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POV Bokuto

Have you ever been really close to something you wanted to achieve. But within a blink it slips of your hand like a fragile piece of glass and as soon as it hits the floor, it shatters into a million pieces. You give everything you have to protect it, but it doesn't seem enough. At the end you fail.

"Bokuto-San!!" I turned around and watched the little tangerine hop his way up to me. "Hey Hinata." He stopped at my desk and took a seat infront of me. "So what do you say about a secretive gun training?" Hinata slammed his fists on my desk, causing everybody to look at us. I placed my index finger on my lips.
"Shh. You just said secretive Hinata." He widened his eyes and leaned forward. "Yeah we have to be quite Bokuto-San. Are you in?" I threw the USB stick, kenma gave me in my drawer and shut the computer down. "How couldn't I?" I smirked.

The bullet punched it's way through the human-target causing a hole in it's right shoulder. "God damn it!" Hinata shouted and grabbed his head with both hands.
"Careful!" I said and pointed at the gun in his hand. Fortunately the practice room walls were noise reducing. With a small click i set up my gun and held it up. "Close one eye and take aim at the spot where you want the bullet to go through ." His eyes were focused on me, watching every single move I made. I shot two times, into both eyes of the target. „AWESOME BOKUTO-SAN!" The small narcissistic sparkle in my chest lit up. The feeling I get while being praised felt unreal to me. It was actually one of the only things that made me work hard for everything I was doing.
"If you work hard enough you'll get it right." I winked at him.
Hinata balled his fists and smiled brightly. "I will beat you and Kuroo-San one day, mark my words."

Daichi and I stood infront of the window that faced Akaashi's room. I twisted the blinds open and looked inside. Akaashi sat on the couch reading the book I gave him. A normal person would react to the sound of the blinds but he remained apathetic and didn't look up.
"1 day left Bokuto." I turned my head around and looked at Daichi.
"I'm still gaining his trust. He seems like an isolated person." He scratched the back of his neck.
"I've never been familiar with such a situation Bokuto." He let his hands down to his sides but as he spoke he crossed them infront of his chest. "I've never been threatening someone unarmed. Killing a person who holds a gun into your face is such a different thing." I directed my gaze at Akaashi and suddenly his eyes met mine. He was looking at me. The black shirt I gave him laid loose on his shoulders making him look more delicate. Akaashi held the book up and smiled softly. I smiled back but as Daichi's hand hit my arm the corner of my mouth dropped and I looked at him.
"Are you listening?"
"Yes!" He shook his head. "One day left. You know what you have to do." He walked away.
"Alright Sawamura!" I shouted after him but he didn't turn around. Fuck what am I supposed to do. The heavy rock that was resting on my heart got bigger and bigger whenever I thought of tomorrow. I unbarred the door and stepped inside.
"AKAASHI!" My voice filled the whole room. "Bokuto-San." Akaashi placed the book down, leaned back and put his arms on top of his head. The sudden urge to poke his armpit came to my mind but before I could think about it my finger wandered up. Akaashi jerked and his arms shot down to protect himself.
"What in the world was that Bokuto-San?" He slighty outraged. My eyes extended and embarrassment took over my body. My head started to burn and I looked at Akaashi. His cheeks turned into a soft pink.
"I- I don't know." I mumbled. "It just happened." Akaashi's eyebrows relaxed and suddenly a chuckle broke though his lips. With a quick push I straightened my posture and folded my hands on my lap. "I'm sorry."
Akaashi shook his head. "It's fine but don't you dare to touch me a second time."
I pulled a face. "What will happen then?" Akaashi brushed his black hair back. "You'll see." As my eyes connected with his dark blue ones, the knot in my chest made my breathing difficult.
"Akaashi." I said quietly. "You know what I am going to say." Akaashi pressed his lips together and exhaled through his nose.
"I mean you keep saying you will get killed anyway. Why don't you stay a little longer with me. I can protect you." His teeth clenched making his jaw bones pop. Akaashi frowned and looked at me.
"You act like I have no pride. I worked all my way up to get the position that I am currently in." His voice didn't rise but it got severe word for word. "I risk my life everyday for those people. And you have the nerve to tell me, to stab their backs like they mean nothing to me?" I looked into his eyes. His words felt like a skewer went through my heart. My mouth refused to close, while I was digesting the words he spoke to me.
„Bokuto-San." I closed my eyes. I have never been common to such harsh words like this man used on me right now.
"I'm trying to protect you because I thought-„ my words cut, as I swallowed the clump I continued my sentence . „-we were friends Akaashi." I balled my fists and looked down to the floor.
"Bokuto-San." Akaashi laid his hand on my thigh.
"But they are family to me. You have to understand."


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