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POV Bokuto

Sugawara placed the file on the table.
"Thank you. I will let Kenma and Tsukishima analyze the files. You did a great job." Akaashi bowed his head. Sugawara batted his lashes.
"There is no need to bow Akaashi. We may be your capos but it doesn't mean we expect a high level of respect. We are a family." His grey hair moved as he smiled while lifting his shoulders a bit. The beauty mark moved as the corner of his eyes crinkled. Akaashi looked up and nodded smiling. "I understand." Sugawara's gaze wandered to my right side.
"And why are you so jumpy Hinata?" He asked. Hinata tapped his feet on the ground and squeezed his hands. He was waiting for me to tell Sugawara about how his first job went. "Hinata was great today. He fired the first gun shot and even scored a headshot." Sugawara's eyebrows lifted. "That sounds great Hinata. We will have you in more actions with Bokuto so you can improve and do task on your own after some practical work." Hinata nodded, his face covered with excitement.
"Also I surprisingly didn't have a chance to shoot, since Akaashi put everyone into sleep within seconds." My eyes wandered to Akaashi's hands. He was fiddling fingers once again.
"Just as we expected from a Hai Yang soldier. It doesn't surprise me." Akaashi nodded. "Thank you Sugawara-San."

We walked out of Sugawara's office. "Should we go and pick up your clothes? Sugawara gave me his car keys." Akaashi turned around smiling. "That would be great."

We arrived after a good 40 minute drive. I parked the car and looked at my watch. 11pm. Akaashi stepped outside the car but I didn't move.
"Aren't you coming?" He asked and ducked lightly, so he could look inside. I jerked my head to his direction. "I- I didn't know if you would like me to come in." I stuttered and detached the seatbelt. Akaashi smiled. "Of course I would like you to." I closed the car door and locked up the vehicle. We walked to the front door of his house. Akaashi unbared the door and we both stepped inside. It was a cozy, small house. The furnishing were minimalistic and eye pleasing. The smell of lemongrass and lime filled my lungs. "
"You can look around, if you like to Bokuto-San." I didn't listen to him. We both walked into his bedroom. I sat down on his bed as he packed a few things. My sight wandered all over his room but as soon as they got stuck on the retro record player, I stood up and walked up to his commode. The discs were stapled next to it.

POV Akaashi

I kneed down on one knee, grabbed another black hoodie and folded it. Suddenly the sound of my favorite song started to play and I turned around. Bokuto was standing at my record player, his back facing me. As the song started playing he made baby jumps out of excitement. A smile flitted over my lips and I looked down.
"Akaashi." I looked back up to Bokuto. He held his hand up to me, his palm facing the ceiling. "Would you like to dance?" I backed up a little bit. "I don't know how to dance Bokuto-San." Bokuto clasped my hand and pulled me up from the floor. "Me neither." He said and laughed. A slight blush crossed my face as his fingers crossed with mine. Bokuto placed his hand on my back and pulled me a little closer to him. We swayed from one feet to another but completely out of synch. Bokuto threw his head back and a loud, chaotic laugh came out of his mouth. "We are such bad dancers Akaashi!" I chuckled. "As long as you don't stomp on my feet it's okay." I answered. Bokuto looked down to me but I wasn't looking at him. The more he was staring, the more I was getting nervous. Suddenly he turned his head to my window and stopped moving. "It is raining." My eyes wandered to the same direction.
"So?" Without answering, Bokuto grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room. He opened the front door. The rain was pouring thickly, that the streets were already covered in water. Within a blink Bokuto jumped under the downfall. His owl hair lost it's volume and his clothes were soaked. Bokuto spread his arms and laughed loudly. I watched him from inside. I couldn't understand the reason why he was doing all of that but seeing him happy and enjoying life warmed up my heart.
"Akaashi you have to join me!" I shook my head. "Bokuto-San, come inside before you catch a cold." Bokuto walked up to me completely wet but instead of stepping inside his arms embraced my body. He pressed me against him so I would get wet as well. "BOKUTO-SAN!" My voice was louder, way too louder than usual.
"Wow Akaashi you can shout like that? I am impressed. Let's see if you can also scream." Bokuto chuckled evil and lifted me up. I tried to rescue myself from his grip but he was way stronger than me. After a few second I found myself under the pouring rain. The drops washed over my skin. My clothes wetted immediately. I looked at Bokuto. He slicked his wet hair back and smiled. Bokuto took my hand in his and crossed his fingers with mine.
"You look great being mad and soaked." A big grin covered his face. I squeezed his hand and the grin dropped to a smile. He looked to our hands and squeezed lightly back. Now he was looking at me. The rain drops rolled down his face, the grey hair ends dripping. The sky was dark but Bokuto's yellow eyes were bright. I lost myself in them once again. After a few minutes, only standing and listening to the rain I spoke up. "That's enough Bokuto-San we should get changed." I said and he nodded. We walked inside the house. Bokuto stripped off his shirt and twisted it with both hands, making a second rainfall happen on my floor. I looked down to the puddle between my toes then back up to him. Bokuto scratched the back of his head abashed. "Oops." I shook my head and smiled. "I will give you something to change." Bokuto unbelted to slip off his pants but hestopped as he heard my voice.
"Could you please do that in the bathroom Bokuto-San."
He laughed. "I get way too comfortable around you Akaashi."

Bokuto walked into my room. His hair still down. "The rain didn't still soothe down. I should give Sugawara a call." I looked up from my book. „It is already late we should drive back tomorrow." I said and just as I expected a smile covered Bokuto's whole face.

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