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POV Bokuto

I wrapped the blanket around Akaashi's shoulder. The tears calmed but his eyes were still full of sadness. He grabbed the cup of tea that I made for him. I let myself down on the couch next to him. Akaashi looked inside the cup without saying a word.
"Do you wanna talk?" I asked. I knew it was such a dumb thing to ask, because if someone wanted to talk about something, they would already start. But some people just need an invitation to talk. I wanted to make him aware of that I was ready to listen to him. No matter how long it would take him to talk.  Akaashi looked at me with his red rimmed eyes. He shook his head and forced a smile.
"No." He mumbled. "One day. But not now." He said.
I didnt answer. The only thing that I managed to do, was to snake my arm behind his back. Akaashi placed the cup on the table and turned to my direction. Both of his arms entwined my upper body and he rested his head on my chest.
"I'm so glad to have you in my life Bokuto-San." Akaashi nestled his head and inhaled deeply. I leaned back and ran my fingers through his hair.
"I'm glad to have you too, Akaashi."

POV Akaashi

I slowly opened my eyes. Bokuto was gone. Falling asleep on his chest was the last thing I remembered. I straightened myself and looked at the cup on the table. The tea was already ice cold. With the back of my hands I rubbed my eyes. My head was pounding and I probably had the worst headache ever. I stood up from the couch and walked to the bathroom. As I saw the reflection of myself, I startled lightly.
My eyes were puffy and red, the dark circles under my eyes were also immense.
With cold water I washed my face and dried it off with the towel. With slow steps I walked to Bokuto's locker and grabbed a hoodie. Before putting it on I dug my nose in it and inhaled. The smell made me calm and forget everything bad on this planet. Every single human vanished, only Bokuto filled my heart and mind.

I walked back to the sofa and sat down. The clock showed 2 am. Where was Bokuto? Where would he go at 2 am? I closed my eyes. He probably had something to do. He wouldn't leave me. Everyone would, but he wouldn't.
Suddenly the door opened. As I tried to see who it was, an arm sticked out and threw a piece of paper on the floor. The door closed quickly. I stood up from my seat, picked up the paper and unfolded it.
'Oh no! I have an emergency Aghashee. You have to come to the rooftop. PS: If you already know who I am, just act like you don't know who I am. Okay?' The corner of my mouth lifted.

I opened the heavy door to the rooftop. The first thing that I saw, was the amount of lit candles. My gaze followed them, they ended up next to a big blanket. I walked all the way up to it an looked down. A single cupcake with a candle sticking out of it. Suddenly two hands covered my eyes and I smiled. I knew it was him. He didn't say anything.
"Bokuto-San." I said and grabbed both of his hands. They refused to move away from my face.
"Bokuto-San, I know it's you." With much effort I pulled them away from my face and turned around.
As I saw the black messy hair I gasped. Kuroo.
"What the fuck Kuroo?" I said and slapped his hands away from me. My cheeks started to burn. Kuroo laughed hysterically.
"Aw man you should've seen your face Akaashi."
"What are you even doing here? Where is Bokuto?" I asked. Kuroo pointed at the candles.
"You really think I would let Bokuto light up candles by himself?" Before I could say anything Bokuto's voice halled from behind a wall. "Kuroo you jerk!" He shouted and stamped his way up to our direction. Kuroo patted my shoulder.
"I have to go!" He said and sprinted towards the door. Before Bokuto could catch him he disappeared. Bokuto turned his head to my direction. He scratched the back of his head with his right hand.
"I wanted to cover your eyes but Kuroo ruined everthing." I smiled and turned around to the blanket.
"Oh who is covering my eyes?" I asked loudly and closed my eyes.
"I can't see anything. Who are you?" As I expected Bokuto hopped behind me and covered my eyes. He chuckled silently.
"Bokuto-San is that you?" I grabbed his hands, pulled them away from my face and turned around.
Bokuto was beaming. His smiled was just as bright as the sun. His yellow eyes were also glowing. "Happy Birthday Akaashi!"
My eyes widened. It's- it's my birthday?
Bokuto noticed the confused look on my face. "Akaashi it's the 5th of December. You turned 23." I shook my head. The last few days were so exhausting that I forgot my own birthday. But he remembered. Bokuto remembered my birthday even though he was held hostage by Hai Yang. I looked into his eyes. The beaming smile was gone.
"Don't you like it? I would love to do so much more but that's the best thing I could do for now. After these days."
I lowered my gaze. My eyes filled with tears. The amount of times I've cried in the past days even annoyed myself. I tried my best to blink them away.
"Hey Akaashi I didn't know you wouldn't like it." Bokuto mumbled. I shook my head.
"No Bokuto-San, I love it." I wiped the tear away with my thumb.
"It's just.. I forgot that it was my birthday and you remembered." Bokuto placed his hand under my chin and lifted my head.
"But why are you crying Akaashi?"
I smiled. "Happy tears." I said, Bokuto smiled back. He grabbed my hand and pulled me on the blanket. We sat down infront of each other. Bokuto held the cupcake close to my face. My eyes crossed to get a look of the candle.
"I actually made more but I forgot them in the oven for too long. This is the only one that still looked a little appetizing."
I chuckled and took the cupcake in both hands. It was covered in a thick layer of chocolate frosting, the candle wax already started to drip on it. "You have one wish." Bokuto said and crossed his fingers. I closed my eyes.
Please let me be with Bokuto for the rest of my lasting years. Don't let anybody take him away from me. I don't want anything else than to be with him until the day I die.
I blew out the flame and smiled.
"Take a bite!" Bokuto said and pulled the candle out of the cupcake. I removed the muffin liner and took a small bite. It was dry and the taste of burnt dough made my face twist a little. With much effort I forced a smile.
"It's great." I said and placed the cupcake to the side. Bokuto grabbed a small box out of his pocket and handed it to me. As I opened it I could see a needle, black ink and a lighter. I raised an eyebrow.
"What is that?" I asked and looked at him. Bokuto wagged out of excitement. "You have to guess 3 times."
I looked back into the box. "Bokuto-San I seriously don't have a clue."
What could you do with a needle and some black ink? Without letting me guess a second or third time Bokuto answered. 
"We are going to give each other poke tattoos!" He shouted and slammed his palms on his knees.
That sounded so unhygienic but Bokuto managed to make me like every idea that comes out of his mouth. I smiled and nodded. Not a single soul would be able to make me do this. Except for him. Bokuto grabbed the box and pulled out the needle. He sterilized it by holding the tip into the flame. After that he dipped it into the ink and asked me to reveal my wrist. I did so and looked into his eyes.
"It won't hurt. I will be gentle."
I nodded. As the needle neared itself my skin I clenched my teeth. Bokuto's tongue sticked out, out of concentration. The needle poked lightly into my skin. It didn't hurt.
"Don't look it's a surprise."
I turned my head to the left. The cold wind breezed over my hair. I looked all over the city. The lights were mesmerizing. My mouth formed a smile. It felt good to be alive and have him in my life. A blessing.

"Done!" Bokuto shouted proudly and wiped a tissue over my wrist. I looked at it. A stick figure holding it's hands up.
"That's me!" Bokuto said and sticked his arms up in the air. A little laugh escaped my mouth.
"It really looks like you, Bokuto-San." I brushed my index finger over it. It was imbalanced but I still loved it.
"Now it's my turn." I said and grabbed the needle. After sterilization, I started to poke into the inner side of his left wrist.
As I was finished he looked at it with warm eyes.
"A." He said quietly and smiled.

POV Bokuto

I analyzed his face. He looked tired, but he was smiling.
"You're beautiful Akaashi." I said and took his right hand in my left one. The tattoos met each other. A stick figure and the letter A. Akaashi locked his fingers in mine.
"I look awful Bokuto-San." He said and pressed his lips together. I shook my head.
"Lies." I said and stood up, pulling Akaashi with me. I took my phone out and started playing a song. Akaashi's eyes brightened. It was his favorite song. The song that I played on his record player on the rainy day.
"Since we both are really bad at dancing I practiced a little bit." I said and grabbed Akaashi's waist. Our fingers crossed again. Akaashi laid his hand on my shoulder. I put one foot after the other carefully. My eyebrows knitted by the attempt to concentrate. As I stepped on Akaashi's foot, my head threw back and I whined. "Aw man I practiced this so much."
Out of a sudden Akaashi grabbed my face with both hands and pulled me down to him. He laid his lips on mine. My eyes widened and I froze. The tickling feeling rose from my stomach up to my chest. My heart decided to skip a beat. I was unable to move.
Akaashi removed his lips and looked into my eyes. After a solid second he turned his head around and tried to step back. My hand was still laying around his waist, resting on his lower back. I pulled him back to me. The time stopped as his lips met mine again. I was fully aware of him. Every breath i took smelled like Akaashi. The soft touch of him against my lips. The way his fingers curled behind my back, clasping my shirt. The world around us blurred, almost disappearing. I broke the kiss and looked at him, just to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. Akaashi smiled, his cheeks flushing in a reddish tone. I leaned my head against his forehead and closed my eyes.
Words couldn't describe the way I felt. The shock still didn't shed off completely but I knew it wasn't just an imagination. I wanted to say something but my tongue wouldn't move a single inch. The world around us was still blurry.I was only able to see him.
Only Akaashi and me on the rooftop at 3 am December, 5.


ILY!! 🖤

Thank you sm for reading!
!Don't forget to drink water!

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