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I looked down to my wrist, to check the time. 6:57 pm. I walked into the petrol shop and the first thing, that my gaze met, were a pair of dark blue slender eyes. I grabbed a bottle of water and walked to the cashier.
"Hello." I greeted him and handed the bottle. As a response he nodded and scanned the item. "100¥." He said and I handed over the money. This mans facial expression didn't change in any way. Does he even have feelings?
"Thanks." I smiled brightly. "Are you having a ruff day? Or are you just super cocky?" I asked and looked at the clock behind him. 7:01 pm. "I'm actually super happy, because my shift is over, sir." Akaashi put on his beige coat. I chuffed.
"Why does your face tell otherwise then?" He rose his eyebrows. Without speaking a word he grabbed his brown leathered shoulder bag and walked pass me.
"Hey." I catched up on him. "What?" Akaashi asked without slowing down his steps. "I'm trying to talk to you, why are you just walking away?" We both neared ourselves to the bus stop.
"I'm not interested" He said and stopped. How rude. I made a small turn, so that our shoulders faced each other. Silence took over the atmosphere. After 3 minutes without talking I looked at him. His nose was shaped perfectly and made his side profile look really unique. This might be the prettiest human I've ever seen.
"I'm Bokuto." I said and hoped for him to talk.
"Keiji Akaashi." The bus appeared and we both got in. Akaashi sat down and I took the seat behind him. He pulled out a pocketbook and put on his glasses. I was annoying him. And it looks like he's been doing good since the last time we met. I leaned back and watched the bus pass all the houses and buildings.
"Hey." I looked up and met Akaashi's eyes. He was talking to me. I straightened my posture. "Your voice sounds really familiar." He said and took his glasses off. Hearing this sentence made my heart jump.
Oh shit. "Ahah that's funny... my voice is actually really unique." Akaashi nodded.
"Yes. That's why I feel like we have talked before." I put both my hands behind my head and leaned back again. "Impossible. How old are you Akaashi?"
"22. You?"
"I'd have said at least 25."
My eyes widened. "I'm sorry?" A smile flitted over his lips. "You look older than you are Bokuto-san." Wow pretty face with a slightly cheeky attitude. And he even smiled.
"Yeah? Maybe you shouldn't look like you've already been through world war 2 and have no emotions left." Akaashi grabbed his bag.
"That's the last stop. Where you supposed to get off here?" It took my brain a few seconds to process the fact, that I left Lev's car at the gas station and drove almost 15 minutes to the opposing direction. "Fuck." Was the only thing I could respond. Akaashi stood up and stepped out as the vehicle stopped. I followed him. "Fuck." I repeated again. He looked at me.
"That's what you get for following people." I turned my head to his direction. He was just a few centimeters shorter than me. "Yeah. And I won't stop following and annoying you. Just so you know." Akaashi shrugged his shoulders. "If I feel harassed by your actions I will just call the police." I lift my eyebrows.
"And If you do that I'll just run away and they won't catch me." Akaashi started walking backwards. "I will make sure they show up unnoticed."
"Okay then you can come visit me in jail. How does that sound?" I shouted. He turned around and started walking. "See you somewhen, Bokuto-san."
I smiled big while watching him disappear around a corner. So that means he was hoping to see me again. My gaze wandered through the neighborhood. Where even am I? I pulled my phone out.

"What?" Lev's voice rang out. I took a deep breath. This time he was going to kill me. Without any doubt. I'm a dead man. Good bye cruel world. "Well. I know it sounds weird but, I left your car at the gas station and I drove somewhere with the bus and now I don't know where I am. I need you to pick me up."
Quietness. A few seconds later he finally spoke up. "Did you lock the car before leaving?" He asked calmly. I pressed my lips together.
"I... really don't know. I don't remember." It was nice meeting all my fellows and friends.
"You're so dead. I'm coming." Lev said through the speaker. "Just to kill you, not to pick you up."

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