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POV Bokuto

I laid on the metal bed and I closed my eyes. Bokuto you have to think. Just use your god damn brain. Every time I inhaled my lungs started hurting and I coughed. Definitely caught a cold. My eyes wandered all over the room. Suddenly the sink and toilet hit my sight. I jumped up from the bed.
"YES!" I shouted and clapped my hands. I'm such a genius.
I will let the water overflow and it is going to run under the door. That's when they have to open the door to check. Maybe they will think that I drowned myself. As if Lia's torture wasn't enough.
I took off my shirt and stuffed it into the drain. The water started running and dripped to the ground.
"Now I have to wait." I mumbled and walked towards the bed.
As I walked pass the metal door I could hear a shooting. A sudden hammering made my head turn. What the fuck was happening?
"Back off Bokuto!" Someone shouted. The voice was familiar. I got on the bed and pressed myself against the wall.
Tiny beeping sounds appeared and a few seconds after the heavy metal door got blown up by a loud bang.
I slowly opened my eyes and as I saw the person standing behind the fallen metal my eyes brightened.
"BRO!" I shouted and jumped off the bed right into Kuroo's arms.
"BRO!" He screamed and wrapped his arms around me. "YOU DEADASS CAME TO SAVE ME BRO."
Oikawa grabbed our arms and pulled us away from each other.
"Enough." He said. I losened one arm from Kuroo, grabbed Oikawas neck and pulled him close to us.
"I'm so glad you guys came." As I let both of them go my eyes searched for Akaashi. He wasn't there.
"Akaashi didn't come right?" I asked. Kuroo pressed his lips together.
"We tried to keep him out of this Bokuto, but he was ready to blow a bullet into everyone's brain."
Oikawa handed me a weapon and I took it without a single word.
Where was Akaashi?

POV Akaashi

As a former Hai Yang soldier I knew in which position every single member was standing. I didn't think twice before shooting. I just had to get into the files room.
What did he do to my parents? I had to find out.
As I looked around the corner a soldier was standing at the door.
The files room had every single information about traitors or conflicted people and organizations written down by hand.
Since it was possible for someone to hack online files, they wrote everything down one by one.
He called my mother a traitor, that means her file has to be in there too. Maybe even next to mine. Only Ojisan and Hai Lee had entrance to this room.
I peeked my head around the corner and shot the bullet right into the person's ear. He fell to the ground and I ran to the door. I backed up a few steps and pointed my gun at the code keyboard. After a few shots the door opened and I walked inside. I gasped for air as my eyes hit the view. About 20 lines of big drawer full of files. Every single one was locked. I walked through the gangways and looked at every tag.
My eyes widened. There it was. Akaashi.
I shot the lock open and pulled out the file. My hands were trembling, my knees were shaking. As I read her name my heart started to beat faster.
Airi Akaashi. A picture was clammed next to it. Black long hair. Her eyes were dark, but our eye shapes looked so much alike. My eyes started to fill with tears but I blinked them away. She was pretty. Even through the picture I could tell, that she was a beautiful human being inside and out.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered while brushing my thumb over the picture.
"He told me that you left me. I am so sorry that I believed him, mom." My eyes wandered to the things written underneath it.
'Filed as Traitor due to following actions:
-Refused to join Hai Yang
-In collaboration with CHEN XU (file)
The realization hit me like a truck. My jaw dropped.
Xu. That's Lia's surname. Lia has been brought to Hai Yang as an orphan too. We basically grew up together. Ojisan took care of us both.
They killed her mother too. My body was shaking but I kept reading.
-Backstabbing actions while working for small undercover association TFE along with CHEN XU.'
TFE. The file slipped of my hand and fell to the ground. My body was frozen and I looked at the drawer with an empty gaze. I wasn't sure what to feel. Anger. Sadness? After a long while I felt numb again.
TFE. The day flashed infront my eyes. The day when Ojisan handed me the file of informations to TFE. The day I killed every single one in the building that was written on the file.
I let myself fall on my knees and I looked up to the ceiling. He made me... Tears started to collect in my eyes.
The numbness faded and I collapsed. My forehead was touching the cold ground. My whole body was trembling. The tears started flowing down, a puddle formed on the floor.
My heart was shredding from the inside and I felt the physical pain. My screaming and sobs where interrupted by the need to gasp for air. The empty room halled with my crying and groaning.
"Keiji." The voice made me jerk and I looked up. Ojisan stood infront of me holding a gun in my direction. My chin was trembling, I tried to speak but without any success. With much effort I calmed down and picked myself up the floor. My eyes were burning. The slow process of my heart shattering still hadn't calm, but as I saw this man's face pure anger and hate filled my body. He was the pure devil. The most disgusting human being ever.
"You look so much like your mother Keiji." He stepped closer. "That's why I somehow disliked you since you were a child." A big grin formed on his face causing every wrinkle to appear.
I inhaled through my nose. My heartbeat was slowly slowing down. I grabbed my gun and pointed at him quickly. Heavy breathing.
Suddenly a gun leaned against the back of my head. Behind Ojisan's back Maven appeared. He pointed directly at me.
"Gun down Akaashi." The female voice spoke behind me. It was Lia. My eyebrows drew together. I looked into his navy eyes. Deep into them. Would I even be able to look in mine again? I saw myself in his reflection. I wasn't any different from him.
"What are you gonna do? Kill me and put my name behind Lia's mother?" I shouted so Lia could hear me clearly.
Ojisan chuckled. "What are you talking about Keiji?" He asked. I shook my head and smiled. I smiled out of pure anger.
"Oh you know exactly what I am talking about. You killed mine and Lia's mother. You lied to us!" Lia pressed her gun against my head.
"Stop talking such bullshit Akaashi!" Maven shouted and loaded his gun.
"I will blow your brain out!" He started laughing hysterically.
"If you shoot without my permission you will be dead too, Maven." Ojisan said quietly.
"Lia please listen to me." I wasn't facing her but I could see her face. The face that I grew up with. The sad eyes she always had. She was much more of a scaredy-cat than me. The short fawn hair and the green eyes. She was my sister.
"Please Lia." My voice started shaking again. "He said our parents left us without any reason. He made us hate them. We never had the chance to know what was right. Lia." The gun against my occiput eased.
"Look at this." I said, stepped on the file with my right foot and pushed it infront her feet.
Ojisan shook his head. "Lia don't-" his words cut off as Lia removed the gun from my head and pointed at him.
Maven's eyes widened and now he was pointing at Lia. "Looks like you want to die before Akaashi." He said grinning.
Lia picked up the file, her gun was still pointing at Ojisan.
I closed my eyes. "Lia there is no coincidence in this. Her surname is Xu next to Akaashi. Both our parents are vanished. Just think about it." No response. "Lia they killed our parents. He killed our parents."
Ojisan smiled. "I don't remember myself walking into TFE and shoot every single soul, including your own mother Keiji."
I furrowed, my voice was raising. "YOU BASTARD MADE ME DO IT!" I shouted. My head was glowing again.
"Lia we will find your mother's file together, I promise. You will see her picture. Her name was Chen."
Lia forced a single word out. "Promise?" She asked.
I nodded. "Yes! Yes I promise." Now Lia was standing next to me. The gun in her hands was shaking. "You fucking bastard!" She said and loaded her gun.
My head was spinning. This would end up as a blood bath. If I would react fast enough I could kill both of them. Sweat pearls formed on my forehead.
But before I could think of another strategy Lia pulled the trigger. It shot right into Ojisan's heart. He fell to the ground. As another shot fell I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger.
As I opened them back again, Maven laid on the ground. The bullet shot right between his eyebrows. He didn't shoot me. I scanned my body. No blood. As the corner of my eyes hit the floor I held my breath. My head slowly turned to the left.
Lia was laying on the ground. Blood was spurting out of her throat. I kneed down next to her and grabbed her arm.
"Lia!" I shouted. "Lia no!" My hands strobed over her body, as if I was able to do something. But it was hopeless. I grabbed her head. Her eyes still reflected a little sparkle of life.
"Lia no! Please!" Tears started running down my face. "Lia." My mouth was quaking, causing my teeth to clack. I brushed the short hair back and looked into her eyes. "Please don't go. We have to look at the file. Your mother's picture." My sight got blurry and I leaned my head against her chest. "Lia, you wanted to see your mother."


I apologize.

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