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POV Bokuto

I pinned Kuroo's arm on the table. He grabbed his wrist and brushed it with his palm.
„THAT'S WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!" I screamed and balled my fists. „Haha! Did you guys see, that I destroyed him!" My heart started racing. The overwhelming feeling prickled inside my chest. Words couldn't describe the triumph, which I was feeling right now.
"Fuck Bokuto you're a beast."
I crossed my arms infront of my chest and smiled. "Who's next?" I asked and let my eyes wander through the room. Suddenly my eyes met Iwaizumi's. The smile dropped immediately.
"I wouldn't mind testing you Bokuto." He said smirking and rolled up his sleeves. Iwaizumi stepped out of the circle and sat down infront of me. I swallowed the big clump in my throat.
"You haven't had a taste of my fists right?" He said and rested his elbows on the table, hands hanging down. A big smile formed on my lips. "No, I didn't but I think Oikawa could tell me, how bad it actually is." Everybody started laughing.
"Really funny jerk." Oikawa snarled.  We both placed our right elbow on the table and grabbed each other's palms.
„One." Lev started counting. Iwaizumi smirked and tightened his grip.
„Two." suddenly Kuroo spoke up. „Alright it's 7 pm already Osamu is waiting inside to start the conference." Iwaizumi let my hand go.
„Aw man I was excited to see that!" Lev whined and walked in direction of the living room.
„We're not done here Bokuto." Iwa said and stood up from his chair. I looked after him and felt my chest untighten.

"Alright you all remember the layout of the hospital." Osamu turned on the beamer. A drawing appeared on the white wall infront of us.

 "The hospital has 2 entrances and 3 emergency exits

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"The hospital has 2 entrances and 3 emergency exits. We will need two people to step through door (1) the main entrance. They will go to the reception and act like they need to see a patient. The remaining 4 members are going to step inside the building through the emergency exits and the garden. Kenma is going to shut down the alarm and camera systems." Osamu looked into the round. He pressed a button on his keyboard. A new layer appeared.

"Everyone needs to get to the elevator or stairwell

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"Everyone needs to get to the elevator or stairwell." I squinted to see the spots Osamu marked.

"The green marking is the stairwell

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"The green marking is the stairwell. The blue square on it's left is the public elevator, patients or visitors can use it. On the other side we have two staff elevators. Nurses and doctors are only allowed to use it. These two elevators are bigger than the public ones."
I drew my eyebrows together. "Why would it be bigger than the other one?" Everybody looked at me.
"It's bigger so you can fit your fatty in there." Kuroo wheezed. "But only the staff is allowed to use it." I said and looked at Akaashi. He shook his head in disappointment. What did I say wrong? There really is no need to make these elevators bigger. They aren't more speacial than the other one. Still boring elevators.
Oikawa smacked his palm against his forehead. "Are you all really that stupid?" He leaned back into his chair. "It's so all the nurses can fit in one elevator if there is one emergency. So they don't have to wait for the elevator to come down and pick them up again."
There is no way that the hospital would need all the nurses for one emergency. "That's just stupid! Two nurses would be enough for one emergency." I said and shook my head. Akaashi snapped his fingers and looked down. We stopped talking and looked at him. After everyone went silent he spoke up.
"These elevators are bigger so the nurses can transport their patients in the hospital beds from infirmary to infirmary."
Atsumu applauded. "Wow. We have one sane person in here."
"Aw shut up you didn't even say anything at all, that just shows how stupid you are." Oikawa shouted into his direction.
"Okay! Enough." Osamu said and everyone paid attention again. "So we will let Bokuto and Oikawa walk through the main entrance like they are going to visit a patient. Kenma will also hack into the system and pick out a patients name." Before Osamu could speak any further I rose my hand. His eyes rolled to my direction and he nodded.
"Dear strategist of the group I am not trying to disrespect your plan in any kind of way." I stood up and pulled a folded paper out of my pocket. "But I've been trying to help you out a little." As the paper was folded open I put it on the table, so everyone could see.
"There is no way Bokuto actually used his brain for something." Saeko said and leaned forward to get a better look of the plan.

Silence took over the room and everybody observed the piece of paper

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Silence took over the room and everybody observed the piece of paper. I crossed my arms infront of my chest and looked down proudly. After a while passed Kuroo spoke up. "What the fuck is that Bokuto?"
I placed my finger on the writing. "It's plan A to save the children."
"You spelled children wrong." Suddenly a storm of questions rained on me.
"Why does Kuroo-San look like that?"
"I told you." Saeko yawned leaning back.
"Is that Shittykawa?"
"The hospital has more than 4 entrances."
"Hey where am I?" Atsumu asked hurt.
"Why is everyone alone except for you and Akaashi?"
I grabbed the piece of paper and crumpled it up into a ball. "You all have a lack of intelligence to understand that." My nose wrinkled and I exhaled through my nose. "Anyways the thing I am trying to say is. I need to be with Akaashi." Osamu shook his head. "Only two people can get through the main entrance together and one of them has to be an undercover agent. Which in this case it's Oikawa." I let myself down. "Okay I will continue."

"(1) is the main entrance, Oikawa and Bokuto will step inside and ask to visit a patient, (2) is the door to the hospital garden

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"(1) is the main entrance, Oikawa and Bokuto will step inside and ask to visit a patient, (2) is the door to the hospital garden. Atsumu will get into the garden and walk inside the building. The residual numbers are the emergency exits. As I told you Kenma is going to shut down all the cameras and alarms. That means you have to get in there unnoticed. (3) Kuroo, (4) Akaashi, (5) Me. Oikawa, Bokuto and Kuroo are going to meet at the elevator, get to the basement and get the children out. Atsumu, Akaashi and I will clear your way.  Lev is going to wait at exit (4) with the transporter. We are going to load the children in there. They will probably be scared at first but that doesn't matter. If needed we will have to force them." Osamu inhaled and exhaled loudly. "Saeko is going to be in the transporter just in case someone is injured and needs immediate medical treatment. That means anyone who is injured needs to get to the transporter. Kenma is going to stay on Iwaizumi's side in the other car. He will perform his hacking from there. If the transporter is loaded, the remaining soldiers are going to get into Iwa's Car." Osamu let his gaze wander all over the people in the room. "I don't have an influence on how you do your task. Just stay alive."
I brushed my knees. How am I going to protect Akaashi if he is not with me?


Head empty just Hajime Iwaizumi (27) athletic trainer rolling up his sleeves.🥴Anyways thank you so much for reading. Sharing this story with ur mutuals and friends would mean the world to me!

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