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POV Bokuto

„Bokuto." I turned my head to Oikawa he handed me a small black wireless earbud. „We are constantly going to be connected to Kenma so we can communicate with each other when we're in trouble." I grabbed it from his hand and observed the small piece, almost shoving it up my own eye.
„We can also talk to him? It has a microphone?" Oikawa nodded. "And every soldier is going to have one right?" I asked. He nodded once again while plugging the earbud to his right ear.
That means Akaashi has one too! I held the thing onto my lips. "Hey! Hey, Akaashi can you hear me? Akaashi!" I said and plugged it into my ear as well. "AKAASHI!"
Suddenly Kenma's voice spoke up. "Bokuto he can't hear you." The corner of my mouth dropped and I looked at Oikawa. "What do you mean he can't hear me."
"Imagine everyone talking to each other in a mission that would be a big ass mess. Also don't shove the mic into your throat I am able to hear you just like that." Oikawa started walking to the main entrance and I followed him.
"We are going to visit Olivia Torres." He said and fixed the collor of his jacket.

We walked into the hospital all the way up to the reception. As the lady behind the desk looked up Oikawa spoke. "Hey, we would like to visit our friend Olivia Torres." The brunette receptionist  looked back to the computer screen and typed something on the keyboard. "Could you please repeat the patient's name?"
"Olivia Torres." As she was finished typing she looked back to Oikawa. "Station 5 room 357."
"Thank you." Oikawa smirked, leaned one arm on the desk and looked down to her. "I've never seen someone this beautiful since I arrived here." He started flirting.
I grabbed his shoulder. "Olivia is waiting for us. Now come on." I said and tried to pull him away.
"Oh don't listen to him. What's your name?"
The receptionist wrinkled her forehead. "Sir you're blocking the other guests and patients." Oikawa chuckled. "There is no need to be shy. I can give you my number."
The girl shook her head. "I have a boyfriend." Oikawa's jaw dropped and he froze immediately. I grabbed his collar and pulled him away from the desk.
"Wow that was embarrassing." I said and laughed loudly.
"Don't dare you to tell the others about this or else I will kill you!" Oikawa freed himself from my grip.
"She really turned you down like that." A big grin formed on my face.
"She was just really shy, no one would turn me down." He said and we arrived at the elevator.
Suddenly Kenma's voice spoke through the earbud. "To me it really didn't sound like that." Oikawa's eyes widened. A really loud laugh escaped my mouth which made him jump. I folded my arms infront of my stomach in an attempt to catch my breath.
"What's so funny?" I turned my head to the direction the voice came from. It was Kuroo. I wiped the tears away and straightened my posture. "Don't you dare." Oikawa whispered.

We all stepped into the elevator. Luckily it was empty. "Could you get inside without getting noticed?" I asked.
Kuroo nodded. "What else did you expect owl head?" He smirked and as the door closed he spoke.
"Okay now listen closely." Kuroo pulled out the layout of the hospital basement. "The door next to the elevator is the laundry." Oikawa and I nodded. We already knew what to do he didn't have to speak any further. The elevator stopped. Before stepping out Kuroo looked from left to right. "Alright, the coast is clear." He said and started walking. I placed my hand on my waistband just in case I had to get fast access to my gun.
Kuroo opened the door and stepped inside. A middle aged lady was folding the laundry. I wasn't ready to hurt this innocent woman. My eyes met Kuroo's. He shrugged his shoulders, but before someone could say a single word she pulled out a gun. I pushed Kuroo behind the big shelf and jumped after him.
"What the fuck!" I shouted in shock, still not believing what just happened. "Are we going to hurt her?" I asked. Kuroo smacked my head. "Of fucking course." He said and pulled out his gun.
"But Kuroo, she's old."
"Bokuto she is armed!" He peaked his head but before he could pull the trigger, a big crash filled the room. We are going to get noticed if we keep making such noise.
"Guys I knocked her off." Oikawa shouted. "It seems like they just gave that old lady a gun, without any training. How unprofessional." Oikawa brushed his hair back.
"Now get changed." Kuroo said and pulled some white, folded pieces out of the shelves.
"Are we all going to dress as doctors?" I asked and looked at Oikawa and Kuroo. They exchanged glances and turned their heads back to me. "What?" I asked.

"Oh shit Bokuto your ass fits great in this." Kuroo laughed and put a mask on. "If the wheelchair comfy?"
I grabbed the push rims of the wheelchair and pushed myself backwards. The big wheel ran over Kuroos foot.
"Argh." He clenched his teeth and punched my shoulder.
"Now come on." Oikawa said and opened the door. Kuroo pushed me through and we walked towards the intensive care unit. As we arrived Oikawa analyzed the door and turned around.
"Kenma." He said. Kenma's voice rang through the earbud. "Fingerprint right?" He asked.
"Hold on I'm trying my best. Give me 3 minutes."
"3 minutes?!" Oikawa screeched. "So you want us to die?"
"Shut up! Other hackers would need 15 minutes to do this, asshead."
Footsteps clanged through the corridor. They neared themselves with every step.
"Kenma hurry someone is coming." Kuroo said. I turned my head to the direction the steps were coming from. A man stood a few meters away from us. As I noticed that his hand wandered to his waist I grabbed my gun.
"Fuck that!" I shouted and pulled the trigger within a second. The bullet shot through his right shoulder, causing the man to fall on the floor. I stood up and ran over to him. Before he could point his gun at me I kicked it off his hand and kneed over him.
"Good night, sleeping beauty." I said grinning and knocked him off with a punch. Every muscle in his body relaxed. He wasn't dead, just sleeping. I straightened myself and pointed the gun at his right thumb.
"Sorry but I will have to take that one with me." I said and shot. The thumb seceded from his hand. Gross. Suddenly a sick feeling made my throat burn. The taste of vomit came to my mouth as I grabbed it off the floor. The blood ran down my fingers. I ran back to the door and placed the thumb on the green scanner.
"I think I am about to throw up." Oikawa said and placed his palm on his mouth. As the door opened my eyes widened. About 7 men in black suits stood at the door. "Fuck." I said under my breath. "H-Hi."


The powerful trio that canon Haikyuu didn't give us! 😔✊🏻

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