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POV Bokuto

I rested on the TV lounges couch. My eyes were wide open. Akaashi didn't leave my mind. Thinking of him made a cold shiver go down my spine. And thinking off him dead made it even worse. I only knew him for almost 3 weeks now. Why would I trust him so much, the way I do right now? He was still a stranger to me. I didn't even know his favorite color. Or how to encourage him when he was sad. He barely showed any emotions besides smiling a little bit at my jokes. What's his comfort TV show or what pets did he own when he was younger? The gas station boy who barely opened up to me. Why would I care if he's dead or alive? I squinted my eyes and rubbed my forehead. "Fuck." I whispered under my breath and got up from the couch.
3:43 am. I walked to Akaashi's room and opened the door. With quiet steps I tiptoed to his direction. I let my gaze wander over him for a good minute. He laid on his back, his right arm rested under his head. The innocence showed on his sleeping face. Not a single twitch or a movement of any muscle. Only the rising and falling of his chest. He really was a pretty person. Maybe even the prettiest I've ever seen. I could watch him all day long. My heartbeats started to relax as I admired every single inch of his face. 5 minutes passed and he still didn't move. If his chest wouldn't move I'd think that he'd be lifeless. Dead.


Akaashi sat on the chair his hands in cuffs again. Sugawara grabbed my arm. "I talked to Daichi. You'll also go inside." I turned my head from side to side. "Why would you want me to watch him die?" Sugawara closed his eyes. "I wouldn't. Just go inside it could give us a last chance." Daichi and Iwaizumi walked inside and I followed them. Akaashi didn't lift his head.
"I'll give you 5 minutes to talk." Daichi said and sat down infront of him. Akaashi now looked up and raised his eyebrows. "You had 3 days. I can't waste my time with you, we got a lot to do." Akaashi placed his hands on top of his head. Iwaizumi's hands reached for his gun within seconds. Daichi put his right hand up, as a sign for Iwa to let his hands relax to his sides.
"I don't even know why you gave me this much time." Akaashi talked uninvolved. His eyes wandered to me but I broke the contact and looked down. I put everything to complete the task Daichi gave me, but it seemed like Akaashi didn't even care at all. I didn't care about the task, all I wanted to do was to keep him alive.
"Okay. Last time. Who do you work for?" Akaashi shook his head. Daichi exhaled heavily and rose his index finger. Iwaizumi pulled out the gun and pointed at him. With a straight face Akaashi looked right into the gun. My heart started pounding at an increasingly rapid speed. Daichi spoke but his words flew past my head. Everything around me blurred, only the gun and Akaashi stayed clear. Suddenly the sound of Iwaizumi loading his gun shot into my ears and I balled my fists. Click. My eyes closed immediately and I held my breath. He was about to fire in any second.
"Keiji Akaashi. Hai Yang organization." I opened my eyes and watched Iwaizumi slowly putting the gun down.
"Hai Yang organization. Soldier 5. Keiji Akaashi." He repeated. A wave of mixed emotions overcame my body and made me freeze and sweat at the same time.
"Hai Yang?" Daichi repeated in disbelief. He worked for Hai Yang. The most criminal and dangerous Chinese mafia organization. Hai Yang translated meant 'Ocean' they call themselves like that, because they would perform their illegal weapon and drug smuggling by shipping it across the large blue waves. Daichi sat on his chair speechless. The gas station boy was still full of secrets.


"What do you mean you don't know?" Daichi rose his voice and pointed his index finger at me. "You dumbass carried one of the most dangerous soldiers in our mansion!" I held my palms up my chest. "Daichi I swear to god he was a cashier in a beige coat. I didn't even know he was Chinese."
He let his hand sink and drummed his fingers on the table. "What if he is going to kill us?"
My eyes widened. "He wouldn't. He literally told us his identity." I leaned back and a big smile covered my face. "Daichi. Just imagine what advantages we would have with him as our soldier. Maybe we could even bust Hai Yang."
Daichi's eyebrows drew together. "Hai Yang is still at the bottom of our list."
"Daichi listen. If we let him free he could still report us. Why not take a little advantage?" He got up from his chair and walked to the door. "I'll leave him to you. If he's going to hurt anyone, I'll immediately kill you Bokuto." With a quick turn I looked after him, as he walked pass me. "Can I take his cuffs off now?" I shouted after Daichi. He nodded and disappeared.

I stepped inside and walked up to Akaashi. I let myself down next to him on the couch and grabbed his hands. They were cold. With the keys I freed him from the cuffs. I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't look up. A sudden feeling of relief mixed with sadness filled up my stomach. Without a second thought I embraced my arms around Akaashi's body. He froze but after a few seconds he relaxed again. I squeezed him lightly and suddenly I felt his arms around me. Akaashi rested his head on my shoulder and a small sigh escaped his mouth. Without speaking a word we sat there for a while.
"Thank you Akaashi." I muttered and felt the heavy rock, which rested on my heart for the past days, slowly fade away.

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