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I stepped inside the room. „You're late." Ukai mumble with a cigarette in between his lips.
"I'm sorry." I said and bowed a little, the tobacco smoke hit my face. Everyone was already shooting at the target. I grabbed a gun and some earplugs. With quick moves I loaded the gun and pointed at the human target. After taking a deep breath I shot. Right into its head.  "Yes. Headshot." I said under my breath and smiled big.
"Bokuto-San that was awesome!" Tanaka screamed so I could hear him through the clear safety shield, which was between us. The earplugs made it harder to hear.
Tanaka smirked evil . "But not as awesome as me." He turned around and held the gun up. Without any hesitation he shot 3 times in a row. My eyes searched for the holes. Right bewteen the eyebrows, into the heart and into the ... crotch. A laugh bursted out on Tanaka's other side. Nishinoya peaked his head. "RYU YOU'RE SO BADASS!!" He shouted. Tanaka and Noya are the sniper of the group. Even from a mile away they would be able to shoot a bullet into the right eye of someone.

I returned the gun and walked into the conference room. "As you know Lev is the only getaway driver we have at this moment. Tomorrow we'll have two new members coming in." Sugawara's words were cut by Kuroo.
"Can we trust new members Koushi?" Suddenly everybody started talking. Sugawara rose his index finger and everybody shut. "These two will be transferred from our co organization in Osaka. They've been in business for years now." Kuroo laid his hand on his chin and nodded. "Tomorrow's training will be at 10 am. You can leave or stay now." I checked the time. Shortly after 6. Perfect Akaashi's shift is not over. With a sweep I got up and walked out of the room.
Kuroo was waiting for me outside. "You look like you're in a rush." He said one corner of his mouth lifted. We both started walking. "I have to catch the bus. Apparently Lev is never going to give me a car again." Kuroo laughed, shaking his head.
"Yeah I totally understand Lev." I rolled my eyes. "Kiss my ass. He doesn't even own these cars."
Kuroo stopped his steps. "Yeah but he's the decision maker since he's the getaway driver of the group." He rested his elbow on my shoulder. "You're lucky he doesn't tell Daichi what you've been doing to a 100k car." I scratched the back of my head.
"I have to go, bed head." But as I put a foot infront of the other Kuroo followed my steps. "Where are you going?" His arm still laid on my shoulder.
"I need to buy some stuff." Kuroo chuffed. "From the gas station?" I stopped and turned my head to his direction. My eyes squinted and Kuroo's smile got bigger. "You really think I don't notice it right. You're my best friend." I closed my eyes and pushed his arm off my shoulder. "Yeah his shift is almost over I need to hurry up." I smiled at him and left the building.

The bus stop was about 3 mins away from the gas station. I walked to the glass door and pushed the handle down. Akaashi looked up from his phone and as his gaze met mine the corner of his mouth lifted a little bit, unnoticeable but it made a huge difference on his face.
"Hey hey hey! Akaashi!" I shouted and walked to the counter.
"I didn't expect you to come Bokuto-San." He said and stuffed his phone into his pocket.
"But you were hoping for it." I said and leaned on the counter. "After your shift is over, we're gonna get some boba together okay?" Akaashi shook his head and smiled slightly. "No."
My countenance dropped but his little smile remained. "Are you serious?" I asked and looked into his navy eyes. He nodded and grabbed his coat.
"You're still a stranger to me Bokuto-San." I made a confused face. "Yeah that's why we should get some boba together. So we can talk and stop being strangers." Akaashi tilted his head.
"Okay. Here's the deal. Rock Paper Scissors. If you loose you have to get boba with me." I said. Akaashi fixed the collar of his coat. After a few seconds he responded. "Fine."
"Rock. Paper. Scissors!" I held my fist against his outstretched hand. Fuck. I looked up and saw how he smiled in victory. "Aw c'mon Akaashi." I whined as he grabbed his shoulder bag. We both started walking out of the shop. I followed him to the bus stop.
"Bokuto-San I hope this time you'll take the right bus." I looked at him. How does he know, that I actually have to drive the other way. He pointed at the ground. "You got off the bus at this stop which means-" His finger wandered up and pointed at the left direction of the road. "-you came from that direction." My eyebrows rose.
"So you really stalked and followed me to my neighborhood." He said and I shook my head. "Says the one, who spent most of the time looking out of the window, to see from which direction I come from." Akaashi opened his mouth but before he could speak I started talking.
"Or you were just looking out of the window, to see if I was actually coming." His eyes widened slightly, not too much. Again before he could speak up I spoke. "So you were actually hoping for me to come."  The bus stopped next to us.
"Have a nice day, Bokuto-San." He walked to the bus.
"Boba date tomorrow. 7pm!" I shouted after him. Without turning around he stepped inside the bus. He didn't look at me but I knew he was smiling. I just knew.


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