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POV Bokuto

Sugawara drove right into the underground garage without slowing down. The car flew over the barrier and hit back to the floor really hard. He drifted right infront of the door to the elevators. As soon as his car stopped we jumped out. Three cars gathered infront of us. Kuroo peeked his head and shot a few times.
"You two get to the elevator!" Sugawara shouted.
I shook my head. "I won't leave you here Sugawara!" He grabbed my shoulder and looked deep into my eyes. "I will come after you!"
My eyebrows drew together. "No. I will stay with you or you come with me." Sugawara closed his eyes. "Fine."
As he exhaled he turned his head to Kuroo. In that moment I shot 2 people. "Go call the elevator." Kuroo nodded and ran towards the door. The shots fell on Sugawara's car and I pressed my body against it. This time I won't let it happen again. Sugawara grabbed my arm. "On three we will run to the elevator."
I nodded. He started counting. "One." With two Guns in each hand he pulled the trigger few times. "Two... Three!"
I opened the door quickly and waited for Sugawara. He walked two steps backwards and shot at the same time. We both ran towards Kuroo who held the door open.
"Faster!" He shouted.
Right after my body entered the elevator, Kuroo held his gun up right next to my head and shot.
The loud noise penetrated my ear and a painful pitch made my face twist. I grabbed my ear and clenched my teeth. Sugawara tapped the button to close the elevator door while Kuroo was still shooting. As it closed Kuroo turned around to me.
"Fuck owl, I'm sorry." He said and got on the floor next to me. He clasped my hand and pulled it away from my ear. As I opened my eyes blood was running down my fingers. Kuroo's eyes widened.
"Fuck." He said. His voice was blurry, I wasn't able to hear him clearly. "Fuck I didn't mean to."
I shook my head and wiped the blood off my ear with my shirt. I might just become deaf on my right ear. The beeping still didn't fade, causing a really bad headache to come it's way.
I forced a smile. "Thanks for having my back." I said and grabbed his shoulder.
Kuroo's worried face faded slowly and he smiled. "That's what I was talking about."
The elevator stopped at the 5th floor.
"Nishinoya is supporting us from the 7th floor. The other members are spread all over the building." Sugawara brushed his hair back with both hands. "We got this." He smiled. "I haven't been this alive since a long time."

We decided to split up and communicate over the earbuds. Kenma connected every members earbuds within the groups. The other ones weren't able to hear us.
I leaned my back against the cold wall tiles and took a deep breath. It was quite again. No shots. The gun In my hand was almost slipping off because of the sweat in my palms.
I needed to get to Akaashi. Where was he?
I glanced behind the wall slowly. Suddenly my eyes met dark ones. It was a middle aged woman. She also leaned against the wall, not even 3 meters away from me. My eyes widened and I pointed the gun at her quickly. She did the same.
"Gun down!" I shouted. My breaths got heavier.
She put her hands up. "Don't shoot." She said with a calm voice.
"I said put your gun down." I clenched, causing my teeth to scrunch. She had long black hair and dark brown eyes. The corner of her mouth lifted, but the halfway dropped lids remained the same. Suddenly my eyes widened.
The more I was looking at her, the more I realized why she was looking so familiar.
Before I could say another word she aimed the gun at someone behind my back and pulled the trigger. I turned around and my eyes met a Hai Yang soldier laying on the floor. My hands wandered down. The eyes, the nose and the smile.
"Where is Keiji?" She asked.
My jaw was still dropped open I was trying to say something but nothing would come out. I thought she was dead. Akaashi told me that his mother died. After swallowing the big clump in my throat I managed to speak. Suddenly anger filled me.
"Where have you been all time along?" I asked and furrowed. Her eyebrows relaxed.
"He thought you left him as a child." The rage made my head throb and a painful stitch went from my right ear up to my temples.
"He needed you! You could get him out of there. But you didn't!" I shouted.
She shook her head causing the black long hair to move from left to right.
"I did everything that I could do." She said quietly. The regret and guilt in her voice was louder than ever.
"You didn't!" I shouted. Before she could say anything I loaded the gun.
"He doesn't need you." I said quietly and turned around.

POV Akaashi

I separated myself from Iwa and Atsumu. I knew that he was here. Hai Lee would show up to kill me with his own hands. I knew the way his brain worked.
I glimpsed behind the wall and took aim on three HY soldiers. I pulled the trigger and shot one down. The other two soldiers turned around and let bullets rain in my direction. I hid behind the wall again. With a quick move I risked another glance. They got on the elevator. The door closed slowly.
"Shit!" I said and ran towards the stairwell.


I am simping so hard for Sugawara. Bye-

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