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POV Akaashi

The sun peaked through the window. I opened my eyes and blinked the sleep away. Bokuto's arm was wrapped around me. He was sleeping. My eyes were burning because I fell asleep drowning in my salty tears. I pressed my head against his chest. His heartbeat rang into my ear. My eyelids dropped and I listened closely. I wrapped my arm around Bokuto's torso and hugged him close. Whenever I felt his warmth, the storms in my heart and mind calmed. My lungs filled with his sweet scent. Suddenly Bokuto's arm wandered all the way up to my head. His fingers dug into my hair.
"Good morning Akaashi." Bokuto mumbled in his sleepy voice.
„Morning Bokuto-San." His fingers brushed through my hair, causing a little shiver to go down my spine. I wish we could lay here forever. All of a sudden the door opened and slammed against the wall.
„BREAKFAST IS REA- OH." Atsumu's voice halled in the whole room. My heart skipped a beat. I freed myself from Bokuto's arms. With a quick move I pushed him away from me, causing him to roll out of the bed. Bokuto fell to the ground groaning. I sat upright and looked into Atsumu's eyes.

POV Bokuto

I rubbed the back of my head and looked up to Akaashi. His hair was tousled and his ears were glowing in a bright red. Atsumu's eyes went from Akaashi back to me. He cleared his throat.
„Breakfast is ready." The door closed slowly. Akaashi covered his face with both hands. „Fuck." He muffled. I picked myself off the ground and sat down next to him. „
What the fuck was that Akaashi?" I asked and grinned from ear to ear. Akaashi revealed his eyes . „I- I don't know Bokuto-San." I grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his face. His cheeks were still flushed in a reddish tone. „
Let's eat breakfast." I said and smiled. We both walked down the stairs. Everyone was already awake. Osamu sat on the big table and munched on his cereal.
„Where is everybody?" I asked. Osamu swallowed. „They are playing Super Smash Bros."
I walked to the living room and opened the door. Kenma and Lev were sitting on chairs really close to the big screen. Everybody else surrounded them.
„C'MON LEV. YOU'RE SO BAD!" Kuroo screamed. I walked up to them and stopped next to Oikawa. „What's going on?" I asked.
Oikawa turned his head to me. „Kenma already beat everyone. If he beats Lev each one of us has to buy him a new Nintendo game." My eyes wandered to Lev. Drops formed on his forehead, his lips were pressed together. „
LEV WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Iwaizumi screamed. Lev furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Iwaizumi. „YOU COULDN'T EVEN LAST FOR 5 MINUTES." As Lev turned his head back to the screen his jaw dropped. He lost the game. Kenma cracked his fists and leaned back.
„Wow Lev, you suck." He said and smiled slightly. Atsumu smacked Lev's forehead. „Yeah you suck big boy."
Lev turned around. „YOU LOST THE GAME TOO!"
„Okay okay we will buy your games Kenma. Now everybody get ready we're going out in 15 minutes." Kuroo walked towards the door. I followed him.
„Bed head where are we going?" He stopped at the first step of the stairs and smirked. „Exploring this beautiful city, baby!"

„Bokuto-San!" Akaashi shouted from downstairs. I pulled the white shirt over my head and sprinted down the stairs while slipping my arms into the sleeves.
„They are waiting for us." As we both got in the car I closed the door behind.


„How much does that hat cost sir?" I asked the man behind the stall. I let my eyes wander all over the colorful things, that laid infront of me.
„35 dollars." He answered. My eyes widened. „That's quite a bit for a big hat sir." I squinted and looked at him. „How about 20?" He shook his head. „35."
My lips pressed together. „25?" Akaashi grabbed my arm. „Bokuto-San." but before Akaashi could speak any further the man spoke up.
The bearded man nodded. „Okay 35 dollars."
With a grin I handed him the money and took the hat. „It was nice making deals with you big bearded man." I said and winked at him. „Look Akaashi!" I said and turned around. Akaashi looked into my eyes with bitter disappointment.
„Bokuto-San you just bought it for the initial price." He said and let my arm go. My grin disappeared and I tilted my head.
„What do you mean Akaashi?" Didn't I deal good enough? I tilted my head and blinked slowly. Akaashi remained silent for a few seconds but then he talked.
"It's- It's very pretty Bokuto-San." I put it on Akaashi's head. He widened his eyes and looked at me.
„I bought it for you!" With a big smile I pulled out my mobile phone. Akaashi's eyes relaxed and he smiled.
„Can I take a picture of you?" I asked and opened the camera. Akaashi nodded slightly. His right hand formed a peace sign. I took the picture and looked at it.
„You're so pretty." I muffled and beamed. Akaashi's gaze lowered and he exhaled smiling. „Thank you, Bokuto-San."

POV Akaashi

„Bokuto!-" Kuroo shouted from a little distance. Bokuto turned around. „-Check this out!"
He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the stall. We stopped next to Kuroo, Kenma and Oikawa. Bokuto still didn't let my hand go. I looked at them. Mine was a little bit bigger than Bokuto's. But his hand still managed to embrace my whole fist. I swallowed once and looked at Kuroo. He was talking but I wasn't listening. I loosened Bokuto's grip by moving my hand a little bit. As his hand opened I crossed my fingers with his while looking at him. A little gasp escaped his mouth, causing him to widen his eyes slightly. Afterwards he relaxed and a big smile crossed his face. I smiled and squeezed his hand once. He squeezed back.
We walked hand in hand for a long time. His grip didn't relax for a single second. So didn't mine. As we walked along the food stalls, music started to ring into my ears. A little amusement park appeared infront of us. Bokuto's eyes started to sparkle.
„Akaashi do you see that?" I followed the direction where his finger was pointing. A big roller coaster . My heart jumped as I saw the downfall of the roller coaster car. The people inside screamed. „
That's so exciting Akaashi we should try it out!" I looked at Bokuto then back to the roller coaster.
"I'm not sure Bokuto-San." I answered. Bokuto folded his left hand on top of his right one, causing my hand to be trapped in between them. "Akaashi please. I'm not trying to force you, because that would be mad disrespectful and I wouldn't do that, but that's exactly what I am trying to do. Please!" He pressed his forehead against his hands. "Bokuto-San I don't think that I will enjoy it."
"Please Akaashi I will hold you and your hand and protect you."
"Bokuto-San no."

Suddenly I found myself sitting next to Bokuto in the roller coaster car. He grinned big and strapped the belt around my waist.
"Akaashi you will love it!" He chuckled. It was my first time getting on a roller coaster. The thrilling feeling crawled all the way up to my head and tickled my scalp. The talk of the other passengers turned into a light buzzing as my thoughts made my mind float. I looked down and realized, that I was thousands of feet above the surface. I never thought of being afraid of heights, since I have never been this high before.
My neck hair raised by the thought of falling down.
"Akaashi trust me it will be great." Bokuto said and grabbed my hand. The ride started and I closed my eyes. As I watched myself climb higher and higher my stomach twisted. The adrenaline started to bottle up, waiting for the moment to rush through my veins. Everything around me blurred as the car arrived at the highest point. It stopped. A moment of silence filled the atmosphere and and I dared to open one eye. As I realized how far above the ground we were, I held my breath.
Suddenly the car fell and I felt how gravity pulled us down to the ground. The adrenaline rushed through my veins causing my heart to hammer against my chest. I closed my eyes and pressed myself against Bokuto. With the top of my lungs I screamed. The wind slapped against my face and I tried to open my eyes but they started tearing up immediately. The car took quick turns and I clasped Bokuto's arm with a tight grip.
Finally the ride slowed down to come to an end. As it fully stopped I breathed heavily, my body was like frozen, not able to move a little inch. My throat throbbed and I felt how dry my mouth was. The tickling feeling in my belly still didn't calm. I turned my head to Bokuto. He looked at me and a sudden loud laughter escaped my mouth. My head threw back and I crossed my arms infront of my stomach. Why was I laughing so hard? The adrenalin literally doped my brain and a joyful feeling overcame my whole emotions. I felt happy. Happy to have Bokuto in my life. Happy to experience these things with him. The things my parents or my grandfather never showed me, when I was little. I looked at him. Bokuto smiled big with a little shock in his face. He wasn't used to hear me laughing like that.
"Wow." He said under his breath, his eyes sparkled. The most beautiful honey eyes I've ever seen.


Hey!! First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS. It truly means the world to me! 💖


I LOVE HIM SM!Thank you so much for reading!

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