"What are you gonna say in your speech?" He asked.
"You will hear it, when the day comes, Bokuto-San"

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