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POV Bokuto

Sugawara pressed a button and the white screen appeared behind him. "Yutaka Chi is located in Carolina. They stay in an ensconced mansion in a hospital." He moved to the side and a picture appeared on the screen.

"This is the layout of the hospital

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"This is the layout of the hospital." Sugawara pointed his laser at the main entrance. "This is the ground floor. Patients walk through the main entrance to get to the reception." His laser followed the green arrow that led to the green area.
"The bright blue oblong is the elevator." My eyes got dizzy because of the drawing. There were too many rooms. Sugawara pressed a button, making another layout appear on the screen.

"Now we are looking at the basement

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"Now we are looking at the basement. Here are all the labors and operating rooms. The blue area is the intensive care unit. Only approved access is allowed to step in there."
I chewed on my bottom lip. This place seemed so huge and the mission was really important. My hands started sweating. I've been on many missions, but that one was different from the other ones.
"That means they probably have a code or something. You will see when you arrive there. No worries, Kenma will hack you the access."
The laser moved to the blue area. "The intensive care unit is the place where they keep the children." Sugawara slammed both hands on the table and shored against it. "Any questions?"
Oikawa rose his hand. "Do we have a strategy?"
Sugawara shook his head. "Not yet, Osamu is the strategist of the group. That's his job."
I let my eyes wander over all the people who sat on the table. Kenma, Saeko, Lev, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Atsumu, Osamu, Akaashi, Kuroo and me.
"You will have enough time on the jet to think about that." Sugawara sat down in his seat and pulled out a stack of files. "These are your new identities that Tsukishima falsified for you." He handed out every single document. I opened mine. Li Wei Zhou. My eyebrows rose. I've always liked Chinese names. "Your flight is in 2 hours. The layout of the hospital is also filed. Passport, tickets and identity cards are in there too." Sugawara's eyebrows drew together. "All of you are the elite soldiers and members in our organization. We except excellent engagement." Everyone nodded. "From now on, the lead is gonna be Kuroos. Everything he says is going to be listened."
Kuroo smirked and gave me a side gaze. I puffed and rolled my eyes. "Get your feet on the ground bedhead. That doesn't mean anything." I whispered.
Sugawara slammed his palms on the table once again. "Did I clarify myself?" He shouted severely. "Yes capo!" Everybody said synchronized and loudly.

2 hours later*

"Bokuto-San." I turned my head to Akaashi. He sat down next to me. "Why did Sugawara let me join this mission?"
I shrugged. "Sugawara knows everything that Daichi knows, since they are our capos. That means he is already informed about you and that you've come from a dangerous mafia. You're a good and useful soldier."
My eyes widened. Suddenly I remembered the things Akaashi told me a few days ago. I grabbed his hands. "I didn't mean to call you dangerous Akaashi. I mean everybody knows how good Hai Yang's soldiers are!" Akaashi blinked slowly. "I know what you mean Bokuto-San." He forced a smile. I tilted my head and looked into his darkblue eyes. "Is everything alright Akaashi?" He nodded. "Yes."
"No." I said sharply. "I know that something is not alright." The plane started shaking lightly, but it stopped right away.
He looked away. "I will tell you whenever I feel ready Bokuto-San." With my thumb I brushed the back of his hand. It was true that Akaashi would never show his feelings to anyone, unless he trusted you. And the moment he started to feel safe and loved around someone he wouldn't even hide a small papercut. He was broken. And I was here to help him heal.


We all sat on the front porch to the big white villa.
"That takes quite a bit." Kuroo mumbled and crossed his arms.
"They just have to get the keys. What's the big deal?" I shouted and let myself down on the ground. Puerto Rico was still sunny and warm in the autumn season. The sound of a loud engine ringed to my ears. I straightened myself and watched Oikawa and Iwaizumi step out of the car, that parked right infront of us.
"Finally! I am thirsty as fuck!" Atsumu shouted and got back on his feet.
"Calm down." Oikawa said and opened the big door. I walked inside. The building was huge and fancy. A 1 million dollar mansion. Oikawa booked it in the jet before we arrived here. We didn't have any connections or trusted organizations in Mexico, that's why we had to book a place to sleep. "Okay everybody listen. We have 9 bedrooms. Which means 2 people will have to share one." Kuroo said and clapped his hands.
"Iwa-Chan~" Oikawa cleped and turned his head to Iwaizumi. "We can share a room." Iwaizumi smacked the back of Oikawa's head. "We won't!" My eyes wandered to Akaashi, he was looking at me.
"Kuroo don't make me share a room with him or I will choke him single handed." Iwaizumi furrowed, but his cheeks started blushing lightly.
„Saeko could join me." Atsumu put both hands behind his head. Saeko shook her head and closed her eyes. „Fuck off Atsumu." Atsumu's eyes widened because of the fact, that he got brushed off right now.
Kuroo laughed and waved his hand up and down. "Calm down guys. I was thinking of Bokuto and Akaashi." He smirked to my direction. Akaashi and I were still looking at each other. Suddenly everyone's gaze pinned on us. Akaashi's cheeks started glowing red and he looked down.
"I don't mind." I said half-shrugging, trying my best to eliminate the heat, that made my ears burn.


Hospital Layouts: Saskatchewan Health Authority

I feel like these chapters have been off lately I will show much more effort in the following ones. Thank you so much for reading!


I live for Atsumu and Osamu simping over Saeko.

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But like if you both don't get in line istg 🙄✋🏻

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But like if you both don't get in line istg 🙄✋🏻

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