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POV Bokuto

I leaned against the wall and listened closely to the foreign voice.
"They have changed their location." I closed my eyes to capture every single letter with my ears. The voice continued talking. "He's a big hazard for us." Another voice spoke.
"Yes. He actually would have the strength to kill us all, but something is stopping him." My eyebrows drew together. Something is stopping him?
"It has to be that one guy." I opened my eyes. Are they talking about me? As footsteps neared themselves Kuroo looked to his right quickly. Suddenly he grabbed my head and pulled me away. "Someone is coming." He whispered and we ran out of the hotel building.


Kuroo's hands were moving from left to right as he was talking.
"They already know that we are located in Fujikawaguchiko. But they don't have a clue where we could be."
Sugawara nodded. He stood up and leaned against the table, the way he always did, when he had something important to say.
"This location might not last much. We all will have to carry our equipment and weapons with us at daylight. While sleeping they should be near by, so we can react right away if something happens." Everyone nodded. Sugawara straightened his back and turned around.
"No one leaves the mansion. May Bokuto follow me to office." He said and walked out of the door.
My head turned to Akaashi. He was looking at his lap, just like he was thinking about something. Without saying anything I got off my chair and walked after Sugawara. As the door to his office closed I sat down on the chair infront of him. Sugawara smiled at me. The mole on his cheekbone moved up as his cheeks puffed a little.
"Do you want something to drink Bokuto?" He asked and reached out to the small fridge. I nodded. Sugawara pulled out a red wine bottle and two wine glasses. After pouring the wine he spoke.
"I know it might be hard for you to talk but I need more informations on our soldier's death."
I took a sip and pinned my eyes on the wooden table. He didn't say his name.
Uttering his name and the word 'death' in one sentence just felt wrong. It seemed like he wasn't gone completely. Just really far away.
I was glad to talk to Sugawara about this. His appearance and the way he talked to his people was just comforting in every way. I opened my mouth to talk, it was hard but I told him everything, my eyes had to witness.

Kuroo let himself down on the coach next to me. I waggled my hips from left to right.
"God dang it!" I whispered and grabbed my waistband.
"Do you have ants in your pants or sumn?" Kuroo looked up from his phone. I shook my head.
"No this gun is just..." Suddenly my eyes widened. Ants. Pants. I looked at Kuroo.
"Bro that rhymed." Kuroo placed his right hand on his chest and smirked.
"As we all know I am a lyrical god."
I nodded and pulled the gun out of my pants.
"What about... guns in my-" I laid my index finger on my chin and hummed.
"Buns." A voice said quietly from my right. I turned my head to Akaashi. He was looking at me through his glasses.
"You mean buns like buttocks?" I asked and the corner of my mouth lifted as he nodded.
"Yeah." He answered blunt. The grin on my face grew.
"It is happening ladies and gentlemen." Kuroo framed his palms around his mouth.
"We officially broke Akaashi's humor. THE sane and serious Keiji Akaashi's humor."
I laughed and looked at Akaashi. He was laughing too. My heart wrapped up with a warm blanket out of serotonin, as I saw his eyes squint while laughing. It was rare to see and he felt comfortable enough, to show this to the members other than me.
Kuroo poked my arm. "What do you think the drink at the hotel was, that they offered us."
I shrugged slightly. "I don't know man. All I know is, that it tasted great. I think it was pomegranate." Kuroo's sight wandered over my shoulder to Akaashi's. His eyebrows drew together, causing a fold in between them.
"What?" He asked.
I looked at Akaashi and nearly gasped by the look of his serious and pale face.
"You drank what?" He asked.
"A waiter offered us some drinks at the entrance of the hotel where we spied on Hai Yang." With his thumb and index finger Kuroo showed the size of the cups. "It was something red and tasted like berries or pomegranate."
Akaashi got up from his seat and ran his hands through his hair furiously. I got up as well and walked up to him. His eyes where wide open.
"Shit." He said under his breath. "Shit. Shit!"
I grabbed both of his shoulders and turned him around. He was looking into my eyes.
"What's the fucking matter?" I asked. The way his pupils were shaking alarmed me, that something was wrong. Really wrong. Akaashi shook himself off my grip and walked to the window. He looked down.
"Bokuto-San." He said quietly. "They are coming."
I widened my eyes. They are coming?
"They have one micro-gps mixed in every drink. It was them. They knew that someone would show up to spy on them."
I breathed heavily. How? How could they know? Akaashi's lower lip started trembling. Before he could speak Kuroo shouted through the whole apartment.
"Everyone get ready! We are setting out!"
The noises in the apartment rose but I was just looking at Akaashi.
I have a gps in my stomach. How am I supposed to get it out?
Akaashi's eyes filled with tears. Why was he so scared?
If we will set out they are constantly going to follow me and Kuroo through the gps. It would take about 5 hours for us to shit it out or we would have to throw up. The guarantee for the chip to come out was low. Suddenly I realized why Akaashi was looking at me like that. It was impossible for me to escape Hai Yang for now. We would have to stay separated again. Or else both of us would die.
"There is no point in loosing two soldiers." Daichi's words repeated in my head. I grabbed Akaashi's hand and ran to the conference hall.


Thank you so for 5k. Ily all :c

Edit: Bokuto and Kuroo did not go to Hai Yang's base and drink the drink there. Hai Yang was staying at a hotel nearby in Fujikawaguchiko (a town near Tokyo) to find Haikyuu's new location. The drinks were offered at the hotel entrance by a waiter. They already knew that haikyuu's hacker (Kenma) would hack into their location and mobiles/messages to find out what they were doing. Hai Yang has been giving out the place where they were, but they didn't talk any further about what they were planning on doing. In that way, they knew someone would have to spy on them and they replaced the waiter at the entrance with a Hai Yang soldier and offered everyone who walked in a drink. Out of them all there had to be at least one Haikyuu soldier.

I just wanted to clarify this. Yeah Bokuto and Kuroo are sharing one braincell when they are together, but let's not forget, that Kuroo is actually a thinking man.
Bokuto: sometimes no think.

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