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I looked through the one-way mirror. Akaashi sat on the chair, his hands rested on the table infront of him. In cuffs.
"From where do you know him?" Oikawa asked and brushed his hair to the side.
"We have been talking for a few weeks now. A friend. I guess." I answered with short sentences. My mind was full with thoughts. The moment I saw him with a gun in his hand I was aghasted. The quiet boy in his beige coat suddenly became a new person. He looked frightening. The way he fired the gun showed, that he had good training for at least 3 years. Luckily Akaashi was more feeble than me, so I could knock him out easily. Daichi and Iwaizumi opened the door and stepped inside the room. Akaashi turned his head around and followed the two with his gaze. Daichi sat down on the chair facing Akaashi. Iwaizumi stopped next to him. Oikawa and I still watched them.
"Do you think he works for Red Jasmine?" I rested my chin on my fist and pouted.
"All his soldiers are noticeably dressed. He doesn't look like one of them." Daichi pointed his finger at Akaashi and spoke. We weren't able to hear him but I knew he was yelling. But it didn't affect Akaashi in any way. He looked at him uninterested and answered his questions with tiny sentences.

POV Akaashi

"We need answers. Either you give them to us, or we will have to sort it out in a different way." The black  hair moved slightly as he pointed his finger aggressively at me.
"I'm sorry to break it to you, but I'm not going to say a single word." The boy smiled provoked.
"It's the last time I'm going to ask you." He leaned forward and supported his elbows on the table. "Who do you work for?" Nothing in this world would make me speak up on something like this. Nothing. Not even the worst torture or even death. I shook my head and looked into his eyes. He stood up from the chair.
"Well, if that's what you want." He walked towards the door. "Iwaizumi you can take it from here." He said and opened the door. I threw a glance after him until he completely disappeared. My eyes wandered back to the spikey haired guy.
"You still have one chance to speak up before I break your face." I smiled slightly. "Go ahead. I don't mind getting hurt or being killed, since I hazard similar consequences in my job." He knit his eyebrows and rolled up his sleeves.
"Bold talker." He said and kicked the table away from me. I looked into his eyes, but before I could blink one time his fist hit my face, making my eyes fill up with tears immediately. The pain crawled up my chin and numbed the whole left side of my face. "Fuck." I said under my breath. He was strong. Really strong and I could tell that he wasn't even giving it all. Iwaizumi took a big swing, suddenly the door opened. As my eyes wandered to the door he smashed my face once again.
"Stop!" The voice was familiar. I spit on the ground. Blood. My sight got blurry but I looked up to the person who rushed inside. It was Bokuto.
"I'll do the rest." He slightly pushed Iwaizumi away. Iwaizumi looked at him intimidating, but it didn't impinge Bokuto in the smallest way.
"I don't mind beating the shit out of you first Bokuto." He said and stepped closer to him. Iwaizumi was much shorter than Bokuto. Even though both of them were buff, I knew for a fact that Iwa would still trounce him.
"You bastard towed this prick to our place. I actually have all the rights to break your neck." Iwaizumis voice rose.
"He knew who I was and I still don't know who he is working for. Depending on my identity he would find out anyone in here." Bokuto talked calmly but the anger in his eyes grew. The door opened and Oikawa stepped inside.
"Iwa-Chan. It looks like physical pain doesn't affect him. Maybe he needs mental pressure from a loved friend." He smirked gleefully. Iwaizumi turned his head around and looked back to Bokuto.
"If you don't make him talk. I'll choke you single-handed." While walking pass Bokuto he bumped his shoulder against his chest. The door closed behind his back. I looked at Bokuto. His eyes looked glassy, just like he was about to tear up. He put his right hand on my cheek and wiped the blood off my lip with his thumb.
"Akaashi." He said with a wretched voice. "It's okay Bokuto-San." I said. "I would do the same, maybe I would've even killed you." Bokuto opened his eyes. "You would?"
I nodded. "Yes. But I am glad you detained me." The corner of his mouth raised.
"I need you to speak." He looked to the one-way mirror. "I can't let anyone hurt you. Please talk to me."
I laid my head back. "I can't." Bokuto took the other chair and sat infront of me. "You have to. There is no way out." His bushy eyebrows rose. "I'll make you talk Akaashi."

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