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~3 year timeskip~

I took her small hand in mine. It was cold. 5th of December. The bench underneath us was freezing, but we remained to sit there. My eyes wandered to the side and I looked at her.
"You know it's his birthday today." I said and smiled. She turned her head around.
"Really?" She asked and I nodded.
"Yes, that's why we are visiting him today." As she exhaled the warm breath got visible in the air, but faded within a second. "You know, your father was a really brave person Airi."
She tilted her head. "But why did he leave us?"
I smiled big and brushed the black hair behind her ears. Her big yellow eyes were looking at me. "Sometimes angels need to get back to where they came from." Airi's face got covered with a big smile, making the big tooth gap appear in her mouth.
"Angels live in heaven." She said and looked back to her father's grave. "And they have lots of fruits and animals in heaven." As I opened my mouth to say something a voice sounded from behind.
"He!" I turned around. It was Kuroo. Airi jumped off the bench and ran towards him.
"Uncle Kuroo!" She shouted and ran into his arms. He picked her up and hugged her tightly.
"Airi you got heavy!" He said and put her down after twirling around a few times. "You are a grown girl now, soon I won't be able to pick you up."
Airi covered his mouth with both palms and furrowed. "But you can pick up daddy!" She said and pulled her hands from Kuroo's face. He smiled and looked at me.
Sometimes I believed that Airi loves Kuroo more than me. It's because he allows her to do everything she wants. Kuroo looked back to her.
"Should we do something fun until daddy is done?" He asked. She jumped up and down waving her arms in the air. „Yes!"
Kuroo took her hand in his and stood up. "Don't let my hand go while we are walking. If you let go, you lose!"
Before they could turn around I spoke up.
"No ice cream! It's winter!" I shouted and held my pinky up. Airi sighed but also put her small pinky finger in the air.
Kuroo looked up to me. "Don't stay for too long owl. It's cold."
I looked at his grave. All the things I would do, for you to be with me. Just for a moment. I got up from the bench and walked towards him. The flowers in my hand got placed next to the other ones. The ridiculous amount of flowers on his grave made me smile. Most of them didn't even dry.
"I know you would say that I don't have to bring you flowers every single day." I said and sat down infront of him. "But I got your favorites, marigolds." I smiled.
'They remind me of your eyes Bokuto-San.'
That's what he said. The tip of my nose was freezing and I placed my palm on it, as an attempt to warm it up a little bit.

The ringing in my pocket woke me up and I straightened myself. I opened my eyes and answered.
"Hm?" I hummed into the speaker. With my right hand I brushed the dirt off my face and clothes.
"The sun is setting. Where are you?" Kuroo asked. I rubbed my eyes.
"I'm on my way." I said and tried my best to hide my yawn.
"Are... oh god." He sighed. "Did you fall asleep again?" Silence. I looked up to the orange sky.
"Airi is waiting for you. I'm at the mansion." He hung up.

I opened the door and walked in. As my eyes met Hinata a big smile covered my face.
"BOKUTO-SAN!" He shouted and ran up to me. Everyone turned around.
"Oi Hinata shut up." Kageyama muffled and looked up from his computer. I placed my hand on his shoulder.
"How is it going no.1 warrant soldier?" I asked and winked at him.
Hinata puffed his chest. "Great." He slightly turned his head to Kageyama. "I think this 2nd degree warrant soldier over there is eavesdropping."
Before Kageyama could get up from his seat Hinata jumped to the side.
"If you look for Kuroo-San he is in Capo Kenma's office." I nodded and within a second Hinata disappeared behind the door.

I knocked at the door and my sight met Airi sitting on Kenma's big gaming chair. A nintendo switch between her hands.
"Hey angel." I smiled and walked up to her. As I saw the chocolate ice cream smudged around her mouth I furrowed.
Kuroo you fucker.
"Where is uncle Kuroo?" I asked. Airi looked up from the switch in her hand and shook her head.
"I don't know. He left with uncle Kenma." I smiled and nodded slightly while pulling the small package of wet wipes out of my pocket. I held my hand infront of Airi's face as a sign, for her to hand me the console. She placed it in my palm and I put my hand under her chin.
"Look up princess." I said and wiped her mouth slowly. The door behind my back opened and I turned around. Kuroo's eyes widened and he stepped a few steps behind Kenma.
"I told you that it could wait." He whispered into Kenma's ear. Kenma placed his hands infront of his chest.
"I swear to god Bokuto we didn't even leave for solid 3 minutes."
"Yes owl I swear to god too." Kuroo stuttered.
I shook my head and smiled.
"You guys are lucky that I am in a good mood." I said and grabbed Airi. She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder.
"Bed time." I said and walked pass Kuroo and Kenma.


Surprise 🏃🏻‍♀️

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