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The sun shone through the blinds, sunbeams hit my face. I tried to open my eyes but my lids were too heavy. Just like they were made out of steel. With much effort I sat upright and opened them.
"Argh." My hand wandered to my neck and I squeezed it a few times. I let my gaze wander through the room. Everyone sleeping on the weirdest places. Alcohol bottles and snacks all over the floor. We called everyone over to watch a movie, nothing else. How did this even happen? Why did we drink so much? Suddenly the door slammed open. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!" Daichi's voice penetrated my ears. Everyone jerked and sat upright. "GET YOUR ASS TO THE CONFERENCE

"The gas station was raided at 2 am. Surprisingly the two ca. 6'1 tall robbers only grabbed a lot of snacks and left the gas station without demanding for any money. No people where hurt during this act." The black haired cashier appeared on the screen. „ 22 year old Cashier Keij-" Daichi closed the lap top sharply and turned around. Silence filled the room.
"Okay." Daichi spoke up calmly. "I'm not going to ask who it was. We already know who it only could be." Everyones gazes pinned on Kuroo and me.
"Why are you looking at us?!" I shouted and crossed my arms.
"Bokuto-san. Only you two are about 6'1 feet tall and would come up with such a stupid idea." Hinata said and looked up to me. I put my head back and inhaled.
"Okay. Daichi. Punish us." Daichi shook his head.
"Nah. I'm not going to, but Ukai will if you all show up to gun pratice late while having a hangover." He scratched the back of his head. "You two are lucky they couldn't find out your identity." Daichi walked towards the door. "Now. Clean up the mess." Kuroo tapped my back. "This went so much better than I could ever imagine." He stepped back to the TV lounge. I walked to the table and opened Kenmas laptop.
[password] "Damn it!" I said and slammed the screen back against the keyboard. Only Daichi would know Kenma's password. Black hair, dark blue eyes. Who was he?


"Lev please let me have the keys." I held my pinky finger infront of his face. "I won't do anything to your car. I'm begging you. Please." Lev slapped my hand away. "No. Not after you guys literally stole my baby a few days ago." Lev pressed his index finder against my forehead. "That's a crime. I could report you." A wheeze escaped my mouth. "Go ahead, report us. We're already one of the most wanted street organizations in Japan. Including you my babushka." I pinched his right cheek. "NOW PLEASE GIVE ME THE KEYS!" He sighed. "Fine." Lev handed me the keys to one of his cars. "If you're hoping for Jessica, kiss my ass. I still have to change her license plate since you got it all over the news." Jessica was Lev's most loved magnificent specimen, his black matte BMW m3. I blew him a kiss and turned around. "I love you." I said while walking towards the door. "Fuck you!" was the last thing I heard before leaving the room.

I parked the car and looked out of the window. The sun slowly disappeared behind the skyline. "Okay. You're just going in to check if he's okay Bokuto" I mumbled to myself. The look in his eyes was still stuck in my head. He looked so scared. Thinking of it, made my heart weight a few tons. But I'm not regreting anything. It was mad fun! I opened the door and stepped outside. My steps neared themselves to the petrol shop. Is this a good idea? Should I just leave it like that? But before I could answer myself my hand laid on the door handle. I pushed it down and as I opened the door a bell rang above my head. No one was standing at the counter. He probably went inside. Or maybe he's just using the restroom. My gaze dropped as I was waiting for him to show up.
"May can I help you sir?" A feminine voice declared infront of me. I looked up. Brown hair, brown eyes. She looked into my eyes. That was definitely not the black haired, dark blue eyed boy I was looking for. "Uh." I stuttered. Suddenly I realized, that I came off his shift time.
"Where is... the dark haired guy.. from yesterday?" I really hope he worked yesterday. The brunette girl rose one of her thin eyebrows.
"You mean Hana?" No I mean the guy in whose face I held a fat gun, just to let my best friend loot some snacks.
"No I think his name started with something like... Kae... Kei-" before I could finish my sentence she cut my word. "Keiji Akaashi?" I tried to remember what the reporter said a few days ago. It had to be Keiji.
"Yes." I said shortly. "Where is he?"
The girl crossed her arms. "Why are you asking and who even are you?" I copied her gesture and crossed my arms.
"I am his cousin." The answer was spoken with much confidence. "Why don't you know your own cousins name?" My eyebrows rose. "I have.. a rare condition. Memorizing names just don't work with me. I even forget my own grandmother's name." She looked into my eyes, question marks floating over her head.
"Yeah. Just google it. Now where is Akaashi?" I pointed at the cigarettes behind her. „And a pack of red marlboro, please." She turned around and grabbed the cigarette box. „Akaashi works on Monday and Thursday between 3 pm and 7 pm. Saturday he stays from 10 pm until 2 am" I grabbed the cigarettes and handed her the money. "Should I write it down so you won't forget it?" She asked. "Nah I'm just really bad with names. Everything else is fine." Again a questioning look was left on her face.
"What's your name?" I asked. "Yua. And yours?" My steps started backing up. "Not important. It was nice meeting you Yuri." I said and walked out of the shop.

*cough cough* My lungs where about to collapse. The coughing made my chest ache. "That tastes fucking nasty." I sweared and threw the cigarette on the ground. How can granny Ukai smoke so many of these? Tomorrow is Thursday. Shortly before 7 I'll show up. But what will I do? It's just the guilt for scaring him so much, that's why I can't get it out of my head. Nothing else. Even though I've not only scared people, I've also shot a few ones. But he was innocent. His name was Keiji Akaashi.


I'd appreciate any kind of feedback. 💖

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