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~4 days have passed~

POV Bokuto

Daichi gathered everyone in the living room. I let myself down on the sofa between Kuroo and Akaashi. My hand rested on Akaashi's knee. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.
"Bokuto-San." He said quietly. I grinned at him. My hand stroked over his knee lightly.
Akaashi's most ticklish parts were his sides and knees. He jolted and grabbed my hand quickly. His face blushed in a reddish tone.

"Okay." Daichi spoke and stood up from his seat. Everyone was looking at him quietly.
"The rest of the group is still at our old location in Tokyo. We will have them transferred here as soon as possible." Daichi crossed his arms infront of his chest.
"Since we weren't able to bring our first aider, Saeko and Ennoshita with us, we got a new member. She will take her place next to these two. We don't know what's going to happen in the next days, so we will have to be prepared for anything." Daichi walked to the door and grabbed the handle.
"Health is a top priority." As he opened the door I stretched myself to get a better look. A black haired girl stood at the doorframe. She had grey, big cat eyes and a mole on the left side, under her lower lip. The thin framed glasses were placed perfectly on her face. She was pretty. Really pretty actually.
"This is Shimizu Kiyoko. Our third first-aider." She bowed and straightened herself again.
"Thank you for having me in your organization." She said and looked at Daichi.
Daichi scratched the back of his head and smiled. "No need to thank me Kiyoko." He replied.
As I turned my head around, my eyes met Tanaka. His jaw was almost touching the floor. The blue-grey eyes wide open.
Wow. She really did hit him like a truck. My mind wandered back to the day when I first saw Akaashi. I furrowed. Why didn't I look like that when I saw him for the first time? Out of everyone in this group Akaashi was the prettiest and no one could change my mind. I grabbed Akaashi's knee out of reflex again but it got slapped right away.
"Damn it Bokuto-San." Akaashi whispered. I was still looking at Tanaka. He tapped Nishinoya's shoulder. Both of them were looking at her with big sparkling eyes.
"Hey Noya." Tanaka whispered, but I was able to hear them.
"Yes Ryu?"
"Can you shoot a bullet right into my skull so she will give me CPR?"
"You would be dead."
Both of them still didn't take their eyes off her. I grinned big and poked Kuroo's arm with my elbow. As he turned his head to me I pointed at the two.
"I have an idea." Nishinoya said and got up. Without any hesitation he took a big swing with his right foot and kicked Tanaka's stomach. Tanaka groaned and gasped for air.
"HEY! PRETTY FIRST AIDER WE NEED HELP!" He shouted. Tanaka started laughing.
"He's not okay and I think I broke my foot while kicking him."
A loud snort out of laughter escaped Kuroo's mouth and I followed. By the attempt to catch for air I crossed my arms infront of my stomach.
"Tanaka! Nishinoya!" Daichi shouted, his head was almost smoking out of anger.
Poor girl. They will definitely scare her away.
I looked at Akaashi, he was smiling softly.


POV Akaashi

Atsumu pointed his chopsticks at Bokuto.
"Bet I can fit more noodles in my mouth than you." Bokuto scoffed and Kuroo spoke for him. "No fucking way. Bokuto is a beast!"
Bokuto crossed his arms infront of his chest and I looked at him bewildered.
Stuffing noodles in your mouth? As if that's something he has to be proud of.
Kuroo spoke further. "He's a literal whale!"
Bokuto gasped appalled and turned his head to his best friend. "Kuroo!"
Kuroo laughed and patted Bokuto's back. I shook my head smiling and got off my chair.
"I am going upstairs, Bokuto." I said and turned around.
"I'm coming!" He shouted after me.

I pulled Bokuto's loose shirt over my head and sat down on the bed. Suddenly the door opened and Bokuto walked inside.
"Did you brush your teeth?" I asked and tilted a bit. Bokuto nodded hysterically and grinned big.
"Yeth I did!" He said through his clenched teeth. I smiled and laid down on my back. Bokuto hopped and sat right next to me. His golden eyes wandered over my upper body.
"Is that my shirt?" He asked and smiled.
I nodded. "Got a problem with that?"
Bokuto shook his head.
"Sometimes I wish that I could also wear your shirts, but I am just too big. A whale." He placed his right hand on the bed to my left side and leaned in.
As he neared himself his scent went up my nose and I felt safe again. Bokuto laid his lips on my neck and I shivered as his warm breath brushed over my bare skin. A tickling feeling went down my spine and I arched a little.
Bokuto spread kisses all over my neck, his other hand snaked under my head, fingers digging into my hair. I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes. My whole body was heating and I felt how small sweat drops started to form on my forehead. Bokuto removed his lips and looked deep into my eyes.
I wasn't able to describe the feeling, that I got when I was looking at him. He was my safe place. My everything. The only thing that I could lean onto.
„Akaashi." He said quietly. The dimmed light framed the beautiful features of his face.
"I love you." He said and closed his eyes. "I love you more than anything and I am so glad, that I can tell you this."
My brows drew together lightly and I looked at him. Why did he sound so sad?
"Akaashi I love you. And I will tell you this every single day. Until you get sick and tired of it." I grabbed his face with both hands.
"Bokuto-San." I whispered. He opened his eyes. "I love you too."
A warm smile covered his face and I could see his eyes watering.
„And don't ever call yourself whale again." I said quietly.


I AM STILL BROKEN. But here is some fluff with a lil bit of 🌶.

Payne 😔

Thank you so much for reading!

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